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Lines Matching refs:uInt

258    extern void zmemcpy  OF((Bytef* dest, const Bytef* source, uInt len));
259 extern int zmemcmp OF((const Bytef* s1, const Bytef* s2, uInt len));
260 extern void zmemzero OF((Bytef* dest, uInt len));
285 uInt len));
391 uInt w_size; /* LZ77 window size (32K by default) */
392 uInt w_bits; /* log2(w_size) (8..16) */
393 uInt w_mask; /* w_size - 1 */
418 uInt ins_h; /* hash index of string to be inserted */
419 uInt hash_size; /* number of elements in hash table */
420 uInt hash_bits; /* log2(hash_size) */
421 uInt hash_mask; /* hash_size-1 */
423 uInt hash_shift;
435 uInt match_length; /* length of best match */
438 uInt strstart; /* start of string to insert */
439 uInt match_start; /* start of matching string */
440 uInt lookahead; /* number of valid bytes ahead in window */
442 uInt prev_length;
447 uInt max_chain_length;
453 uInt max_lazy_match;
467 uInt good_match;
498 uInt lit_bufsize;
518 uInt last_lit; /* running index in l_buf */
528 uInt matches; /* number of string matches in current block */
695 static void putShortMSB OF((deflate_state *s, uInt b));
700 uInt longest_match OF((deflate_state *s, IPos cur_match));
702 static uInt longest_match OF((deflate_state *s, IPos cur_match));
900 deflateSetDictionary(z_streamp strm, const Bytef *dictionary, uInt dictLength)
903 uInt length = dictLength;
904 uInt n;
1007 putShortMSB(deflate_state *s, uInt b)
1066 uInt header = (Z_DEFLATED + ((s->w_bits-8)<<4)) << 8;
1067 uInt level_flags = (s->level-1) >> 1;
1079 putShortMSB(s, (uInt)(strm->adler >> 16));
1080 putShortMSB(s, (uInt)(strm->adler & 0xffff));
1162 putShortMSB(s, (uInt)(strm->adler >> 16));
1163 putShortMSB(s, (uInt)(strm->adler & 0xffff));
1245 zmemcpy(ds->pending_buf, ss->pending_buf, (uInt)ds->pending_buf_size);
1328 static uInt
1343 uInt wmask = s->w_mask;
1370 if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead;
1461 if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len;
1469 static uInt
1565 uInt wsize = s->w_size;
1714 s->lookahead = (uInt)(s->strstart - max_start);
1715 s->strstart = (uInt)max_start;
1721 if (s->strstart - (uInt)s->block_start >= MAX_DIST(s)) {
1889 uInt max_insert = s->strstart + s->lookahead - MIN_MATCH;
3350 uInt w)); /* window size */
3369 uInt n)); /* dictionary length */
3402 uInt method; /* if FLAGS, method byte */
3407 uInt marker; /* if BAD, inflateSync's marker bytes count */
3412 uInt wbits; /* log2(window size) (8..15, defaults to 15) */
3490 s->wbits = (uInt)w;
3494 inflate_blocks_new(z, s->nowrap ? Z_NULL : adler32, (uInt)1 << w))
3522 uInt b;
3650 uInt dictLength;
3652 uInt length = dictLength;
3662 if (length >= ((uInt)1<<s->wbits))
3676 uInt n; /* number of bytes to look at */
3678 uInt m; /* number of marker bytes found in a row */
3775 uInt pad; /* pad structure to a power of 2 (4 bytes for */
3777 uInt base; /* literal, length base, distance base,
3796 uInt, /* number of literal/length codes */
3797 uInt, /* number of distance codes */
3829 uInt, uInt,
3879 uInt left; /* if STORED, bytes left to copy */
3881 uInt table; /* table lengths (14 bits) */
3882 uInt index; /* index into blens (or border) */
3884 uInt bb; /* bit length tree depth */
3892 uInt last; /* true if this block is the last block */
3895 uInt bitk; /* bits in bit buffer */
3922 #define WAVAIL (uInt)(q<s->read?s->read-q-1:s->end-q)
3923 #define LOADOUT {q=s->write;m=(uInt)WAVAIL;}
3924 #define WRAP {if(q==s->end&&s->read!=s->window){q=s->window;m=(uInt)WAVAIL;}}
3933 static uInt inflate_mask[17] = {
3961 static const uInt border[] = { /* Order of the bit length code lengths */
4034 uInt w;
4067 uInt t; /* temporary storage */
4069 uInt k; /* bits in bit buffer */
4071 uInt n; /* bytes available there */
4073 uInt m; /* bytes to end of window or read pointer */
4083 t = (uInt)b & 7;
4099 uInt bl, bd;
4136 s->sub.left = (uInt)b & 0xffff;
4160 s->sub.trees.table = t = (uInt)b & 0x3fff;
4171 if ((s->sub.trees.blens = (uIntf*)ZALLOC(z, t, sizeof(uInt))) == Z_NULL)
4184 s->sub.trees.blens[border[s->sub.trees.index++]] = (uInt)b & 7;
4210 uInt i, j, c;
4214 h = s->sub.trees.tb + ((uInt)b & inflate_mask[t]);
4228 j += (uInt)b & inflate_mask[i];
4250 uInt bl, bd;
4262 if (t == (uInt)Z_DATA_ERROR)
4330 uInt n;
4382 uInt, /* number of codes */
4383 uInt, /* number of "simple" codes */
4389 uInt *, /* hufts used in space */
4393 static const uInt cplens[31] = { /* Copy lengths for literal codes 257..285 */
4397 static const uInt cplext[31] = { /* Extra bits for literal codes 257..285 */
4400 static const uInt cpdist[30] = { /* Copy offsets for distance codes 0..29 */
4404 static const uInt cpdext[30] = { /* Extra bits for distance codes */
4451 uInt n; /* number of codes (assumed <= 288) */
4452 uInt s; /* number of simple-valued codes (0..s-1) */
4458 uInt *hn; /* hufts used in space */
4463 huft_build(uIntf *b, uInt n, uInt s, const uIntf *d, const uIntf *e,
4464 inflate_huft * FAR *t, uIntf *m, inflate_huft *hp, uInt *hn,
4467 uInt a; /* counter for codes of length k */
4468 uInt c[BMAX+1]; /* bit length count table */
4469 uInt f; /* i repeats in table every f entries */
4472 uInt i; /* counter, current code */
4473 uInt j; /* counter */
4476 uInt mask; /* (1 << w) - 1, to avoid cc -O bug on HP */
4482 uInt x[BMAX+1]; /* bit offsets, then code stack */
4485 uInt z; /* number of entries in current table */
4512 if ((uInt)l < j)
4518 if ((uInt)l > i)
4573 z = z > (uInt)l ? l : z; /* table size upper limit */
4601 r.base = (uInt)(q - u[h-1] - j); /* offset to this table */
4658 uInt hn = 0; /* hufts used in space */
4661 if ((v = (uIntf*)ZALLOC(z, 19, sizeof(uInt))) == Z_NULL)
4678 uInt nl; /* number of literal/length codes */
4679 uInt nd; /* number of distance codes */
4689 uInt hn = 0; /* hufts used in space */
4693 if ((v = (uIntf*)ZALLOC(z, 288, sizeof(uInt))) == Z_NULL)
4746 static uInt fixed_bl;
4747 static uInt fixed_bd;
4761 static uInt fixed_bl = 9;
4762 static uInt fixed_bd = 5;
4919 uInt f = 0; /* number of hufts used in fixed_mem */
4924 if ((c = (uIntf*)ZALLOC(z, 288, sizeof(uInt))) == Z_NULL)
4926 if ((v = (uIntf*)ZALLOC(z, 288, sizeof(uInt))) == Z_NULL)
4997 uInt,
4998 uInt,
5029 uInt len;
5033 uInt need; /* bits needed */
5035 uInt lit; /* if LIT, literal */
5037 uInt get; /* bits to get for extra */
5038 uInt dist; /* distance back to copy from */
5052 uInt bl, bd;
5078 uInt j; /* temporary storage */
5080 uInt e; /* extra bits or operation */
5082 uInt k; /* bits in bit buffer */
5084 uInt n; /* bytes available there */
5086 uInt m; /* bytes to end of window or read pointer */
5116 t = c->sub.code.tree + ((uInt)b & inflate_mask[j]);
5118 e = (uInt)(t->exop);
5154 c->len += (uInt)b & inflate_mask[j];
5163 t = c->sub.code.tree + ((uInt)b & inflate_mask[j]);
5165 e = (uInt)(t->exop);
5186 c->sub.copy.dist += (uInt)b & inflate_mask[j];
5268 uInt n;
5277 n = (uInt)((q <= s->write ? s->write : s->end) - q);
5303 n = (uInt)(s->write - q);
5361 uInt bl, bd;
5368 uInt e; /* extra bits or operation */
5370 uInt k; /* bits in bit buffer */
5372 uInt n; /* bytes available there */
5374 uInt m; /* bytes to end of window or read pointer */
5375 uInt ml; /* mask for literal/length tree */
5376 uInt md; /* mask for distance tree */
5377 uInt c; /* bytes to copy */
5378 uInt d; /* distance back to copy from */
5392 if ((e = (t = tl + ((uInt)b & ml))->exop) == 0)
5408 c = t->base + ((uInt)b & inflate_mask[e]);
5414 e = (t = td + ((uInt)b & md))->exop;
5422 d = t->base + ((uInt)b & inflate_mask[e]);
5468 e = (t += ((uInt)b & inflate_mask[e]))->exop;
5483 if ((e = (t += ((uInt)b & inflate_mask[e]))->exop) == 0)
5569 uInt len;
5580 uInt len;
5582 uInt j;
5592 uInt len;
5709 extern voidp calloc OF((uInt items, uInt size));
5753 adler32(uLong adler, const Bytef *buf, uInt len)