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Lines Matching defs:score

62 ;; `spam-stat-score-word' -- return the spam score for a word
64 ;; `spam-stat-score-buffer' -- return the spam score for a buffer
149 (defcustom spam-stat-unknown-word-score 0.2
150 "The score to use for unknown words.
174 "Spam score threshhold in spam-stat-split-fancy."
255 `spam-stat-bad', and `spam-stat-score' to access this vector.")
271 (defsubst spam-stat-score (entry)
272 "Set the score of this word."
275 spam-stat-unknown-word-score))
285 (defsubst spam-stat-set-score (entry value)
286 "Set the score of this word."
292 (spam-stat-set-score entry (spam-stat-compute-score entry))
297 (defun spam-stat-compute-score (entry)
298 "Compute the score of this word. 1.0 means spam."
349 (spam-stat-set-score entry (spam-stat-compute-score entry))
363 (spam-stat-set-score entry (spam-stat-compute-score entry))
379 (spam-stat-set-score entry (spam-stat-compute-score entry))
395 (spam-stat-set-score entry (spam-stat-compute-score entry))
456 (defvar spam-stat-score-data nil
457 "Raw data used in the last run of `spam-stat-score-buffer'.")
459 (defsubst spam-stat-score-word (word)
460 "Return score for WORD.
461 The default score for unknown words is stored in
462 `spam-stat-unknown-word-score'."
463 (spam-stat-score (gethash word spam-stat)))
472 (let (result word score)
474 (setq score (spam-stat-score-word word)
475 result (cons (list word score (abs (- score 0.5)))
482 (defun spam-stat-score-buffer ()
483 "Return a score describing the spam-probability for this buffer."
484 (setq spam-stat-score-data (spam-stat-buffer-words-with-scores))
485 (let* ((probs (mapcar (lambda (e) (cadr e)) spam-stat-score-data))
493 the raw data used for the last run of `spam-stat-score-buffer',
494 check the variable `spam-stat-score-data'."
499 (when (> (spam-stat-score-buffer) spam-stat-split-fancy-spam-threshhold)
503 spam-stat-score-data))
549 (score 0.0); float
558 (message "Reading %.2f%%, score %.2f%%"
559 (/ count max) (/ score count))
561 (when (> (spam-stat-score-buffer) 0.9)
562 (setq score (1+ score)))
564 (message "Final score: %d / %d = %f" score total (/ score total))))