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Lines Matching +refs:set +refs:mouse +refs:color

23 set cpo-=C
60 " Return good color specification: in GUI no transformation is done, in
63 function! s:HtmlColor(color)
64 return a:color
67 function! s:HtmlColor(color)
68 if has_key(s:cterm_color, a:color)
69 return s:cterm_color[a:color]
81 " For inverse, we always must set both colors (and exchange them)
83 let a = a . '<span style="background-color: ' . ( x != "" ? x : s:fgc ) . '">'
85 let a = a . '<font color="' . ( x != "" ? x : s:bgc ) . '">'
88 if x != "" | let a = a . '<span style="background-color: ' . x . '">' | endif
90 if x != "" | let a = a . '<font color="' . x . '">' | endif
166 " For inverse, we always must set both colors (and exchange them)
168 let a = a . "color: " . ( x != "" ? x : s:bgc ) . "; "
170 let a = a . "background-color: " . ( x != "" ? x : s:fgc ) . "; "
173 if x != "" | let a = a . "color: " . x . "; " | endif
175 if x != "" | let a = a . "background-color: " . x . "; " | endif
213 set notitle noicon
215 set nomore
216 set report=1000000
252 " on the new window, set the least time-consuming fold method
264 set paste
266 set magic
419 " set up progress bar in the status line
431 let pgb.items = { 'title' : { 'color' : 'Statusline' },
432 \'bar' : { 'color' : 'Statusline' , 'fillcolor' : 'DiffDelete' , 'bg' : 'Statusline' } ,
433 \'counter' : { 'color' : 'Statusline' } }
445 set laststatus=2
495 let t_color = self.items.title.color
497 let b_color = self.items.bar.color
498 let c_color = self.items.counter.color
533 " save the fold text and set it to the default so we can find fold levels
537 " we will set the foldcolumn in the html to the greater of the maximum fold
615 " Use html_start_line and html_end_line if they are set.
760 " to keep the filler spaces hidden if the fold is opened by mouse
911 " Output the text with the same synID, with class set to {s:id_name},
965 " Find out the background and foreground color.
976 " For Netscape 4, set <body> attributes too, though, strictly speaking, it's
980 execute "normal! A\nbody { color: " . s:fgc . "; background-color: " . s:bgc . "; font-family: ". s:htmlfont ."; }\e"
982 execute "normal! A\npre { font-family: ". s:htmlfont ."; color: " . s:fgc . "; background-color: " . s:bgc . "; }\e"