Lines Matching +refs:help +refs:for +refs:help

21 " not be recognized.  See ":help 'cpoptions'".
40 " If this is a help window, go to the window below it
48 " <CR> on a "option" line shows help for that option
51 exe "help '" . name . "'"
69 " If this is a help window, go to the window below it
80 " returns 0 for global option, 1 for local option, -1 for error
86 if exists("b:current_syntax") && b:current_syntax == "help"
96 \ && b:current_syntax == "help"))
138 " If the current window is a help window, try finding a non-help window.
141 while exists("b:current_syntax") && b:current_syntax == "help"
152 " Insert help and a "set" command for each option.
157 call append(4, '" Hit <CR> on a help line to open a help window on this option.')
221 " The text should be sufficient to know what the option is used for.
238 call append("$", "runtimepath\tlist of directories used for runtime files and plugins")
240 call append("$", "helpfile\tname of the main help file")
255 call append("$", "path\tlist of directory names used for file searching")
258 call append("$", "cdpath\tlist of directory names used for :cd")
266 call append("$", "incsearch\tshow match for partly typed search command")
274 call append("$", "casemap\twhat method to use for changing case of letters")
276 call append("$", "maxmempattern\tmaximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for pattern matching")
278 call append("$", "define\tpattern for a macro definition line")
282 call append("$", "include\tpattern for an include-file line")
296 call append("$", "tags\tlist of file names to search for tags")
306 call append("$", "cscopeprg\tcommand for executing cscope")
308 call append("$", "cscopetag\tuse cscope for tag commands")
316 call append("$", "cscopequickfix\twhen to open a quickfix window for cscope")
322 call append("$", "scroll\tnumber of lines to scroll for CTRL-U and CTRL-D")
343 call append("$", "fillchars\tcharacters to use for the status line, folds and filler lines")
345 call append("$", "cmdheight\tnumber of lines used for the command-line")
351 call append("$", "window\tnumber of lines to scroll for CTRL-F and CTRL-B")
356 call append("$", "redrawtime\ttimeout for 'hlsearch' and :match highlighting in msec")
359 call append("$", "writedelay\tdelay in msec for each char written to the display")
360 call append("$", "\t(for debugging)")
365 call append("$", "listchars\tlist of strings used for list mode")
367 call append("$", "number\tshow the line number for each line")
370 call append("$", "relativenumber\tshow the relative line number for each line")
374 call append("$", "numberwidth\tnumber of columns to use for the line number")
400 call append("$", "synmaxcol\tmaximum column to look for syntax items")
404 call append("$", "highlight\twhich highlighting to use for various occasions")
406 call append("$", "hlsearch\thighlight all matches for the last used search pattern")
438 call append("$", "laststatus\t0, 1 or 2; when to use a status line for the last window")
441 call append("$", "statusline\talternate format to be used for a status line")
450 call append("$", "winheight\tminimal number of lines used for the current window")
452 call append("$", "winminheight\tminimal number of lines used for any window")
461 call append("$", "winwidth\tminimal number of columns used for the current window")
463 call append("$", "winminwidth\tminimal number of columns used for any window")
466 call append("$", "helpheight\tinitial height of the help window")
469 call append("$", "previewheight\tdefault height for the preview window")
490 call append("$", "scrollopt\t\"ver\", \"hor\" and/or \"jump\"; list of options for 'scrollbind'")
503 call append("$", "tabpagemax\tmaximum number of tab pages to open for -p and \"tab all\"")
508 call append("$", "guitablabel\tcustom tab page label for the GUI")
510 call append("$", "guitabtooltip\tcustom tab page tooltip for the GUI")
518 call append("$", "ttytype\talias for 'term'")
541 call append("$", "titlelen\tpercentage of 'columns' used for the window title")
543 call append("$", "titlestring\twhen not empty, string to be used for the window title")
548 call append("$", "icon\tset the text of the icon for this window")
551 call append("$", "iconstring\twhen not empty, text for the icon of this window")
561 call append("$", "mouse\tlist of flags for using the mouse")
570 call append("$", "\tmouse button is used for")
587 call append("$", "guifontset\tpair of fonts to be used, for multibyte editing")
590 call append("$", "guifontwide\tlist of font names to be used for double-wide characters")
608 call append("$", "guipty\tuse a pseudo-tty for I/O to external commands")
611 call append("$", "browsedir\t\"last\", \"buffer\" or \"current\": which directory used for the file browser")
615 call append("$", "langmenu\tlanguage to be used for the menus")
646 call append("$", "printdevice\tname of the printer to be used for :hardcopy")
649 call append("$", "printexpr\texpression used to print the PostScript file for :hardcopy")
652 call append("$", "printfont\tname of the font to be used for :hardcopy")
654 call append("$", "printheader\tformat of the header used for :hardcopy")
657 call append("$", "printencoding\tencoding used to print the PostScript file for :hardcopy")
661 call append("$", "printmbcharset\tthe CJK character set to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy")
663 call append("$", "printmbfont\tlist of font names to be used for CJK output from :hardcopy")
684 call append("$", "rulerformat\talternate format to be used for the ruler")
687 call append("$", "report\tthreshold for reporting number of changed lines")
699 call append("$", "errorbells\tring the bell for error messages")
704 call append("$", "helplang\tlist of preferred languages for finding help")
727 call append("$", "undoreload\tmaximum number lines to save for undo on a buffer reload")
756 call append("$", "formatexpr\texpression used for \"gq\" to format lines")
761 call append("$", "complete\tspecifies how Insert mode completion works for CTRL-N and CTRL-P")
764 call append("$", "completeopt\twhether to use a popup menu for Insert mode completion")
768 call append("$", "completefunc\tuser defined function for Insert mode completion")
771 call append("$", "omnifunc\tfunction for filetype-specific Insert mode completion")
774 call append("$", "dictionary\tlist of dictionary files for keyword completion")
777 call append("$", "thesaurus\tlist of thesaurus files for keyword completion")
790 call append("$", "operatorfunc\tfunction called for the\"g@\" operator")
794 call append("$", "matchtime\ttenth of a second to show a match for 'showmatch'")
796 call append("$", "matchpairs\tlist of pairs that match for the \"%\" command")
801 call append("$", "nrformats\t\"alpha\", \"octal\" and/or \"hex\"; number formats recognized for")
808 call append("$", "tabstop\tnumber of spaces a <Tab> in the text stands for")
811 call append("$", "shiftwidth\tnumber of spaces used for each step of (auto)indent")
816 call append("$", "softtabstop\tif non-zero, number of spaces to insert for a <Tab>")
819 call append("$", "shiftround\tround to 'shiftwidth' for \"<<\" and \">>\"")
833 call append("$", "cindent\tenable specific indenting for C code")
836 call append("$", "cinoptions\toptions for C-indenting")
852 call append("$", "copyindent\tcopy whitespace for indenting from previous line")
875 call append("$", "foldlevelstart\tvalue for 'foldlevel' when starting to edit a file")
885 call append("$", "foldopen\tspecifies for which commands a fold will be opened")
887 call append("$", "foldminlines\tminimum number of screen lines for a fold to be closed")
890 call append("$", "commentstring\ttemplate for comments; used to put the marker in")
904 call append("$", "foldnestmax\tmaximum fold depth for when 'foldmethod is \"indent\" or \"syntax\"")
912 call append("$", "diff\tuse diff mode for the current window")
915 call append("$", "diffopt\toptions for using diff mode")
933 call append("$", "timeoutlen\ttime in msec for 'timeout'")
935 call append("$", "ttimeoutlen\ttime in msec for 'ttimeout'")
943 call append("$", "modelines\tnumber of lines to check for modelines")
959 call append("$", "fileformats\tlist of file formats to look for when editing a file")
972 call append("$", "backupskip\tpatterns that specify for which files a backup is not made")
978 call append("$", "backupext\tfile name extension for the backup file")
984 call append("$", "writeany\talways write without asking for confirmation")
998 call append("$", "cryptmethod\tencryption method for file writing: zip or blowfish")
1004 call append("$", "directory\tlist of directories for the swap file")
1006 call append("$", "swapfile\tuse a swap file for this buffer")
1015 call append("$", "maxmem\tmaximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for one buffer")
1017 call append("$", "maxmemtot\tmaximum amount of memory in Kbyte used for all buffers")
1037 call append("$", "suffixesadd\tlist of file name extensions added when searching for a file")
1042 call append("$", "wildignore\tlist of patterns to ignore files for file name completion")
1057 call append("$", "undodir\tlist of directories for undo files")
1062 call append("$", "shell\tname of the shell program used for external commands")
1072 call append("$", "shellcmdflag\targument for 'shell' to execute a command")
1076 call append("$", "shelltemp\tuse a temp file for shell commands instead of using a pipe")
1078 call append("$", "equalprg\tprogram used for \"=\" command")
1083 call append("$", "keywordprg\tprogram used for the \"K\" command")
1093 call append("$", "errorformat\tlist of formats for error messages")
1096 call append("$", "makeprg\tprogram used for the \":make\" command")
1101 call append("$", "makeef\tname of the errorfile for the 'makeprg' command")
1103 call append("$", "grepprg\tprogram used for the \":grep\" command")
1106 call append("$", "grepformat\tlist of formats for output of 'grepprg'")
1125 call append("$", "shellslash\tuse forward slashes in file names; for Unix-like shells")
1157 call append("$", "aleph\tthe ASCII code for the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet")
1171 call append("$", "arabic\tprepare for editing Arabic text")
1184 call append("$", "langmap\ttranslate characters for Normal mode")
1208 call append("$", "fileencoding\tcharacter encoding for the current file")
1215 call append("$", "charconvert\texpression used for character encoding conversion")
1245 call append("$", "gdefault\tuse the 'g' flag for \":substitute\"")
1260 call append("$", "viewoptions\tlist of words that specifies what to save for :mkview")
1283 call append("$", "mzquantum\tinterval in milliseconds between polls for MzScheme threads")