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Lines Matching defs:pdict

74 ;;   ispell-pdict-save
108 ;; ispell-pdict-keyword personal-dictionary
109 ;; uses local variable ispell-local-pdict
1057 (define-key ispell-menu-map [ispell-pdict-save]
1059 (lambda () (interactive) (ispell-pdict-save t t))
1141 ["Save Personal Dict"(ispell-pdict-save t t) t]
1264 (defvar ispell-pdict-modified-p nil
1318 (defconst ispell-pdict-keyword "Local IspellPersDict: "
1336 (ispell-pdict-keyword forward-line)
1414 (defvar ispell-local-pdict ispell-personal-dictionary
1421 set when defined in the file with either `ispell-pdict-keyword' or the
1424 (make-variable-buffer-local 'ispell-local-pdict)
1689 (ispell-pdict-save ispell-silently-savep)
1760 ;;; Global ispell-pdict-modified-p is set by ispell-command-loop and
1766 (defun ispell-pdict-save (&optional no-query force-save)
1770 (if (and ispell-pdict-modified-p (listp ispell-pdict-modified-p))
1771 (setq ispell-pdict-modified-p (car ispell-pdict-modified-p)))
1772 (if (or ispell-pdict-modified-p force-save)
1778 (setq ispell-pdict-modified-p nil))
1791 Global `ispell-pdict-modified-p' becomes a list where the only value
1904 (setq ispell-pdict-modified-p '(t)) ; dictionary modified!
1908 (if (null ispell-pdict-modified-p)
1909 (setq ispell-pdict-modified-p
1910 (list ispell-pdict-modified-p)))
1937 (ispell-pdict-save ispell-silently-savep)
1943 (ispell-pdict-save ispell-silently-savep)
1956 ispell-pdict-modified-p nil))
2005 (setq ispell-pdict-modified-p '(t)) ; dictionary modified!
2010 (setq ispell-pdict-modified-p '(t))
2496 (or ispell-local-pdict ispell-personal-dictionary))
2664 (pdict (or ispell-local-pdict ispell-personal-dictionary)))
2666 (equal ispell-current-personal-dictionary pdict))
2669 ispell-current-personal-dictionary pdict))))
2784 (ispell-pdict-save ispell-silently-savep)
3270 (ispell-pdict-save ispell-silently-savep)
3719 (if (search-backward ispell-pdict-keyword nil t)
3721 (search-forward ispell-pdict-keyword)
3724 (setq ispell-local-pdict
3824 ; LocalWords: settable alist inews mh frag pdict Wildcards iconify arg tex kss