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Lines Matching refs:client

269 The class name that the service will attempt to allocate when a user client connection is requested.  First the device nub is queried, then the nub's provider is queried by default.
310 @discussion When an IOService is made inactive the default behavior is to also make any of its clients that have it as their only provider also inactive, in this way recursing the termination up the driver stack. This method allows an IOService object to override this behavior. Returning <code>true</code> from this method when passed a just terminated provider will cause the client to also be terminated.
439 @discussion When an IOService object is successfully terminated, it is immediately made inactive, which blocks further attach()es, matching or notifications occuring on the object. It remains inactive until the last client closes, and is then finalized and destroyed.
455 @discussion The registration process for an IOService object (the provider) includes instantiating possible driver clients. The <code>probe</code> method is called in the client instance to check the matched service can be used before the driver is considered to be started. Since matching screens many possible providers, in many cases the <code>probe</code> method can be left unimplemented by IOService subclasses. The client is already attached to the provider when <code>probe</code> is called.
465 @discussion The <code>start</code> method of an IOService instance is called by its provider when it has been selected (due to its probe score and match category) as the winning client. The client is already attached to the provider when <code>start</code> is called.<br>Implementations of <code>start</code> must call <code>start</code> on their superclass at an appropriate point. If an implementation of <code>start</code> has already called <code>super::start</code> but subsequently determines that it will fail, it must call <code>super::stop</code> to balance the prior call to <code>super::start</code> and prevent reference leaks.
481 @param forClient Designates the client of the provider requesting the open.
492 @param forClient Designates the client of the provider requesting the close.
500 @abstract Determines whether a specific, or any, client has an IOService object open.
501 @discussion Returns the open state of an IOService object with respect to the specified client, or when it is open by any client.
502 @param forClient If non-zero, <codeisOpen</code returns the open state for that client. If zero is passed, <codeisOpen</code returns the open state for all clients.
503 @result <codetrue</code if the specific, or any, client has the IOService object open. */
510 @param forClient Designates the client of the provider requesting the open.
521 @param forClient Designates the client of the provider requesting the close.
530 @param forClient If non-zero, <code>isOpen</code> returns the open state for that client. If zero is passed, <code>isOpen</code> returns the open state for all clients.
531 @result <code>true</code> if the specific, or any, client has the IOService object open. */
539 @discussion Registering an IOService object informs possible clients of its existance and instantiates drivers that may be used with it; <code>terminate</code> involves the opposite process of informing clients that an IOService object is no longer able to be used and will be destroyed. By default, if any client has the service open, <code>terminate</code> fails. If the <code>kIOServiceRequired</code> flag is passed however, <code>terminate</code> will be successful though further progress in the destruction of the IOService object will not proceed until the last client has closed it. The service will be made inactive immediately upon successful termination, and all its clients will be notified via their @link message message@/link method with a message of type <code>kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated</code>. Both these actions take place on the caller's thread. After the IOService object is made inactive, further matching or attach calls will fail on it. Each client has its @link stop stop@/link method called upon their close of an inactive IOService object , or on its termination if they do not have it open. After <code>stop</code>, @link detach detach@/link is called in each client. When all clients have been detached, the @link finalize finalize@/link method is called in the inactive service. The termination process is inherently asynchronous because it will be deferred until all clients have chosen to close.
546 @discussion The <code>finalize</code> method is called in an inactive (ie. terminated) IOService object after the last client has detached. IOService's implementation will call @link stop stop@/link, @link close close@/link, and @link detach detach@/link on each provider. When <code>finalize</code> returns, the object's retain count will have no references generated by IOService's registration process.
572 @discussion When an IOService object is made inactive the default behavior is to also make any of its clients that have it as their only provider inactive, in this way recursing the termination up the driver stack. This method allows a terminated IOService object to override this behavior. Note the client may also override this behavior by overriding its @link terminate terminate@/link method.
573 @param client The client of the terminated provider.
575 @result result of the terminate request on the client. */
577 virtual bool terminateClient( IOService * client, IOOptionBits options );
620 @param client The IOService object at which matching is taking place.
623 virtual IOService * matchLocation( IOService * client );
629 @discussion The resource service uses IOService's matching and notification to allow objects to be published and found by any I/O Kit client by a global name. <code>publishResource</code> makes an object available to anyone waiting for it or looking for it in the future.
637 @discussion The resource service uses IOService object's matching and notification to allow objects to be published and found by any I/O Kit client by a global name. <code>publishResource</code> makes an object available to anyone waiting for it or looking for it in the future.
652 <br> <code>gIOMatchedNotification</code> Delivered when an IOService object has been matched with all client drivers, and they have been probed and started.
653 <br> <code>gIOFirstMatchNotification</code> Delivered when an IOService object has been matched with all client drivers, but only once per IOService instance. Some IOService objects may be reregistered when their state is changed.
821 @abstract Attaches an IOService client to a provider in the I/O Registry.
822 @discussion This function called in an IOService client enters the client into the I/O Registry as a child of the provider in the service plane. The provider must be active or the attach will fail. Multiple attach calls to the same provider are no-ops and return success. A client may be attached to multiple providers. Entering an object into the I/O Registry retains both the client and provider until they are detached.
829 @abstract Detaches an IOService client from a provider in the I/O Registry.
830 @discussion This function called in an IOService client removes the client as a child of the provider in the service plane of the I/O Registry. If the provider is not a parent of the client this is a no-op, otherwise the I/O Registry releases both the client and provider.
837 @discussion This function called in an IOService client will return the provider to which it was first attached. Because the majority of IOService objects have only one provider, this is a useful simplification and also supports caching of the provider when the I/O Registry is unchanged.
838 @result The first provider of the client, or zero if the IOService object is not attached into the I/O Registry. The provider is retained while the client is attached, and should not be released by the caller. */
844 @discussion This function returns a valid work loop that a client can use to add an IOCommandGate to. The intention is that an IOService client has data that needs to be protected but doesn't want to pay the cost of a dedicated thread. This data has to be accessed from a provider's call-out context as well. So to achieve both of these goals the client creates an IOCommandGate to lock access to his data but he registers it with the provider's work loop, i.e. the work loop which will make the completion call-outs. This avoids a potential deadlock because the work loop gate uses a recursive lock, which allows the same lock to be held multiple times by a single thread.
851 @discussion For those few IOService objects that obtain service from multiple providers, this method supplies an iterator over a client's providers.
852 @result An iterator over the providers of the client, or zero if there is a resource failure. The iterator must be released when the iteration is finished. All objects returned by the iteration are retained while the iterator is valid, though they may no longer be attached during the iteration. */
857 @abstract Returns an iterator over an client's providers that are currently opened by the client.
858 @discussion For those few IOService objects that obtain service from multiple providers, this method supplies an iterator over a client's providers, locking each in turn with @link lockForArbitration lockForArbitration@/link and returning those that have been opened by the client.
859 @result An iterator over the providers the client has open, or zero if there is a resource failure. The iterator must be released when the iteration is finished. All objects returned by the iteration are retained while the iterator is valid, and the current entry in the iteration is locked with <code>lockForArbitration</code>, protecting it from state changes. */
864 @abstract Returns an IOService object's primary client.
865 @discussion This function called in an IOService provider will return the first client to attach to it. For IOService objects which have only only one client, this may be a useful simplification.
866 @result The first client of the provider, or zero if the IOService object is not attached into the I/O Registry. The client is retained while it is attached, and should not be released by the caller. */
1048 @discussion A provider may deliver messages via the <code>message</code> method to its clients informing them of state changes, such as <code>kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated</code> or <code>kIOMessageServiceIsSuspended</code>. Certain messages are defined by the I/O Kit in <code>IOMessage.h</code> while others may be family dependent. This method is implemented in the client to receive messages.
1058 @abstract Sends a generic message to an attached client.
1059 @discussion A provider may deliver messages via the @link message message@/link method to its clients informing them of state changes, such as <code>kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated</code> or <code>kIOMessageServiceIsSuspended</code>. Certain messages are defined by the I/O Kit in <code>IOMessage.h</code> while others may be family dependent. This method may be called in the provider to send a message to the specified client, which may be useful for overrides.
1061 @param client A client of the IOService to send the message.
1063 @result The return code from the client message call. */
1065 virtual IOReturn messageClient( UInt32 messageType, OSObject * client,
1095 /* User client create */
1098 @abstract Creates a connection for a non kernel client.
1099 @discussion A non kernel client may request a connection be opened via the @link //apple_ref/c/func/IOServiceOpen IOServiceOpen@/link library function, which will call this method in an IOService object. The rules and capabilities of user level clients are family dependent, and use the functions of the IOUserClient class for support. IOService's implementation returns <code>kIOReturnUnsupported</code>, so any family supporting user clients must implement this method.
1100 @param owningTask The Mach task of the client thread in the process of opening the user client. Note that in Mac OS X, each process is based on a Mach task and one or more Mach threads. For more information on the composition of a Mach task and its relationship with Mach threads, see {@linkdoc //apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000905-CH209-TPXREF103 "Tasks and Threads"}.
1204 static void actionStop( IOService * client, IOService * provider );
1340 @discussion This method is called when some client of a device (or the device's own driver) is asking for the device to become usable. Power management responds by telling the object upon which this method is called to change to its highest power state.