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Lines Matching refs:call

48  " set up g:vimball_mkdir if the mkdir() call isn't defined
58 call vimball#ShowMesg(s:WARNING,"(vimball) g:vimball_mkdir undefined")
81 " call Dfunc("MkVimball(line1=".a:line1." line2=".a:line2." writelevel=".a:writelevel." vimballname<".a:1.">) a:0=".a:0)
90 " call Decho("vbname<".vbname.">")
92 call vimball#ShowMesg(s:ERROR,"(MkVimball) vimball name<".a:1."> should not include slashes; use ! to insist")
93 " call Dret("MkVimball : vimball name<".a:1."> should not include slashes")
97 call vimball#ShowMesg(s:ERROR,"(MkVimball) file<".vbname."> exists; use ! to insist")
98 " call Dret("MkVimball : file<".vbname."> already exists; use ! to insist")
103 call vimball#SaveSettings()
115 call s:ChgDir(home)
120 " call Decho("curtabnr=".curtabnr)
124 " call Decho("svfile<".svfile.">")
127 call vimball#ShowMesg(s:ERROR,"unable to read file<".svfile.">")
128 call s:ChgDir(curdir)
129 call vimball#RestoreSettings()
130 " call Dret("MkVimball")
145 call setline(1,'" Vimball Archiver by Charles E. Campbell, Jr., Ph.D.')
146 call setline(2,'UseVimball')
147 call setline(3,'finish')
150 call setline(lastline ,substitute(svfile,'$',' [[[1',''))
151 call setline(lastline+1,0)
154 " call Decho("exe $r ".fnameescape(svfile))
157 call setline(lastline+1,line("$") - lastline - 1)
158 " call Decho("lastline=".lastline." line$=".line("$"))
167 call s:ChgDir(curdir)
170 " call Decho("exe w! ".fnameescape(vbname))
173 " call Decho("exe w ".fnameescape(vbname))
176 " call Decho("Vimball<".vbname."> created")
185 call vimball#RestoreSettings()
187 " call Dret("MkVimball")
195 " call Dfunc("vimball#Vimball(really=".a:really.") a:0=".a:0)
199 " call Dret("vimball#Vimball : needs 7.1 with patch 299")
205 " call Dret("vimball#Vimball")
210 call vimball#SaveSettings()
215 " call Decho("setting up vimball tab")
227 " call Decho("home<".home.">")
231 " call Decho("home<".home.">")
232 " call Decho("curdir<".curdir.">")
234 call s:ChgDir(home)
236 call vimball#RmVimball(vimballfile)
251 " call Decho("exe tabn ".curtabnr)
253 " call Decho("linenr=".linenr." line$=".line("$"))
261 " call Decho("fname<".fname."> fsize=".fsize." filecnt=".filecnt)
268 " call Decho("using L#".linenr.": will extract file<".fname.">")
269 " call Decho("using L#".(linenr+1).": fsize=".fsize)
276 " call Decho("using anfname<".anfname."> instead of <".fname.">")
283 " call Decho("making directories if they don't exist yet (fname<".fname.">)")
290 " call Decho("dirname<".dirname.">")
292 " call Decho("making <".dirname.">")
294 call system(g:vimball_mkdir." ".shellescape(dirname))
296 call mkdir(dirname)
298 call s:RecordInVar(home,"rmdir('".dirname."')")
302 call s:ChgDir(home)
308 " call Decho("exe ".linenr.",".lastline."yank a")
312 " call Decho('copy "a buffer into tab#'.vbtabnr)
323 " call Decho("exe w! ".fnameescape(fnamepath))
330 call s:RecordInVar(home,"call delete('".fnamepath."')")
334 " call Decho("exe tabn ".curtabnr)
338 " call Decho("didhelp<".didhelp."> fname<".fname.">")
341 " call Decho("didhelp<".didhelp.">")
345 " call Decho("update linenr= [linenr=".linenr."] + [fsize=".fsize."] = ".(linenr+fsize))
350 " call Decho("about to set up help: didhelp<".didhelp.">")
353 " call Decho("exe helptags ".htpath)
365 call s:RecordInFile(home)
372 call vimball#RestoreSettings()
373 call s:ChgDir(curdir)
375 " call Dret("vimball#Vimball")
385 " call Dfunc("vimball#RmVimball() a:0=".a:0)
387 " call Dret("vimball#RmVimball : (g:vimball_norecord)")
393 " call Decho("case a:0=0: curfile<".curfile."> (used expand(%:tr))")
396 call vimball#ShowMesg(s:USAGE,"RmVimball vimballname [path]")
397 " call Dret("vimball#RmVimball : suspect a:1<".a:1.">")
401 " call Decho("case a:0=".a:0.": curfile<".curfile.">")
412 " call Decho("home <".home.">")
413 " call Decho("curfile<".curfile.">")
414 " call Decho("curdir <".curdir.">")
416 call s:ChgDir(home)
418 " call Decho(".VimballRecord is readable")
419 " call Decho("curfile<".curfile.">")
423 " call Decho('search for ^\M'.curfile.'.\m: ')
424 " call Decho('search for ^\M'.curfile.'.\mvba: ')
425 " call Decho('search for ^\M'.curfile.'\m[-0-9.]*\.vba: ')
437 let s:VBRstring= substitute(exestring,'call delete(','','g')
439 " call Decho("exe ".exestring)
442 let exestring= strlen(substitute(exestring,'call delete(.\{-})|\=',"D","g"))
443 " call Decho("exestring<".exestring.">")
448 " call Decho("unable to find <".curfile."> in .VimballRecord")
450 call vimball#ShowMesg(s:WARNING,"(RmVimball) unable to find <".curfile."> in .VimballRecord")
457 call s:ChgDir(curdir)
459 " call Dret("vimball#RmVimball")
465 " call Dfunc("Decompress(fname<".a:fname.">) a:0=".a:0)
472 call vimball#ShowMesg(s:WARNING,"(vimball#Decompress) gunzip may have failed with <".a:fname.">")
476 if a:0 == 0| call vimball#ShowMesg(s:USAGE,"Source this file to extract it! (:so %)") | endif
482 call vimball#ShowMesg(s:WARNING,'(vimball#Decompress) "gzip -d" may have failed with <'.a:fname.">")
486 if a:0 == 0| call vimball#ShowMesg(s:USAGE,"Source this file to extract it! (:so %)") | endif
492 call vimball#ShowMesg(s:WARNING,"(vimball#Decompress) bunzip2 may have failed with <".a:fname.">")
496 if a:0 == 0| call vimball#ShowMesg(s:USAGE,"Source this file to extract it! (:so %)") | endif
502 call vimball#ShowMesg(s:WARNING,'(vimball#Decompress) "bzip2 -d" may have failed with <'.a:fname.">")
506 if a:0 == 0| call vimball#ShowMesg(s:USAGE,"Source this file to extract it! (:so %)") | endif
512 call vimball#ShowMesg(s:WARNING,"(vimball#Decompress) unzip may have failed with <".a:fname.">")
516 if a:0 == 0| call vimball#ShowMesg(s:USAGE,"Source this file to extract it! (:so %)") | endif
521 " call Dret("Decompress")
527 " call Dfunc("vimball#ShowMesg(level=".a:level." msg<".a:msg.">)")
547 call inputsave()|let ok= input("Press <cr> to continue")|call inputrestore()
553 " call Dret("vimball#ShowMesg")
558 " call Dfunc("ChgDir(newdir<".a:newdir.">)")
564 " call Dret("ChgDir : curdir<".getcwd().">")
570 " call Dfunc("RecordInVar(home<".a:home."> cmd<".a:cmd.">)")
573 " let s:recorddir= substitute(a:cmd,'^rmdir',"call s:Rmdir",'')
575 " let s:recorddir= s:recorddir."|".substitute(a:cmd,'^rmdir',"call s:Rmdir",'')
582 " call Dret("RecordInVar : s:recordfile<".(exists("s:recordfile")? s:recordfile : "")."> s:recorddir<".(exists("s:recorddir")? s:recorddir : "").">")
588 " call Dfunc("s:RecordInFile()")
590 " call Dret("s:RecordInFile : g:vimball_norecord")
596 call s:ChgDir(a:home)
600 " call Decho("cmd<".cmd.">")
612 " call Dret("s:RecordInFile : neither recordfile nor recorddir exist")
615 " call Decho("cmd<".cmd.">")
621 call s:ChgDir(curdir)
624 " call Decho("unlet s:recorddir<".s:recorddir.">")
628 " call Decho("unlet s:recordfile<".s:recordfile.">")
632 " call Decho("s:record[file|dir] doesn't exist")
635 " call Dret("s:RecordInFile")
641 " call Dfunc("vimball#VimballHome()")
663 " call Decho("picked home<".home.">")
666 " call Decho("home<".home."> isn't a directory -- making it now with g:vimball_mkdir<".g:vimball_mkdir.">")
667 " call Decho("system(".g:vimball_mkdir." ".shellescape(home).")")
668 call system(g:vimball_mkdir." ".shellescape(home))
670 " call Decho("home<".home."> isn't a directory -- making it now with mkdir()")
671 call mkdir(home)
674 " call Dret("vimball#VimballHome <".home.">")
681 " call Dfunc("SaveSettings()")
703 " call Dret("SaveSettings")
709 " call Dfunc("RestoreSettings()")
725 " call Decho("restore mark-a: makeep=".string(makeep))
726 call setpos("'a",s:makeep)
732 " call Dret("RestoreSettings")