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Lines Matching refs:matching

173 Types of service are specified with a matching dictionary that describes properties of the service. For example, a matching dictionary might describe any IOUSBDevice (or subclass), an IOUSBDevice with a certain class code, or a IOPCIDevice with a set of OpenFirmware matching names or device & vendor IDs. Since the matching dictionary is interpreted by the family which created the service, as well as generically by IOService, the list of properties considered for matching depends on the familiy.
177 IOService provides matching based on C++ class (via OSMetaClass dynamic casting), registry entry name, a registry path to the service (which includes OpenFirmware paths), a name assigned by BSD, or by its location (its point of attachment).
183 When an IOService (the "provider") is published with the @link registerService registerService@/link method, the matching and probing process begins, which is always single threaded per provider. A list of matching dictionaries from the catalog and installed publish notification requests, that successfully match the IOService, is constructed, with ordering supplied by <code>kIOProbeScoreKey</code> ("IOProbeScore") property in the dictionary, or supplied with the notification.
202 Class of the driver to instantiate on matching providers.
208 Class of the provider(s) to be considered for matching, checked with OSDynamicCast so subclasses will also match.
214 The probe score initially used to order multiple matching drivers.
220 A string defining the driver category for matching purposes. All drivers with no <code>IOMatchCategory</code> property are considered to be in the same default category. Only one driver in a category can be started on each provider.
225 A string or collection of strings that match the provider's name. The comparison is implemented with the @link //apple_ref/cpp/instm/IORegistryEntry/compareNames/virtualbool/(OSObject*,OSString**) IORegistryEntry::compareNames@/link method, which supports a single string, or any collection (OSArray, OSSet, OSDictionary etc.) of strings. IOService objects with OpenFirmware device tree properties (eg. IOPCIDevice) will also be matched based on that standard's "compatible", "name", "device_type" properties. The matching name will be left in the driver's property table in the <code>kIONameMatchedKey</code> property.
235 For a list of possible matching names, a serialized array of strings should used, eg.
254 A dictionary of properties that each must exist in the matching IOService and compare successfully with the <code>isEqualTo</code> method.
439 @discussion When an IOService object is successfully terminated, it is immediately made inactive, which blocks further attach()es, matching or notifications occuring on the object. It remains inactive until the last client closes, and is then finalized and destroyed.
449 @param options The default zero options mask is recommended and should be used in most cases. The registration process is usually asynchronous, with possible driver probing and notification occurring some time later. <code>kIOServiceSynchronous</code> may be passed to carry out the matching and notification process for currently registered clients before returning to the caller. */
455 @discussion The registration process for an IOService object (the provider) includes instantiating possible driver clients. The <code>probe</code> method is called in the client instance to check the matched service can be used before the driver is considered to be started. Since matching screens many possible providers, in many cases the <code>probe</code> method can be left unimplemented by IOService subclasses. The client is already attached to the provider when <code>probe</code> is called.
456 @param provider The registered IOService object that matches a driver personality's matching dictionary.
457 @param score Pointer to the current driver's probe score, which is used to order multiple matching drivers in the same match category. It defaults to the value of the <code>IOProbeScore</code> property in the drivers property table, or <code>kIODefaultProbeScore</code> if none is specified. The <code>probe</code> method may alter the score to affect start order.
539 @discussion Registering an IOService object informs possible clients of its existance and instantiates drivers that may be used with it; <code>terminate</code> involves the opposite process of informing clients that an IOService object is no longer able to be used and will be destroyed. By default, if any client has the service open, <code>terminate</code> fails. If the <code>kIOServiceRequired</code> flag is passed however, <code>terminate</code> will be successful though further progress in the destruction of the IOService object will not proceed until the last client has closed it. The service will be made inactive immediately upon successful termination, and all its clients will be notified via their @link message message@/link method with a message of type <code>kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated</code>. Both these actions take place on the caller's thread. After the IOService object is made inactive, further matching or attach calls will fail on it. Each client has its @link stop stop@/link method called upon their close of an inactive IOService object , or on its termination if they do not have it open. After <code>stop</code>, @link detach detach@/link is called in each client. When all clients have been detached, the @link finalize finalize@/link method is called in the inactive service. The termination process is inherently asynchronous because it will be deferred until all clients have chosen to close.
579 /* Busy state indicates discovery, matching or termination is in progress */
583 @discussion Many activities in IOService are asynchronous. When registration, matching, or termination is in progress on an IOService object, its <code>busyState</code> is increased by one. Change in <code>busyState</code> to or from zero also changes the IOService object's provider's <code>busyState</code> by one, which means that an IOService object is marked busy when any of the above activities is ocurring on it or any of its clients.
606 @abstract Allows a registered IOService object to implement family specific matching.
607 @discussion All matching on an IOService object will call this method to allow a family writer to implement matching in addition to the generic methods provided by IOService. The implementer should examine the matching dictionary passed to see if it contains properties the family understands for matching, and use them to match with the IOService object if so. Note that since matching is also carried out by other parts of the I/O Kit, the matching dictionary may contain properties the family does not understand - these should not be considered matching failures.
609 @param score Pointer to the current driver's probe score, which is used to order multiple matching drivers in the same match category. It defaults to the value of the <code>IOProbeScore</code> property in the drivers property table, or <code>kIODefaultProbeScore</code> if none is specified.
610 @result <code>false</code> if the family considers the matching dictionary does not match in properties it understands; <code>true</code> otherwise. */
618 @abstract Allows a registered IOService object to direct location matching.
619 @discussion By default, a location matching property will be applied to an IOService object's provider. This method allows that behavior to be overridden by families.
620 @param client The IOService object at which matching is taking place.
621 @result Returns the IOService instance to be used for location matching. */
629 @discussion The resource service uses IOService's matching and notification to allow objects to be published and found by any I/O Kit client by a global name. <code>publishResource</code> makes an object available to anyone waiting for it or looking for it in the future.
637 @discussion The resource service uses IOService object's matching and notification to allow objects to be published and found by any I/O Kit client by a global name. <code>publishResource</code> makes an object available to anyone waiting for it or looking for it in the future.
648 @discussion IOService will deliver notifications of changes in state of an IOService object to registered clients. The type of notification is specified by a symbol, for example <code>gIOMatchedNotification</code> or <code>gIOTerminatedNotification</code>, and notifications will only include IOService objects that match the supplied matching dictionary. Notifications are ordered by a priority set with <code>addNotification</code>. When the notification is installed, its handler will be called with each of any currently existing IOService objects that are in the correct state (eg. registered) and match the supplied matching dictionary, avoiding races between finding preexisting and new IOService events. The notification request is identified by an instance of an IONotifier object, through which it can be enabled, disabled, or removed. <code>addNotification</code> consumes a retain count on the matching dictionary when the notification is removed.
655 @param matching A matching dictionary to restrict notifications to only matching IOService objects. The dictionary will be released when the notification is removed, consuming the passed-in reference.
663 const OSSymbol * type, OSDictionary * matching,
669 @abstract Waits for a matching to service to be published.
670 @discussion Provides a method of waiting for an IOService object matching the supplied matching dictionary to be registered and fully matched.
671 @param matching The matching dictionary describing the desired IOService object. <code>waitForService</code> consumes one reference of the matching dictionary.
673 @result A published IOService object matching the supplied dictionary. */
675 static IOService * waitForService( OSDictionary * matching,
679 @abstract Finds the set of current published IOService objects matching a matching dictionary.
680 @discussion Provides a method of finding the current set of published IOService objects matching the supplied matching dictionary.
681 @param matching The matching dictionary describing the desired IOService objects.
684 static OSIterator * getMatchingServices( OSDictionary * matching );
688 @discussion A lower level interface to @link addNotification addNotification@/link that installs a handler and returns the current set of IOService objects that are in the specified state and match the matching dictionary.
690 @param matching See <code>addNotification</code>.
695 @param existing Returns an iterator over the set of IOService objects that are currently in the specified state and match the matching dictionary.
699 const OSSymbol * type, OSDictionary * matching,
704 /* Helpers to make matching dictionaries for simple cases,
708 @abstract Creates a matching dictionary, or adds matching properties to an existing dictionary, that specify an IOService class match.
709 @discussion A very common matching criteria for IOService object is based on its class. <code>serviceMatching</code> creates a matching dictionary that specifies any IOService object of a class, or its subclasses. The class is specified by name, and an existing dictionary may be passed in, in which case the matching properties will be added to that dictionary rather than creating a new one.
710 @param className The class name, as a const C string. Class matching is successful on IOService objects of this class or any subclass.
711 @param table If zero, <code>serviceMatching</code> creates a matching dictionary and returns a reference to it, otherwise the matching properties are added to the specified dictionary.
712 @result The matching dictionary created, or passed in, is returned on success, or zero on failure. */
718 @abstract Creates a matching dictionary, or adds matching properties to an existing dictionary, that specify an IOService class match.
719 @discussion A very common matching criteria for IOService object is based on its class. <code>serviceMatching</code> creates a matching dictionary that specifies any IOService of a class, or its subclasses. The class is specified by name, and an existing dictionary may be passed in, in which case the matching properties will be added to that dictionary rather than creating a new one.
720 @param className The class name, as an OSString (which includes OSSymbol). Class matching is successful on IOService objects of this class or any subclass.
721 @param table If zero, <code>serviceMatching</code> creates a matching dictionary and returns a reference to it, otherwise the matching properties are added to the specified dictionary.
722 @result The matching dictionary created, or passed in, is returned on success, or zero on failure. */
728 @abstract Creates a matching dictionary, or adds matching properties to an existing dictionary, that specify an IOService name match.
729 @discussion A very common matching criteria for IOService object is based on its name. <code>nameMatching</code> creates a matching dictionary that specifies any IOService object which responds successfully to the @link //apple_ref/cpp/instm/IORegistryEntry/compareName/virtualbool/(OSString*,OSString**) IORegistryEntry::compareName@/link method. An existing dictionary may be passed in, in which case the matching properties will be added to that dictionary rather than creating a new one.
730 @param name The service's name, as a const C string. Name matching is successful on IOService objects that respond successfully to the <code>IORegistryEntry::compareName</code> method.
731 @param table If zero, <code>nameMatching</code> creates a matching dictionary and returns a reference to it, otherwise the matching properties are added to the specified dictionary.
732 @result The matching dictionary created, or passed in, is returned on success, or zero on failure. */
738 @abstract Creates a matching dictionary, or adds matching properties to an existing dictionary, that specify an IOService name match.
739 @discussion A very common matching criteria for IOService object is based on its name. <code>nameMatching</code> creates a matching dictionary that specifies any IOService object which responds successfully to the @link //apple_ref/cpp/instm/IORegistryEntry/compareName/virtualbool/(OSString*,OSString**) IORegistryEntry::compareName@/link method. An existing dictionary may be passed in, in which case the matching properties will be added to that dictionary rather than creating a new one.
740 @param name The service's name, as an OSString (which includes OSSymbol). Name matching is successful on IOService objects that respond successfully to the <code>IORegistryEntry::compareName</code> method.
741 @param table If zero, <code>nameMatching</code> creates a matching dictionary and returns a reference to it, otherwise the matching properties are added to the specified dictionary.
742 @result The matching dictionary created, or passed in, is returned on success, or zero on failure. */
748 @abstract Creates a matching dictionary, or adds matching properties to an existing dictionary, that specify a resource service match.
749 @discussion IOService maintains a resource service IOResources that allows objects to be published and found globally in the I/O Kit based on a name, using the standard IOService matching and notification calls.
750 @param name The resource name, as a const C string. Resource matching is successful when an object by that name has been published with the <code>publishResource</code> method.
751 @param table If zero, <code>resourceMatching</code> creates a matching dictionary and returns a reference to it, otherwise the matching properties are added to the specified dictionary.
752 @result The matching dictionary created, or passed in, is returned on success, or zero on failure. */
758 @abstract Creates a matching dictionary, or adds matching properties to an existing dictionary, that specify a resource service match.
759 @discussion IOService maintains a resource service IOResources that allows objects to be published and found globally in the I/O Kit based on a name, using the standard IOService matching and notification calls.
760 @param name The resource name, as an OSString (which includes OSSymbol). Resource matching is successful when an object by that name has been published with the <code>publishResource</code> method.
761 @param table If zero, <code>resourceMatching</code> creates a matching dictionary and returns a reference to it, otherwise the matching properties are added to the specified dictionary.
762 @result The matching dictionary created, or passed in, is returned on success, or zero on failure. */
769 @abstract Creates a matching dictionary, or adds matching properties to an existing dictionary, that specify an IOService phandle match.
770 @discussion TODO A very common matching criteria for IOService is based on its name. nameMatching will create a matching dictionary that specifies any IOService which respond successfully to the IORegistryEntry method compareName. An existing dictionary may be passed in, in which case the matching properties will be added to that dictionary rather than creating a new one.
771 @param key The service's phandle, as a const UInt32. PHandle matching is successful on IOService objects that respond successfully to the IORegistryEntry method compareName.
772 @param value The service's phandle, as a const UInt32. PHandle matching is successful on IOService's which respond successfully to the IORegistryEntry method compareName.
773 @param table If zero, nameMatching will create a matching dictionary and return a reference to it, otherwise the matching properties are added to the specified dictionary.
774 @result The matching dictionary created, or passed in, is returned on success, or zero on failure. */
780 @abstract Adds a location matching property to an existing dictionary.
781 @discussion This function creates matching properties that specify the location of a IOService object, as an embedded matching dictionary. This matching will be successful on an IOService object that attached to an IOService object which matches this location matching dictionary.
782 @param table The matching properties are added to the specified dictionary, which must be non-zero.
783 @result The location matching dictionary created is returned on success, or zero on failure. */
787 /* Helpers for matching dictionaries. */
790 @abstract Compares a property in a matching dictionary with an IOService object's property table.
791 @discussion This is a helper function to aid in implementing @link matchPropertyTable matchPropertyTable@/link. If the property specified by <code>key</code> exists in the matching dictionary, it is compared with a property of the same name in the IOService object's property table. The comparison is performed with the <code>isEqualTo</code> method. If the property does not exist in the matching table, success is returned. If the property exists in the matching dictionary but not the IOService property table, failure is returned.
792 @param matching The matching dictionary, which must be non-zero.
794 @result <code>true</code> if the property does not exist in the matching table. If the property exists in the matching dictionary but not the IOService property table, failure is returned. Otherwise the result of calling the property from the matching dictionary's <code>isEqualTo</code> method with the IOService property as an argument is returned. */
796 virtual bool compareProperty( OSDictionary * matching,
799 @abstract Compares a property in a matching dictionary with an IOService object's property table.
800 @discussion This is a helper function to aid in implementing @link matchPropertyTable matchPropertyTable@/link. If the property specified by <code>key</code> exists in the matching dictionary, it is compared with a property of the same name in the IOService object's property table. The comparison is performed with the <code>isEqualTo</code> method. If the property does not exist in the matching table, success is returned. If the property exists in the matching dictionary but not the IOService property table, failure is returned.
801 @param matching The matching dictionary, which must be non-zero.
803 @result <code>true</code> if the property does not exist in the matching table. If the property exists in the matching dictionary but not the IOService property table, failure is returned. Otherwise the result of calling the property from the matching dictionary's <code>isEqualTo</code> method with the IOService property as an argument is returned. */
805 virtual bool compareProperty( OSDictionary * matching,
809 @abstract Compares a set of properties in a matching dictionary with an IOService object's property table.
810 @discussion This is a helper function to aid in implementing @link matchPropertyTable matchPropertyTable@/link. A collection of dictionary keys specifies properties in a matching dictionary to be compared, with <code>compareProperty</code>, with an IOService object's property table, if <code>compareProperty</code> returns <code>true</code> for each key, success is returned; otherwise failure.
811 @param matching The matching dictionary, which must be non-zero.
815 virtual bool compareProperties( OSDictionary * matching,
927 @discussion IOService maintains a resource service IOResources that allows objects to be published and found globally in the I/O Kit based on a name, using the standard IOService matching and notification calls.
936 @discussion This method is called during the registration process for an IOService object if there are successful driver matches, before any clients attach. It allows for lazy allocation of resources to an IOService object when a matching driver is found.
1152 virtual bool checkResource( OSObject * matching );
1158 virtual bool passiveMatch( OSDictionary * matching, bool changesOK = false);
1164 static OSObject * getExistingServices( OSDictionary * matching,
1168 const OSSymbol * type, OSDictionary * matching,
1174 const OSSymbol * type, OSDictionary * matching,