Lines Matching +refs:eval +refs:when

25 " function to be called when <CR> is hit in the option-window
59 " function to be called when <Space> is hit in the option-window
270 call append("$", "ignorecase\tignore case when using a search pattern")
272 call append("$", "smartcase\toverride 'ignorecase' when pattern has upper case characters")
312 call append("$", "cscopeverbose\tgive messages when adding a cscope database")
392 call append("$", "filetype\ttype of file; triggers the FileType event when set")
438 call append("$", "laststatus\t0, 1 or 2; when to use a status line for the last window")
444 call append("$", "equalalways\tmake all windows the same size when adding/removing windows")
475 call append("$", "hidden\tdon't unload a buffer when no longer shown in a window")
477 call append("$", "switchbuf\t\"useopen\" and/or \"split\"; which window to use when jumping")
501 call append("$", "showtabline\t0, 1 or 2; when to use a tab pages line")
545 call append("$", "titleold\tstring to restore the title to when exiting Vim")
555 call append("$", "restorescreen\trestore the screen contents when exiting Vim")
631 if has("eval")
632 call append("$", "balloonexpr\texpression to show in balloon eval")
693 call append("$", "more\tpause listings when the screen is full")
696 call append("$", "confirm\tstart a dialog when a command fails")
712 call append("$", "selectmode\t\"mouse\", \"key\" and/or \"cmd\"; when to start Select mode")
755 if has("eval")
799 call append("$", "joinspaces\tuse two spaces after '.' when joining a line")
855 call append("$", "preserveindent\tpreserve kind of whitespace when changing indent")
875 call append("$", "foldlevelstart\tvalue for 'foldlevel' when starting to edit a file")
883 call append("$", "foldclose\tset to \"all\" to close a fold when the cursor leaves it")
895 call append("$", "foldexpr\texpression used when 'foldmethod' is \"expr\"")
898 call append("$", "foldignore\tused to ignore lines when 'foldmethod' is \"indent\"")
901 call append("$", "foldmarker\tmarkers used when 'foldmethod' is \"marker\"")
904 call append("$", "foldnestmax\tmaximum fold depth for when 'foldmethod is \"indent\" or \"syntax\"")
940 call append("$", "modeline\tenable using settings from modelines when reading a file")
959 call append("$", "fileformats\tlist of file formats to look for when editing a file")
980 call append("$", "autowrite\tautomatically write a file when leaving a modified buffer")
986 call append("$", "autoread\tautomatically read a file when it was modified outside of Vim")
1037 call append("$", "suffixesadd\tlist of file name extensions added when searching for a file")
1085 call append("$", "warn\twarn when using a shell command and a buffer has changes")
1165 call append("$", "altkeymap\tuse Farsi as the second language when 'revins' is set")
1198 call append("$", "imcmdline\twhen set always use IM when starting to edit a command line")
1239 call append("$", "loadplugins\tload plugin scripts when starting up")
1270 call append("$", "bufhidden\twhat happens with a buffer when it's no longer in a window")
1315 " Make the buffer be deleted when the window is closed.