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Lines Matching defs:cert

2  *  cert.c
10 #include "cert.h"
146 void CERT_DestroyCertificate(SecCertificateRef cert)
148 CFRelease(cert);
151 SecCertificateRef CERT_DupCertificate(SecCertificateRef cert)
153 CFRetain(cert);
154 return cert;
161 SecCertificateRef cert = CERT_FindCertByNicknameOrEmailAddr(keychainOrArray, nickname);
162 if (!cert)
165 SecIdentityCreateWithCertificate(keychainOrArray, cert, &identityRef);
166 CFRelease(cert);
219 CFArrayRef CERT_CertChainFromCert(SecCertificateRef cert, SECCertUsage usage, Boolean includeRoot)
229 if (!cert)
239 wrappedCert = CERT_CertListFromCert(cert);
280 CFArrayRef CERT_CertListFromCert(SecCertificateRef cert)
282 const void *value = cert;
283 return cert ? CFArrayCreate(NULL, &value, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks) : NULL;
293 SecPublicKeyRef CERT_ExtractPublicKey(SecCertificateRef cert)
296 SecCertificateCopyPublicKey(cert,&keyRef);
300 SECStatus CERT_CheckCertUsage (SecCertificateRef cert,unsigned char usage)
319 // @@@ Technically this should look though keychainOrArray for a cert matching this one I guess.
320 SecCertificateRef cert = NULL;
323 rv = SecCertificateCreateFromData(derCert, CSSM_CERT_X_509v3, CSSM_CERT_ENCODING_DER, &cert);
324 if (rv && cert)
327 CFRelease(cert);
328 cert = NULL;
331 return cert;
335 // Return the cert if found. "issuerAndSN" is the issuer and serial number to look for
394 // find the smime symmetric capabilities profile for a given cert
395 SECItem *CERT_FindSMimeProfile(SecCertificateRef cert)
402 SECStatus CERT_FindSubjectKeyIDExtension (SecCertificateRef cert,SECItem *retItem)
462 SecCmsIssuerAndSN *CERT_GetCertIssuerAndSN(PRArenaPool *pl, SecCertificateRef cert)
479 status = SecCertificateGetData(cert, &certData);
483 /* Get the issuer from the cert. */
498 /* Get the serialNumber from the cert. */
548 // import a collection of certs into the temporary or permanent cert database
553 SecCertificateRef cert;
562 rv = SecCertificateCreateFromData(derCerts[ci], CSSM_CERT_X_509v3, CSSM_CERT_ENCODING_DER, &cert);
567 rv = SecCertificateAddToKeychain(cert, keychain);
574 CFRelease(cert);
586 CFRelease(cert);
592 SECStatus CERT_SaveSMimeProfile(SecCertificateRef cert, SECItem *emailProfile,SECItem *profileTime)
600 SECStatus CERT_VerifyCertName(SecCertificateRef cert, const char *hostname)
611 ** "cert" the certificate to verify
615 CERT_VerifyCert(SecKeychainRef keychainOrArray, SecCertificateRef cert,
619 const void *certs = cert;