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Lines Matching refs:handler

146     @param newService The IOService object the notification is delivering. It is retained for the duration of the handler's invocation and doesn't need to be released by the handler. */
155 @param provider The IOService object who is delivering the notification. It is retained for the duration of the handler's invocation and doesn't need to be released by the handler.
647 @abstract Adds a persistant notification handler to be notified of IOService events.
648 @discussion IOService will deliver notifications of changes in state of an IOService object to registered clients. The type of notification is specified by a symbol, for example <code>gIOMatchedNotification</code> or <code>gIOTerminatedNotification</code>, and notifications will only include IOService objects that match the supplied matching dictionary. Notifications are ordered by a priority set with <code>addNotification</code>. When the notification is installed, its handler will be called with each of any currently existing IOService objects that are in the correct state (eg. registered) and match the supplied matching dictionary, avoiding races between finding preexisting and new IOService events. The notification request is identified by an instance of an IONotifier object, through which it can be enabled, disabled, or removed. <code>addNotification</code> consumes a retain count on the matching dictionary when the notification is removed.
656 @param handler A C function callback to deliver notifications.
664 IOServiceNotificationHandler handler,
687 @abstract Adds a persistant notification handler to be notified of IOService events.
688 @discussion A lower level interface to @link addNotification addNotification@/link that installs a handler and returns the current set of IOService objects that are in the specified state and match the matching dictionary.
691 @param handler See <code>addNotification</code>.
700 IOServiceNotificationHandler handler,
984 @abstract Registers a C function interrupt handler for a device supplying interrupts.
985 @discussion This method installs a C function interrupt handler to be called at primary interrupt time for a device's interrupt. Only one handler may be installed per interrupt source. IOInterruptEventSource provides a work loop based abstraction for interrupt delivery that may be more appropriate for work loop based drivers.
987 @param target An object instance to be passed to the interrupt handler.
988 @param handler The C function to be called at primary interrupt time when the interrupt occurs. The handler should process the interrupt by clearing the interrupt, or by disabling the source.
989 @param refCon A reference constant for the handler's use.
990 @result An IOReturn code.<br><code>kIOReturnNoInterrupt</code> is returned if the source is not valid; <code>kIOReturnNoResources</code> is returned if the interrupt already has an installed handler. */
993 IOInterruptAction handler,
997 @abstract Removes a C function interrupt handler for a device supplying hardware interrupts.
998 @discussion This method removes a C function interrupt handler previously installed with @link registerInterrupt registerInterrupt@/link.
1079 IOServiceInterestHandler handler,
1103 @param handler An instance of an IOUserClient object to represent the connection, which will be released when the connection is closed, or zero if the connection was not opened.
1109 IOUserClient ** handler );
1112 UInt32 type, IOUserClient ** handler );
1169 IOServiceNotificationHandler handler,
1175 IOServiceNotificationHandler handler,