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Lines Matching +defs:table +defs:string

46   :type 'string
63 :type '(vector string string string string string string string)
84 :type 'string
93 (defconst cal-html-e-document-string "<BR><BR>\n</BODY>\n</HTML>"
96 (defconst cal-html-b-tablerow-string "<TR>\n"
97 "HTML code for beginning of table row.")
99 (defconst cal-html-e-tablerow-string "</TR>\n"
100 "HTML code for end of table row.")
102 (defconst cal-html-b-tabledata-string " <TD>"
103 "HTML code for beginning of table data.")
105 (defconst cal-html-e-tabledata-string " </TD>\n"
106 "HTML code for end of table data.")
108 (defconst cal-html-b-tableheader-string " <TH>"
109 "HTML code for beginning of table header.")
111 (defconst cal-html-e-tableheader-string " </TH>\n"
112 "HTML code for end of table header.")
114 (defconst cal-html-e-table-string
116 "HTML code for end of table.")
121 (defconst cal-html-b-document-string
141 (defun cal-html-comment (string)
144 (replace-regexp-in-string "--" "++" string)))
146 (defun cal-html-href (link string)
148 (format "<A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A>" link string))
150 (defun cal-html-h3 (string)
152 (format "\n <H3>%s</H3>\n" string))
154 (defun cal-html-h1 (string)
156 (format "\n <H1>%s</H1>\n" string))
158 (defun cal-html-th (string)
159 "Return STRING as html table header."
160 (format "%s%s%s" cal-html-b-tableheader-string string
161 cal-html-e-tableheader-string))
163 (defun cal-html-b-table (arg)
164 "Return table tag with attribute ARG."
191 (cal-html-href "index.html" (number-to-string year))))))
209 (insert (cal-html-b-table "class=header"))
210 (insert cal-html-b-tablerow-string)
211 (insert cal-html-b-tabledata-string) ; month links
218 (insert cal-html-e-tabledata-string)
219 (insert cal-html-b-tabledata-string) ; minical
222 (insert cal-html-e-tabledata-string)
223 (insert cal-html-e-tablerow-string) ; end
224 (insert cal-html-e-table-string))
242 ;; Start writing table.
244 (cal-html-b-table "class=minical border=1 align=center"))
246 (insert cal-html-b-tablerow-string)
251 (insert cal-html-e-tablerow-string)
253 (insert cal-html-b-tablerow-string)
256 cal-html-b-tabledata-string
257 cal-html-e-tabledata-string))
264 (insert cal-html-e-tablerow-string
265 cal-html-b-tablerow-string)))
269 cal-html-b-tabledata-string
270 cal-html-e-tabledata-string)))
271 (insert cal-html-e-tablerow-string
272 cal-html-e-table-string
282 (insert cal-html-b-document-string)
283 (insert (cal-html-h1 (number-to-string year)))
284 (insert (cal-html-b-table "class=year")
285 cal-html-b-tablerow-string)
287 (insert cal-html-b-tabledata-string)
290 (insert cal-html-e-tabledata-string)
292 (insert cal-html-e-tablerow-string
293 cal-html-b-tablerow-string)))
294 (insert cal-html-e-tablerow-string
295 cal-html-e-table-string
296 cal-html-e-document-string))
303 (defun cal-html-htmlify-string (string)
306 (if (stringp string)
307 (replace-regexp-in-string
311 string)
319 ((string-match "block" (car (cddr entry))) "BLOCK")
320 ((string-match "anniversary" (car (cddr entry))) "ANN")
321 ((not (string-match
322 (number-to-string (car (cddr (car entry))))
327 (cal-html-htmlify-string (cadr entry)))))
331 "Return a string of concatenated, HTMLified diary entries.
367 (insert (cal-html-b-table "class=agenda border=1"))
372 cal-html-b-tablerow-string
374 cal-html-b-tableheader-string
382 cal-html-e-tableheader-string
384 cal-html-b-tabledata-string
386 cal-html-e-tabledata-string
387 cal-html-e-tablerow-string)
388 ;; If end of week and not end of month, make new table.
391 (insert cal-html-e-table-string
392 (cal-html-b-table
394 (insert cal-html-e-table-string))
406 (insert cal-html-b-document-string)
409 (insert cal-html-e-document-string)