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Lines Matching refs:try

281 " an error in a command dynamically enclosed by a :try/:tryend region or when an
311 " :while:/endwhile, :try/:endtry) or for a line with a syntax error. The
1672 try
1706 try
1724 " Test 19: Aborting on errors inside :try/:endtry {{{1
1726 " An error in a command dynamically enclosed in a :try/:endtry region
1741 try
1756 try
1765 try
1775 try
1788 try
1801 " try
1809 " Test 20: Aborting on errors after :try/:endtry {{{1
1811 " When an error occurs after the last active :try/:endtry region has
1812 " been left, termination behavior is as if no :try/:endtry has been
1822 try
1832 try
1845 try
1860 try
1877 try
1892 try
1909 try
1926 " Test 21: :finally for :try after :continue/:break/:return/:finish {{{1
1928 " If a :try conditional stays inactive due to a preceding :continue,
1942 try
1953 try " inactive
1964 try
1968 try " inactive
1979 try
1985 try " inactive
2000 " Test 22: :finally for a :try after an error/interrupt/:throw {{{1
2002 " If a :try conditional stays inactive due to a preceding error or
2010 try
2020 try " not active since :if inactive
2027 try " not active due to error
2036 try
2046 try " not active since :if inactive
2053 try " not active due to interrupt
2070 try " not active since :if inactive
2077 try " not active due to :throw
2088 " Test 23: :catch clauses for a :try after a :throw {{{1
2090 " If a :try conditional stays inactive due to a preceding :throw,
2097 try
2103 try " not active since :if inactive
2117 try " not active due to :throw
2128 " Test 24: :endtry for a :try after a :throw {{{1
2130 " If a :try conditional stays inactive due to a preceding :throw,
2132 " active :try conditional.
2138 try " try 1
2139 try " try 2
2141 throw "xyz" " makes try 2 inactive
2144 try " try 3
2146 endtry " no rethrow to try 1
2147 catch /xyz/ " should catch although try 2 inactive
2150 catch /xyz/ " try 1 active, but exception already caught
2162 " Control flow in a :try conditional should always fall through to its
2163 " :finally clause. A :finally clause of a :try conditional inside an
2175 try
2178 try
2187 try
2203 try
2211 try
2226 " For a :continue or :break dynamically enclosed in a :try/:endtry
2235 try
2240 try
2241 try
2265 try
2267 try
2297 " For a :return command dynamically enclosed in a :try/:endtry region,
2304 try
2306 try
2321 try
2334 try
2346 try
2363 " For a :finish command dynamically enclosed in a :try/:endtry region,
2376 try
2399 " After an error in a command dynamically enclosed in a :try/:endtry
2409 try
2412 try
2433 try
2451 try
2463 try
2481 " a :try/:endtry region, :finally clauses are executed and the
2491 try
2501 try
2503 try
2509 try
2511 try
2515 try
2529 try
2535 try
2556 " After a :throw dynamically enclosed in a :try/:endtry region,
2567 try
2577 try
2579 try
2585 try
2587 try
2591 try
2605 try
2611 try
2641 try
2643 try
2658 try
2671 try
2684 try
2741 \ try | return <args> | finally | return <args> * 2 | endtry
2744 try
2754 try
2766 try
2767 execute "try | return 512 | finally | return 1024 | endtry"
2776 try
2777 execute "try | return 2048 | finally | return 4096 | endtry"
2781 execute "try | return 8192 | finally | return 16384 | endtry"
2788 try
2800 try
2801 execute "try | return 131072 | finally | return 262144 | endtry"
2805 execute "try | return 524288 | finally | return | endtry"
2812 try
2824 try
2829 execute "try | return 4194304 | finally | return 8388608 | endtry"
2840 execute "try | return 67108864 | finally | return 134217728 | endtry"
2896 try
2932 try
2937 try
2975 try
3011 try
3016 try
3054 try
3086 try
3091 try
3136 try
3174 try
3180 try
3186 try
3225 try
3250 try
3255 try
3260 try
3265 try
3272 try
3277 try
3282 try
3323 try
3349 try
3354 try
3359 try
3364 try
3371 try
3376 try
3381 try
3422 try
3447 try
3452 try
3457 try
3462 try
3469 try
3474 try
3479 try
3523 if 0 | try | throw "never" | endtry | endif | Xpath 128 " X: 128
3529 try
3540 try
3551 try
3579 try
3581 try
3589 try
3597 try
3605 try
3613 try
3621 try
3629 try
3637 try
3645 try
3646 try
3657 try
3686 try
3733 try
3734 try
3741 try
3748 try
3755 try
3762 try
3771 try
3780 try
3789 try | Xpath 131072 | throw "x" | catch /.*/ | Xpath 262144 | endtry
3792 try | Xpath 524288 | throw "y" | catch // | Xpath 1048576 | endtry
3796 try
3799 " Extra try level: if ":catch" without arguments below raises
3802 try
3803 try | Xpath 2097152 | throw "z" | catch | Xpath 4194304 | :
3821 try
3822 try
3833 try
3852 " Test 45: Catching exceptions from nested :try blocks {{{1
3854 " When :try blocks are nested, an exception is caught by the innermost
3855 " try conditional that has a matching :catch clause.
3863 try
3864 try
3865 try
3866 try
3904 " Test 46: Executing :finally after a :throw in nested :try {{{1
3906 " When an exception is thrown from within nested :try blocks, the
3907 " :finally clauses of the non-catching try conditionals should be
3908 " executed before the matching :catch of the next surrounding :try
3917 try
3919 try
3921 try
3923 try
3984 " caught by a :catch of the same :try conditional. After executing
3985 " the :finally clause (if present), surrounding try conditionals
3992 try
3994 try
3996 try
4002 try
4010 try
4057 " caught by a :catch of the same :try conditional. Surrounding try
4064 try
4066 try
4067 try
4082 try
4083 try
4104 try
4105 try
4106 try
4148 try
4162 try
4173 try
4183 try
4192 try
4203 try
4245 try
4254 try
4266 try
4299 command! -nargs=? THROW2 try | throw <args> | endtry | throw 2
4300 command! -nargs=? THROW3 try | throw 3 | catch /3/ | throw <args> | endtry
4301 command! -nargs=? THROW4 try | throw 4 | finally | throw <args> | endtry
4303 try
4305 try
4306 try
4316 try
4317 try
4327 try
4328 try
4338 try
4339 try
4349 try
4350 try
4360 try
4361 try
4363 execute 'try | throw "F" | endtry | throw 6'
4371 try
4372 try
4374 execute'try | throw 7 | catch /7/ | throw "G" | endtry'
4382 try
4383 try
4385 execute 'try | throw 8 | finally | throw "H" | endtry'
4422 try
4473 try
4492 try
4508 try
4524 try
4537 try
4552 try
4606 " try
4616 " try
4625 " try
4652 " try
4662 " try
4671 " try
4698 " try
4708 " try
4717 " try
4795 " try
4806 " try
4817 " try
4827 " try
4837 " try
4847 " try
4857 " try
4869 " try
4920 " try
4930 " try
4939 " try
4966 " try
4976 " try
4985 " try
5006 " For nesting errors of :try conditionals the correct error messages
5020 if MESSAGES('E602', ":endtry without :try")
5029 if MESSAGES('E602', ":endtry without :try")
5038 if MESSAGES('E602', ":endtry without :try")
5043 " try
5052 " try
5061 " try
5071 " try
5081 " try
5092 " try
5184 try
5204 try
5212 try
5230 try
5315 try
5354 try
5421 \ try | throw "line" | catch /.*/ | let <args> = LineNumber() | endtry
5469 try
5478 try
5490 try
5492 try
5493 try
5516 try
5518 try
5519 try
5543 try
5545 try
5546 try
5569 try
5571 try
5583 try
5585 try
5600 try
5602 try
5603 try
5626 try
5628 try
5629 try
5652 try
5654 try
5655 try
5679 try
5681 try
5682 try
5721 try
5722 try
5738 try
5740 try
5778 try
5780 try
5827 try
5829 try
5868 " When an interrupt occurs inside a :try/:endtry region, an
5872 " that try block are ignored, but the interrupt exception can be
5873 " caught by the next surrounding try conditional. An interrupt is
5883 try
5884 try
5906 try
5907 try
5909 try
5939 try
5940 try
5942 try
5970 try
5972 try
6004 " An error inside a :try/:endtry region is converted to an exception
6032 try
6033 try
6057 try
6058 try
6083 try
6084 try
6113 try
6114 try
6138 try
6139 try
6167 try
6170 try
6199 try
6202 try
6240 " A :silent! command inside a :try/:endtry region suppresses the
6243 " a new :try/:endtry region, conversion of errors to exception and
6250 " inside a :try/:endtry, the autocommand execution is not suppressed
6279 try
6280 try
6303 " Break out of try conditionals that cover ":silent!". This also
6317 try
6322 endtry " normal end of try cond that covers ":silent!"
6359 " a matching :catch is reached, all following :catches of that try
6361 " surrounding try conditional. Any previous error exception is
6371 try
6372 try
6396 try
6397 try
6400 try
6425 try
6426 try
6428 try
6457 try
6458 try
6460 try
6489 try
6490 try
6527 " not match. Any following :catches of the same :try/:endtry don't
6552 try
6553 try
6568 try
6570 try
6571 try
6623 " dynamically enclosed by :try/:endtry or gets an interrupt or
6626 " by :try/:endtry, the function is executed again for the remaining
6666 try
6682 try
6684 try
6689 try
6694 try
6773 try
6778 try
6802 try
6826 try
6853 try
6926 try
6931 try
6955 try
6979 try
7006 try
7092 try
7094 try
7109 try
7126 try
7183 try
7184 try
7195 try
7208 try
7221 try
7234 try
7297 try
7298 try
7309 try
7320 try
7331 try
7346 try
7400 try
7401 try
7414 try
7420 try
7436 try
7443 try
7448 try
7466 try
7478 try
7491 try
7505 try
7513 try
7565 try
7566 try
7587 try
7605 try
7698 try
7699 try
7705 try
7719 try
7756 try
7770 try
7772 try
7799 try
7810 try
7845 " On an error in a builtin function called inside a :try/:endtry
7880 try
7900 try
7904 try
7923 try
7942 try
7963 try
7984 try
8027 " due to an error inside a :try/:endtry region or due to an interrupt
8030 " error not inside :try/:endtry, the expression evaluation continues.
8084 try
8089 try
8129 try
8134 try
8171 try
8176 try
8299 " to an error inside a :try/:endtry region or due to an interrupt or
8302 " ":endfunction". On an error not inside :try/:endtry, the expression
8352 try
8355 try
8374 " End the try conditional and start a new one to avoid
8377 try
8387 try
8394 try
8467 try
8472 try
8531 try
8534 try
8666 try
8669 try
8698 try
8745 try
8862 try
8863 try
8891 try
8892 try
8920 try
8921 try
8946 try
8947 try
8984 " When an exception is thrown from inside a :try conditional without
8992 try
8994 try
9010 try
9012 try
9039 try
9040 try
9063 try
9064 try
9089 try
9090 try
9110 try
9111 try
9139 " the :finally of the innermost :try is reached, the exception is
9146 try
9148 try
9166 try
9168 try
9244 try
9245 try
9253 try
9273 try
9296 try
9304 try
9324 try
9363 " When an I/O command is inside :try/:endtry, autocommands to be
9397 try
9426 try
9427 try
9463 try
9464 try
9510 try
9511 try
9547 try
9552 try
9554 try
9643 try
9660 try