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Lines Matching refs:service

163 typedef void (*IOServiceApplierFunction)(IOService * service, void * context);
171 @discussion The IOService base class defines APIs used to publish services, instantiate other services based on the existance of a providing service (ie. driver stacking), destroy a service and its dependent stack, notify interested parties of service state changes, and general utility functions useful across all families.
173 Types of service are specified with a matching dictionary that describes properties of the service. For example, a matching dictionary might describe any IOUSBDevice (or subclass), an IOUSBDevice with a certain class code, or a IOPCIDevice with a set of OpenFirmware matching names or device & vendor IDs. Since the matching dictionary is interpreted by the family which created the service, as well as generically by IOService, the list of properties considered for matching depends on the familiy.
177 IOService provides matching based on C++ class (via OSMetaClass dynamic casting), registry entry name, a registry path to the service (which includes OpenFirmware paths), a name assigned by BSD, or by its location (its point of attachment).
269 The class name that the service will attempt to allocate when a user client connection is requested. First the device nub is queried, then the nub's provider is queried by default.
454 @abstract During an IOService object's instantiation, probes a matched service to see if it can be used.
455 @discussion The registration process for an IOService object (the provider) includes instantiating possible driver clients. The <code>probe</code> method is called in the client instance to check the matched service can be used before the driver is considered to be started. Since matching screens many possible providers, in many cases the <code>probe</code> method can be left unimplemented by IOService subclasses. The client is already attached to the provider when <code>probe</code> is called.
539 @discussion Registering an IOService object informs possible clients of its existance and instantiates drivers that may be used with it; <code>terminate</code> involves the opposite process of informing clients that an IOService object is no longer able to be used and will be destroyed. By default, if any client has the service open, <code>terminate</code> fails. If the <code>kIOServiceRequired</code> flag is passed however, <code>terminate</code> will be successful though further progress in the destruction of the IOService object will not proceed until the last client has closed it. The service will be made inactive immediately upon successful termination, and all its clients will be notified via their @link message message@/link method with a message of type <code>kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated</code>. Both these actions take place on the caller's thread. After the IOService object is made inactive, further matching or attach calls will fail on it. Each client has its @link stop stop@/link method called upon their close of an inactive IOService object , or on its termination if they do not have it open. After <code>stop</code>, @link detach detach@/link is called in each client. When all clients have been detached, the @link finalize finalize@/link method is called in the inactive service. The termination process is inherently asynchronous because it will be deferred until all clients have chosen to close.
540 @param options In most cases no options are needed. <code>kIOServiceSynchronous</code> may be passed to cause <code>terminate</code> to not return until the service is finalized. */
553 @abstract Frees data structures that were allocated when power management was initialized on this service. */
625 /* Resource service */
628 @abstract Uses the resource service to publish a property.
629 @discussion The resource service uses IOService's matching and notification to allow objects to be published and found by any I/O Kit client by a global name. <code>publishResource</code> makes an object available to anyone waiting for it or looking for it in the future.
636 @abstract Uses the resource service to publish a property.
637 @discussion The resource service uses IOService object's matching and notification to allow objects to be published and found by any I/O Kit client by a global name. <code>publishResource</code> makes an object available to anyone waiting for it or looking for it in the future.
669 @abstract Waits for a matching to service to be published.
730 @param name The service's name, as a const C string. Name matching is successful on IOService objects that respond successfully to the <code>IORegistryEntry::compareName</code> method.
740 @param name The service's name, as an OSString (which includes OSSymbol). Name matching is successful on IOService objects that respond successfully to the <code>IORegistryEntry::compareName</code> method.
748 @abstract Creates a matching dictionary, or adds matching properties to an existing dictionary, that specify a resource service match.
749 @discussion IOService maintains a resource service IOResources that allows objects to be published and found globally in the I/O Kit based on a name, using the standard IOService matching and notification calls.
758 @abstract Creates a matching dictionary, or adds matching properties to an existing dictionary, that specify a resource service match.
759 @discussion IOService maintains a resource service IOResources that allows objects to be published and found globally in the I/O Kit based on a name, using the standard IOService matching and notification calls.
771 @param key The service's phandle, as a const UInt32. PHandle matching is successful on IOService objects that respond successfully to the IORegistryEntry method compareName.
772 @param value The service's phandle, as a const UInt32. PHandle matching is successful on IOService's which respond successfully to the IORegistryEntry method compareName.
822 @discussion This function called in an IOService client enters the client into the I/O Registry as a child of the provider in the service plane. The provider must be active or the attach will fail. Multiple attach calls to the same provider are no-ops and return success. A client may be attached to multiple providers. Entering an object into the I/O Registry retains both the client and provider until they are detached.
830 @discussion This function called in an IOService client removes the client as a child of the provider in the service plane of the I/O Registry. If the provider is not a parent of the client this is a no-op, otherwise the I/O Registry releases both the client and provider.
851 @discussion For those few IOService objects that obtain service from multiple providers, this method supplies an iterator over a client's providers.
858 @discussion For those few IOService objects that obtain service from multiple providers, this method supplies an iterator over a client's providers, locking each in turn with @link lockForArbitration lockForArbitration@/link and returning those that have been opened by the client.
886 @discussion The platform expert or other drivers may implement various functions to control hardware features. <code>callPlatformFunction</code> allows any IOService object to access these functions. Normally <code>callPlatformFunction</code> is called on a service's provider. The provider services the request or passes it to its provider. The system's IOPlatformExpert subclass catches functions it knows about and redirects them into other parts of the service plane. If the IOPlatformExpert subclass cannot execute the function, the base class is called. The IOPlatformExpert base class attempts to find a service to execute the function by looking up the function name in an IOResources name space. A service may publish a service using <code>publishResource(functionName, this)</code>. If no service can be found to execute the function an error is returned.
889 @result An IOReturn code; <code>kIOReturnSuccess</code> if the function was successfully executed, <code>kIOReturnUnsupported</code> if a service to execute the function could not be found. Other return codes may be returned by the function.*/
919 @abstract Returns a pointer to the root of the service plane.
920 @discussion This method provides an accessor to the root of the service plane for the computer.
921 @result A pointer to the IOService instance at the root of the service plane. It should not be released by the caller. */
926 @abstract Returns a pointer to the IOResources service.
927 @discussion IOService maintains a resource service IOResources that allows objects to be published and found globally in the I/O Kit based on a name, using the standard IOService matching and notification calls.
932 /* Allocate resources for a matched service */