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Lines Matching defs:?I

22 #if defined (PI) 
23 #undef PI
201 const double CalendarAstronomer::PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
203 #define CalendarAstronomer_PI2 (CalendarAstronomer::PI*2.0)
204 #define RAD_HOUR ( 12 / CalendarAstronomer::PI ) // radians -> hours
205 #define DEG_RAD ( CalendarAstronomer::PI / 180 ) // degrees -> radians
206 #define RAD_DEG ( 180 / CalendarAstronomer::PI ) // radians -> degrees
222 return normalize(angle, CalendarAstronomer::PI * 2.0);
226 * Normalize an angle into the range -PI - PI
229 return normalize(angle + CalendarAstronomer::PI, CalendarAstronomer::PI * 2.0) - CalendarAstronomer::PI;
503 double H = getLocalSidereal()*CalendarAstronomer::PI/12 - equatorial.ascension; // Hour-angle
526 // Angles are in radians (after multiplying by CalendarAstronomer::PI/180)
530 #define SUN_ETA_G (279.403303 * CalendarAstronomer::PI/180) // Ecliptic longitude at epoch
531 #define SUN_OMEGA_G (282.768422 * CalendarAstronomer::PI/180) // Ecliptic longitude of perigee
534 //double sunTheta0 (0.533128 * CalendarAstronomer::PI/180) // Angular diameter at R0
1107 if (theSunLongitude >= 2*PI) {
1108 theSunLongitude -= 2*PI;
1110 theSunLongitude += 2*PI;
1216 return (CalendarAstronomer::PI/2);
1227 return (CalendarAstronomer::PI);
1238 return ((CalendarAstronomer::PI*3)/2);
1362 // double offset = ::round(fLongitude*12/PI); // p.95 step 6; he _rounds_ to nearest 15 deg.
1492 // double E = M + e*(180/PI) * ::sin(M*DEG_RAD) * ( 1.0 + e*cos(M*DEG_RAD) );
1593 #define moonL0 (318.351648 * CalendarAstronomer::PI/180 ) // Mean long. at epoch
1594 #define moonP0 ( 36.340410 * CalendarAstronomer::PI/180 ) // Mean long. of perigee
1595 #define moonN0 ( 318.510107 * CalendarAstronomer::PI/180 ) // Mean long. of node
1596 #define moonI ( 5.145366 * CalendarAstronomer::PI/180 ) // Inclination of orbit
1601 #define moonT0 ( 0.5181 * CalendarAstronomer::PI/180 ) // Angular size at distance A
1602 #define moonPi ( 0.9507 * CalendarAstronomer::PI/180 ) // Parallax at distance A
1626 // more accurate with the fix (and never returns values >= 2*PI), also more than 11 times faster.
6649 double meanLongitude = norm2PI(13.1763966*PI/180*day + moonL0);
6650 meanAnomalyMoon = norm2PI(meanLongitude - 0.1114041*PI/180 * day - moonP0);
6658 double evection = 1.2739*PI/180 * ::sin(2 * (meanLongitude - sunLongitude)
6660 double annual = 0.1858*PI/180 * ::sin(meanAnomalySun);
6661 double a3 = 0.3700*PI/180 * ::sin(meanAnomalySun);
6672 double center = 6.2886*PI/180 * ::sin(meanAnomalyMoon);
6673 double a4 = 0.2140*PI/180 * ::sin(2 * meanAnomalyMoon);
6683 double variation = 0.6583*CalendarAstronomer::PI/180 * ::sin(2*(moonLongitude - sunLongitude));
6694 double nodeLongitude = norm2PI(moonN0 - 0.0529539*PI/180 * day);
6696 nodeLongitude -= 0.16*PI/180 * ::sin(meanAnomalySun);
6728 // about is that the method returns new moon (0) and full moon (PI)
6730 // is monotonically increasing from 0 to PI for the range new moon date
6731 // to full moon date, and monotonically increasing from PI to just under
6732 // 2*PI for the range full moon date to just before next new moon date.
6747 return PI*((double)(curTime - *newMoonDatesPtr))/((double)(fullMoonDate - *newMoonDatesPtr));
6749 return PI + PI*((double)(curTime - fullMoonDate))/((double)(*(newMoonDatesPtr+1) - fullMoonDate));
6795 return CalendarAstronomer::MoonAge(CalendarAstronomer::PI/2);
6805 return CalendarAstronomer::MoonAge(CalendarAstronomer::PI);
6823 return CalendarAstronomer::MoonAge((CalendarAstronomer::PI*3)/2);