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Lines Matching +refs:browse +refs:url +refs:temp +refs:file +refs:name

1 " netrw.vim: Handles file transfer and remote directory listing across
170 call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_ftp_browse_reject", '^total\s\+\d\+$\|^Trying\s\+\d\+.*$\|^KERBEROS_V\d rejected\|^Security extensions not\|No such file\|: connect to address [0-9a-fA-F:]*: No route to host$')
271 call s:NetrwInit("g:netrw_sort_by" , "name") " alternatives: date , size
537 " netrw#NetRead: responsible for reading a file over the net {{{2
538 " mode: =0 read remote file and insert before current line
539 " =1 read remote file and insert after current line
540 " =2 replace with remote file
541 " =3 obtain file, but leave in temporary format
551 if a:mode == 0 " read remote file before current line
553 elseif a:mode == 1 " read file after current line
555 elseif a:mode == 2 " replace with remote file
557 elseif a:mode == 3 " skip read of file (leave as temporary)
575 " attempt to repeat with previous host-file-etc
662 " ER: on Win2K" rcp machine[.user]:file tmpfile
717 " needed when one sources a file in a nolbl setting window via ftp
828 " call Decho('<\s*a\s*name=\s*"'.netrw_tag.'"/')
829 exe 'norm! 1G/<\s*a\s*name=\s*"'.netrw_tag.'"/'."\<CR>"
941 " netrw#NetWrite: responsible for writing a file over the net {{{2
966 " For binary writes, always write entire file.
969 " call Decho("(write entire file) silent exe w! ".fnameescape(v:cmdarg)." ".fnameescape(tmpfile))
972 " write (selected portion of) file to temporary
977 " write (selected portion of) file to temporary
983 " if the file is [No Name], and one attempts to Nwrite it, the buffer takes
984 " on the temporary file's name. Deletion of the temporary file during
986 0file!
993 " attempt to repeat with previous host-file-etc
1310 " uses NetRead to get a copy of the file into a temporarily file,
1311 " then sources that file,
1312 " then removes that file.
1348 " s:NetrwGetFile: Function to read temporary file "tfile" with command "readcmd". {{{2
1349 " readcmd == %r : replace buffer with newly read file
1350 " == 0r : read file at top of buffer
1351 " == r : read file after current line
1352 " == t : leave file in temporary form (ie. don't read into buffer)
1363 " get name of remote filename (ie. url and all)
1373 " get file into buffer
1374 " call Decho("get file into buffer")
1376 " rename the current buffer to the temp file (ie. tfile)
1382 " call Decho("exe sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(tfile))
1383 exe "sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(tfile)
1385 " edit temporary file (ie. read the temporary file in)
1387 " call Decho("handling remote zip file with zip#Browse(tfile<".tfile.">)")
1390 " call Decho("handling remote tar file with tar#Browse(tfile<".tfile.">)")
1393 " call Decho("handling remote gzip-compressed tar file")
1396 " call Decho("handling remote bz2-compressed tar file")
1399 " call Decho("handling remote xz-compressed tar file")
1402 " call Decho("handling remote xz-compressed tar file (.txz)")
1405 " call Decho("edit temporary file")
1410 " call Decho("exe sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(rfile))
1411 exe "sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(rfile)
1418 " read file after current line
1419 " call Decho("read file<".a:tfile."> after current line")
1431 call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"file <".a:tfile."> not readable",9)
1451 " make sure file is being displayed
1461 " choice = url [protocol:]//[userid@]hostname[:port]/[path-to-file]
1475 " g:netrw_choice = copy of input url (choice)
1521 " rcp://user@hostname/...path-to-file
1532 " scp://user@hostname/...path-to-file
1540 " http://user@hostname/...path-to-file
1547 " dav://hostname[:port]/..path-to-file..
1558 " rsync://user@hostname/...path-to-file
1565 " ftp://[user@]hostname[[:#]port]/...path-to-file
1606 " call Decho("(ftp) host id pass file")
1615 " call Decho("(ftp) host file")
1627 " sftp://user@hostname/...path-to-file
1636 " call Decho("(rcp) [user@]host:file) rcphf<".rcphf.">")
2207 silent! file .netrwhist
2300 " looks like a regular file, attempt transfer
2301 " call Decho("attempt transfer as regular file<".dirname.">")
2310 " remote-read the requested file into current buffer {{{3
2317 " call Decho("exe sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(s:method."://".s:user.s:machine."/".s:path)." (bt=".&bt.")")
2318 exe "sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(s:method."://".s:user.s:machine."/".s:path)
2332 " call Dret("s:NetrwBrowse : file<".s:fname.">")
2366 " set b:netrw_curdir to the new directory name {{{3
2367 " call Decho("set b:netrw_curdir to the new directory name: (buf#".bufnr("%").")")
2478 " s:NetrwFileInfo: supports qf (query for file information) {{{2
2495 " use vim functions to return information about file below cursor
2496 " call Decho("using vim functions to query for file info")
2609 " get enew buffer and name it -or- re-use buffer {{{3
2612 " call Decho("--get enew buffer and name it (bufexists([bufnum=".bufnum."])=".bufexists(bufnum).")")
2615 " name the buffer
2625 " call Decho(" exe sil! keepalt file NetrwTreeListing ".fnameescape(s:netrw_treelistnum))
2626 exe 'sil! keepalt file NetrwTreeListing\ '.fnameescape(s:netrw_treelistnum)
2637 " call Decho(' exe sil! keepalt file '.escdirname)
2639 exe 'sil! keepalt file '.escdirname
2656 " call Decho("exe sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(getcwd()))
2657 exe "sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(getcwd())
2677 " do netrw settings: make this buffer not-a-file, modifiable, not line-numbered, etc {{{3
2682 " call Decho("--do netrw settings: make this buffer#".bufnr("%")." not-a-file, modifiable, not line-numbered, etc--")
2685 " call Decho("exe sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(fname))
2686 exe "sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(fname)
2715 " s:NetrwGetWord: it gets the directory/file named under the cursor {{{2
2827 " call Decho("exe sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(fname))
2828 exe "sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(fname)
2996 " directory and a new directory name. Also, if the
2997 " "new directory name" is actually a file,
2998 " NetrwBrowseChgDir() edits the file.
3041 " edit a file:
3043 " call Decho('case "handling a file": newdir<'.newdir.'> !~ dirpat<'.dirpat.">")
3058 " call Decho("handling a file: dirname<".dirname."> (a:0=".a:0.")")
3082 " handling a file, didn't split, so remove menu
3083 " call Decho("handling a file+didn't split, so remove menu")
3092 " the point where netrw actually edits the (local) file
3093 " if its local only: LocalBrowseCheck() doesn't edit a file, but NetrwBrowse() will
3095 " call Decho("edit local file: exe e! ".fnameescape(dirname))
3098 " call Decho("remote file: NetrwBrowse will edit it")
3290 " (lower case the extension, make a local copy of a remote file)
3376 " execute the file handler
3389 " call Decho('exe silent !start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(fname,1))
3390 exe 'silent !start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(fname,1)
3392 " call Decho('exe silent !rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(fname,1))
3393 exe 'silent !rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler '.shellescape(fname,1)
3425 " restoring redraw! after external file handlers
3428 " cleanup: remove temporary file,
3432 " temporary file because it wasn't getting seen.
3434 " call Decho("deleting temporary file<".fname.">")
3451 " s:NetrwChgPerm: (implements "gp") change file permission {{{2
3462 call netrw#ErrorMsg(1,"changing permission on file<".expand("<cfile>")."> seems to have failed",75)
3491 " netrw#Explore: launch the local browser in the directory of the current file {{{2
3501 " dosplit==0: the window will be split iff the current file has been modified
3522 " if dosplit or file has been modified
3524 " call Decho("case dosplit=".a:dosplit." modified=".&modified." a:style=".a:style.": dosplit or file has been modified")
3657 " call Decho("empty dirname, using current file's directory<".dirname.">")
4062 " check if the status bar was clicked on instead of a file/directory name
4133 " NetrwHideEdit: allows user to edit the file/directory hiding list
4179 " get name of new directory from user. A bare <CR> will skip.
4183 let newdirname= input("Please give directory name: ")
4208 call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"<".newdirname."> is already a file!",25)
4210 " call Dret("NetrwMakeDir : file<".newdirname."> exists previously")
4214 " requested new local directory is neither a pre-existing file or
4281 " Creates a marked file match string
4419 call netrw#ErrorMsg(s:WARNING,"unable to apply<".exe."> to file<".fname.">",50)
4428 " fname not a compressed file, so compress it
4431 " fname not a compressed file, so compress it
4446 " directories. Uses the local-buffer marked file list.
4460 call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"your marked file target is empty! (:help netrw-mt)",67)
4540 " Uses the global marked file list.
4593 " Uses the local marked-file list.
4603 let cmd= input("Enter command: ","","file")
4637 " unmark marked file list
4652 " as the marked file(s) (toggles suffix presence)
4653 " Uses the local marked file list.
4750 " uses the global marked file list
4766 call netrw#ErrorMsg(2,"your marked file target is empty! (:help netrw-mt)",67)
4853 " using the hardcopy command. Local marked-file list only.
4891 let regexp= input("Enter regexp: ","","file")
4957 " Uses the local marked file list.
5024 " s:NetrwMarkFileTgt: (invoked by mt) This function sets up a marked file target {{{2
5047 " * If file, use b:netrw_curdir for the target
5115 " s:NetrwUnmarkList: delete local marked file lists and remove their contents from the global marked-file list {{{2
5119 " remove all files in local marked-file list from global list
5130 " getting rid of the local marked-file lists is easy
5141 " s:NetrwUnmarkAll: remove the global marked file list and all local ones {{{2
5177 " unmark marked file list (although I expect s:NetrwUpload()
5253 exe 'sil! menu '.g:NetrwMenuPriority.'.16.4 '.g:NetrwTopLvlMenu.'Style.Sorting\ Method\ (name-time-size)<tab>s s'
5278 " s:NetrwObtain: obtain file under cursor or from markfile list {{{2
5323 " obtain a file from local b:netrw_curdir to (local) tgtdir
5324 " call Decho("obtain a file from local ".b:netrw_curdir." to ".tgtdir)
5349 " call Decho("obtain a file from remote ".b:netrw_curdir." to ".tgtdir)
5356 " obtain file using scp
5373 " obtain file using ftp + .netrc
5499 " s:NetrwPrevWinOpen: open file/directory in previous window. {{{2
5503 " choice = 1 : saved modified file in window first
5504 " choice = 2 : didn't save modified file, opened window
5551 let choice = confirm("Save modified file<".bufname.">?","&Yes\n&No\n&Cancel")
5555 " Yes -- write file & then browse
5570 " No -- don't worry about changed file, just browse anyway
5625 " handle uploading a single file using NetWrite
5626 " call Decho("handle uploading a single file via NetWrite")
5824 " restore file marks
5838 " s:NetrwRefreshDir: refreshes a directory by name {{{2
5918 " sometimes multiple sorting patterns will match the same file or directory.
5943 " s:NetrwSortStyle: change sorting style (name - time - size) and refresh display {{{2
5949 let g:netrw_sort_by= (g:netrw_sort_by =~ 'n')? 'time' : (g:netrw_sort_by =~ 't')? 'size' : 'name'
6333 " call Decho("directories will be sorted by name")
6334 " sorted by name
6417 " sort by name
6465 " place cursor on the top-left corner of the file listing
6466 " call Decho("place cursor on top-left corner of file listing")
6577 " use ftp to get remote file listing
6578 " call Decho("use ftp to get remote file listing")
6632 " use ssh to get remote file listing {{{3
6633 " call Decho("use ssh to get remote file listing: s:path<".s:path.">")
6715 " s:NetrwRemoteRm: remove/delete a remote file or directory {{{2
6772 " attempt to remove file
6773 " call Decho("attempt to remove file (all=".all.")")
6778 let ok= input("Confirm deletion of file<".a:rmfile."> ","[{y(es)},n(o),a(ll),q(uit)] ")
6962 " infer directory/link based on the file permission string
6989 " s:NetrwRemoteRename: rename a remote file or directory {{{2
7192 " normal file
7200 " normal file
7205 " normal file
7236 " sort by size (handles file sizes up to 1 quintillion bytes, US)
7245 " sort by name
7265 " on the chance that s/he removed/created a file/directory with it.
7384 " s:NetrwLocalRmFile: remove file fname given the path {{{2
7396 " attempt to remove file
7397 " call Decho("attempt to remove file<".rmfile.">")
7401 let ok= input("Confirm deletion of file<".rmfile."> ","[{y(es)},n(o),a(ll),q(uit)] ")
7469 " s:NetrwLocalRename: rename a remote file or directory {{{2
7568 " If local browse buffer is currently showing: refresh it
7569 " If local browse buffer is currently hidden : wipe it
7643 file NetrwMessage
7677 " netrw#NetrwRestorePosn: restores the cursor and file position as saved by NetrwSavePosn() {{{2
7836 " sanity check -- does the temporary file's directory exist?
7866 " use fname's suffix for the temporary file
7970 " s:NetrwDelete: Deletes a file. {{{2
8056 file NetrwTreeListing
8061 exe "sil! keepalt file ".fnameescape(b:netrw_curdir)
8349 let nl = search('^'.indentm1.'[^|]','bWe') " search backwards from regular file
8353 let nl = search('^'.indentm1.'[^|]','We') " search forwards from regular file