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Lines Matching refs:r31

131 			lwz		r31,savesrr1+4(r4)				; Pick up the entry MSR 
143 rlwinm. r6,r31,0,MSR_VEC_BIT,MSR_VEC_BIT ; Was vector on?
203 rlwinm. r0,r31,0,MSR_PR_BIT,MSR_PR_BIT ; Are we trapping from supervisor state? (cr0_eq == 1 if yes)
467 mr r31,r16 ; Move the current thread pointer
531 mr r31,r16 ; Restore the current thread pointer
550 cmplw r31,r29 ; Is this syscall in the table?
551 add r31,r27,r28 ; Point right to the syscall table entry
557 lwz r0,MACH_TRAP_ARG_MUNGE32(r31) ; Pick up the 32 bit munge function address
559 lwz r0,MACH_TRAP_ARG_MUNGE64(r31) ; Pick up the 64 bit munge function address
570 lwz r0,MACH_TRAP_FUNCTION(r31) ; Pick up the function address
604 neg r31,r0 ; Make this positive
605 mr r3,r31 ; save it
615 cmplwi r31,MACH_TRAP_TABLE_COUNT ; Is this syscall in the table?
616 add r31,r27,r28 ; Point right to the syscall table entry
622 lwz r0,MACH_TRAP_ARG_MUNGE32(r31) ; Pick up the 32 bit munge function address
624 lwz r0,MACH_TRAP_ARG_MUNGE64(r31) ; Pick up the 64 bit munge function address
635 lwz r0,MACH_TRAP_FUNCTION(r31) ; Pick up the function address
656 mr r31,r16 ; Move the current thread pointer
669 * When we are here, r31 should point to the current thread,
745 * we still have r31 points to the current thread,
757 lwz r5,THREAD_KERNEL_STACK(r31) ; Get the base pointer to the stack
817 mr r31,r30
989 mr r31,r3
1020 mr r3,r31
1124 mr r31,r10 ; Move per_proc address
1139 lhz r19,PP_CPU_NUMBER(r31) ; Get our CPU number
1141 stw r0,holdQFret(r31) ; Make sure we hold off releasing quickfret
1201 lwz r8,quickfret(r31) ; Get the first in quickfret list (top)
1202 lwz r9,quickfret+4(r31) ; Get the first in quickfret list (bottom)
1208 stw r2,quickfret(r31) ; Set the first in quickfret list (top)
1209 stw r3,quickfret+4(r31) ; Set the first in quickfret list (bottom)
1264 lwz r21,FPUowner(r31) ; Get the ID of the live context
1287 lwz r8,quickfret(r31) ; Get the first in quickfret list (top)
1288 lwz r9,quickfret+4(r31) ; Get the first in quickfret list (bottom)
1294 stw r2,quickfret(r31) ; Set the first in quickfret list (top)
1295 stw r3,quickfret+4(r31) ; Set the first in quickfret list (bottom)
1367 lwz r8,quickfret(r31) ; Get the first in quickfret list (top)
1368 lwz r9,quickfret+4(r31) ; Get the first in quickfret list (bottom)
1374 stw r2,quickfret(r31) ; Set the first in quickfret list (top)
1375 stw r3,quickfret+4(r31) ; Set the first in quickfret list (bottom)
1390 vmxchkena: lwz r21,VMXowner(r31) ; Get the ID of the live context
1412 lwz r8,quickfret(r31) ; Get the first in quickfret list (top)
1413 lwz r9,quickfret+4(r31) ; Get the first in quickfret list (bottom)
1419 stw r2,quickfret(r31) ; Set the first in quickfret list (top)
1420 stw r3,quickfret+4(r31) ; Set the first in quickfret list (bottom)
1439 stw r0,holdQFret(r31) ; Release quickfret
1445 lwz r6,spcFlags(r31) ; Get per_proc copy
1449 stw r6,spcFlags(r31) ; Set per_proc copy
1685 li r31,0 ; Get a 0
1688 stw r31,traceMask(0) ; Force tracing off right now
1696 chokespin: addi r31,r31,1 ; Spin and hope for an analyzer connection...
1697 addi r31,r31,1 ; Spin and hope for an analyzer connection...
1698 addi r31,r31,1 ; Spin and hope for an analyzer connection...
1699 addi r31,r31,1 ; Spin and hope for an analyzer connection...
1700 addi r31,r31,1 ; Spin and hope for an analyzer connection...
1701 addi r31,r31,1 ; Spin and hope for an analyzer connection...
1762 mflr r31 ; (TEST/DEBUG) Save return
1769 mtlr r31 ; (TEST/DEBUG) Restore return