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Lines Matching refs:r2

992 			stw		r2,LTR_r2+4(r20)				; Save register
1116 std r2,LTR_r2(r20) ; Save register
1242 notsleep: stw r2,saver2+4(r13) ; Save this one
1244 rlwinm r2,r1,0,nap+1,doze-1 ; Clear any possible nap and doze bits
1245 mtspr hid0,r2 ; Clear the nap/doze bits
1250 mfsprg r2,0 ; Get the per_proc area
1265 lwz r1,spcFlags(r2) ; Load spcFlags
1269 lwz r4,FAMintercept(r2) ; Load exceptions mask to intercept
1277 lwz r1,pfAvailable(r2) ; Get the CPU features flags
1313 stw r8,ruptStamp(r2) ; Save the top of time stamp
1315 stw r7,ruptStamp+4(r2) ; Save the bottom of time stamp
1327 lwz r6,napStamp+4(r2) ; Pick up low order nap stamp
1329 lwz r5,napStamp(r2) ; and high order
1331 lwz r6,napTotal+4(r2) ; Pick up low total
1333 lwz r8,napTotal(r2) ; Pick up the high total
1337 stw r6,napTotal+4(r2) ; Save the low total
1338 stw r8,napTotal(r2) ; Save the high total
1344 lwz r3,pfHID1(r2) ; Get saved HID1 value
1351 lwz r3,pfMSSCR0(r2) ; Get saved MSSCR0 value
1379 lwz r21,spcFlags(r2) ; Get the special flags from per_proc
1382 lhz r30,pfrptdProc(r2) ; Get the reported processor type
1457 lhz r19,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r2) ; Get the logical processor number
1509 lwz r16,ruptStamp(r2) ; Get top of time base
1510 lwz r17,ruptStamp+4(r2) ; Get the bottom of time stamp
1576 mfsprg r2,0 ; Get the per_proc info
1579 dcbz r10,r2 ; Clear for speed
1580 stw r3,next_savearea+4(r2) ; Store the savearea for the next rupt
1602 std r2,saver2(r13) ; Save this one
1604 rlwinm r2,r11,29,27,31 ; Get high 5 bits of rupt code
1606 slw r0,r0,r2 ; Move transform validity bit to bit 0
1617 li r2,lgKillResv ; Point to the killing field
1619 stwcx. r2,0,r2 ; Kill any pending reservation
1627 mfsprg r2,0 ; Get the per_proc area
1647 lwz r1,spcFlags(r2) ; Load spcFlags
1651 lwz r4,FAMintercept(r2) ; Load exceptions mask to intercept
1662 eEnoFAM: lwz r1,pfAvailable(r2) ; Get the CPU features flags
1689 std r7,ruptStamp(r2) ; Save the time stamp
1694 ld r6,napStamp(r2) ; Pick up nap stamp
1697 ld r6,napTotal(r2) ; Pick up total
1700 std r6,napTotal(r2) ; Save the high total
1714 lwz r17,spcFlags(r2) ; Get the special flags from per_proc
1789 lhz r19,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r2) ; Get the logical processor number
1841 ld r16,ruptStamp(r2) ; Get top of time base
1878 lwz r17,FPUowner(r2) ; (TEST/DEBUG) Get the current floating point owner
1888 mfsprg r2,0 ; Get the per_proc info
1891 dcbz128 r10,r2 ; Clear for speed
1892 std r3,next_savearea(r2) ; Store the savearea for the next rupt
1916 stfd f0,emfp0(r2) ; Save FPR0
1917 stfd f1,emfp1(r2) ; Save FPR1
1925 lfd f0,emfp0(r2) ; Restore FPR0
1927 lfd f1,emfp1(r2) ; Restore FPR1
1931 stvxl v0,r10,r2 ; Save a register
1932 stvxl v1,r14,r2 ; Save a second register
1942 lvxl v0,r10,r2 ; Restore first work register
1943 lvxl v1,r14,r2 ; Restore second work register
1956 mfsprg r2,0 ; Restore per_proc
1959 la r12,hwCounts(r2) ; Point to the exception count area
1964 lwz r23,hwRedrives(r2) ; Get the redrive count
1973 stw r23,hwRedrives(r2) ; Save the redrive count
2045 lwz r20,hwIgnored(r2) ; Grab the ignored interruption count
2047 stw r20,hwIgnored(r2) ; Save the ignored count
2107 mfsprg r2,0 ; (BRINGUP)
2143 lwz r27,patcharea+4(r2) ; (BRINGUP)
2147 stw r27,patcharea+4(r2) ; (BRINGUP)
2218 lwz r28,patcharea+12(r2) ; (BRINGUP)
2230 stw r28,patcharea+12(r2) ; (BRINGUP)
2231 lwz r10,patcharea+8(r2) ; (BRINGUP)
2232 lwz r0,patcharea+4(r2) ; (BRINGUP)
2236 stw r0,patcharea(r2) ; (BRINGUP)
2279 mfsprg r2,0 ; Get back per_proc
2280 lwz r1,spcFlags(r2) ; Load spcFlags
2284 lwz r6,FAMintercept(r2) ; Load exceptions mask to intercept
2553 la r3,emvr0(r2) ; Use this to keep track of valid ESIDs we find
2556 mckSLBck: la r4,emvr0(r2) ; Use this to keep track of valid ESIDs we find
2593 sth r3,ppInvSeg(r2) ; Store non-zero to trigger SLB reload
2619 la r9,hwMckERCPE(r2) ; Get DERAT parity error count
2655 mckUnk: lwz r21,hwMckUnk(r2) ; Get unknown error count
2657 stw r21,hwMckUnk(r2) ; Stuff it
2665 lwz r21,hwMckHang(r2) ; Get hang recovery count
2667 stw r21,hwMckHang(r2) ; Stick it back
2675 lwz r21,hwMckHang(r2) ; Get hang recovery count
2677 stw r21,hwMckHang(r2) ; Stick it back
2686 la r19,hwMckICachePE(r2) ; Point to counter
2690 la r19,hwMckITagPE(r2) ; Point to counter
2694 la r19,hwMckITagPE(r2) ; Point to counter
2698 la r19,hwMckIEratPE(r2) ; Point to counter
2711 la r19,hwMckDEratPE(r2) ; Point to counter
2715 la r9,hwMckTLBPE(r2) ; Get TLB parity error count
2768 lwz r21,hwMckHang(r2) ; Get hang recovery count
2770 stw r21,hwMckHang(r2) ; Stick it back
2778 mckUE: lwz r21,hwMckUE(r2) ; Get general uncorrectable error count
2780 stw r21,hwMckUE(r2) ; Stuff it
2783 mckhIFUE: lwz r21,hwMckIUEr(r2) ; Get I-Fetch TLB reload uncorrectable error count
2785 stw r21,hwMckIUEr(r2) ; Stuff it
2788 mckDUE: lwz r21,hwMckDUE(r2) ; Get deferred uncorrectable error count
2790 stw r21,hwMckDUE(r2) ; Stuff it
2815 mckDTW: lwz r21,hwMckDTW(r2) ; Get deferred tablewalk uncorrectable error count
2817 stw r21,hwMckDTW(r2) ; Stuff it
2820 mckL1D: lwz r21,hwMckL1DPE(r2) ; Get data cache parity error count
2822 stw r21,hwMckL1DPE(r2) ; Stuff it
2825 mckL1T: lwz r21,hwMckL1TPE(r2) ; Get TLB parity error count
2827 stw r21,hwMckL1TPE(r2) ; Stuff it
2854 lwz r3,ijsave(r2) ; Get the inject savearea top
2855 lwz r4,ijsave+4(r2) ; And get the bottom of the inject savearea pointer
2997 li r2,MASK(MSR_BE)|MASK(MSR_SE) ; Get the mask to save trace bits
3002 and r3,r3,r2 ; Clear all but trace
3177 noinject2: lwz r2,saver2+4(r31) ; Restore R2
3445 noinject4: ld r2,saver2(r31) ; Restore R2
3585 mfsprg r2,0 ; Get the per_proc block
3618 dcbt br0,r2 ; We will need this in just a sec
3622 0: mftbu r2 ; Avoid using an obsolete timestamp for the redrive
3625 cmplw r0,r2
3628 stw r2,SAVtime(r13)