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Lines Matching refs:constraints

96     # constraints that kept tests from running
122 # constraints defined in this procedure.
353 # constraints are initialized, because some constraints can be
384 foreach arg {-verbose -match -skip -constraints} {
419 # Use the -constraints flag, if given, to turn on constraints that are
421 # code fragment must be run after constraints are initialized.
423 if {[info exists flag(-constraints)]} {
424 foreach elt $flag(-constraints) {
498 # if any tests were skipped, print the constraints that kept them
558 # ::tcltest::skip, or if one of the elements of "constraints" turns
565 # constraints - A list of one or more keywords, each of
603 set constraints {}
606 # "constraints" argument exists; shuffle arguments down, then
607 # make sure that the constraints are satisfied.
609 set constraints $script
613 if {[string match {*[$\[]*} $constraints] != 0} {
617 catch {set doTest [uplevel #0 expr $constraints]}
619 } elseif {[regexp {[^.a-zA-Z0-9 ]+} $constraints] != 0} {
624 regsub -all {[.a-zA-Z0-9]+} $constraints \
629 # just simple constraints such as {unixOnly fonts}.
632 foreach constraint $constraints {
639 set constraints $constraint
647 puts stdout "++++ $name SKIPPED: $constraints"
650 # add the constraint to the list of constraints the kept tests
653 if {[info exists ::tcltest::skippedBecause($constraints)]} {
654 incr ::tcltest::skippedBecause($constraints)
656 set ::tcltest::skippedBecause($constraints) 1
661 error "wrong # args: must be \"test name description ?constraints? script expectedAnswer\""