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Lines Matching +refs:frame +refs:width

192     // Adjust the title frame if needed to prevent it from intersecting the dock button.
194 NSRect dockButtonFrame = _dockBottomButton.get().frame;
196 titleFrame.size.width -= (NSMaxX(titleFrame) - NSMinX(dockButtonFrame)) + dockButtonMargin;
212 static void setWindowFrame(WKPageRef, WKRect frame, const void* clientInfo)
217 webInspectorProxy->setInspectorWindowFrame(frame);
225 static void runOpenPanel(WKPageRef page, WKFrameRef frame, WKOpenPanelParametersRef parameters, WKOpenPanelResultListenerRef listener, const void* clientInfo)
256 void WebInspectorProxy::setInspectorWindowFrame(WKRect& frame)
260 [m_inspectorWindow setFrame:NSMakeRect(frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y, frame.size.width, frame.size.height) display:YES];
268 NSRect frame = m_inspectorWindow.get().frame;
269 return WKRectMake(frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y, frame.size.width, frame.size.height);
297 // Restore the saved window frame, if there was one.
346 // Get the frame view, the superview of the content view, and its frame.
350 NSSize dockButtonSize = m_dockBottomButton.get().frame.size;
356 dockButtonOrigin.x = NSMaxX(frameViewBounds) - dockButtonSize.width - dockButtonMargin;
360 dockButtonOrigin.x -= dockButtonSize.width + dockButtonSpacing;
379 // Center the window if the saved frame was empty.
402 NSRect inspectedViewFrame = m_page->wkView().frame;
638 NSString *frameString = NSStringFromRect([m_inspectorWindow frame]);
648 NSRect inspectedViewFrame = [inspectedView frame];
656 currentDimension = NSHeight([m_inspectorView frame]);
669 currentDimension = NSWidth([m_inspectorView frame]);
692 NSRect inspectedViewRect = [inspectedView frame];
699 NSRect inspectedViewRect = [inspectedView frame];
700 return static_cast<unsigned>(inspectedViewRect.size.width);
743 // Make sure that we size the inspected view's frame after detaching so that it takes up the space that the
746 inspectedView.frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, NSWidth(inspectedView.superview.bounds), NSMaxY(inspectedView.frame));
766 void WebInspectorProxy::platformSetAttachedWindowWidth(unsigned width)
771 inspectedViewFrameDidChange(width);