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Lines Matching +refs:ada +refs:case +refs:exception +refs:file

4 "	   $Id: ada.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
13 " $HeadURL: https://gnuada.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gnuada/trunk/tools/vim/autoload/ada.vim $
26 " Help Page: ft-ada-functions
35 let g:ada#DotWordRegex = '\a\w*\(\_s*\.\_s*\a\w*\)*'
36 let g:ada#WordRegex = '\a\w*'
37 let g:ada#Comment = "\\v^(\"[^\"]*\"|'.'|[^\"']){-}\\zs\\s*--.*"
38 let g:ada#Keywords = []
40 " Section: g:ada#Keywords {{{1
44 for Item in ['abort', 'else', 'new', 'return', 'abs', 'elsif', 'not', 'reverse', 'abstract', 'end', 'null', 'accept', 'entry', 'select', 'access', 'exception', 'of', 'separate', 'aliased', 'exit', 'or', 'subtype', 'all', 'others', 'synchronized', 'and', 'for', 'out', 'array', 'function', 'overriding', 'tagged', 'at', 'task', 'generic', 'package', 'terminate', 'begin', 'goto', 'pragma', 'then', 'body', 'private', 'type', 'if', 'procedure', 'case', 'in', 'protected', 'until', 'constant', 'interface', 'use', 'is', 'raise', 'declare', 'range', 'when', 'delay', 'limited', 'record', 'while', 'delta', 'loop', 'rem', 'with', 'digits', 'renames', 'do', 'mod', 'requeue', 'xor']
45 let g:ada#Keywords += [{
57 let g:ada#Keywords += [{
66 " Section: add standart exception {{{2
69 let g:ada#Keywords += [{
71 \ 'menu': 'exception',
72 \ 'info': 'Ada standart exception.',
77 " Section: add GNAT exception {{{3
81 let g:ada#Keywords += [{
83 \ 'menu': 'exception',
84 \ 'info': 'GNAT exception.',
93 let g:ada#Keywords += [{
105 let g:ada#Keywords += [{
117 let g:ada#Keywords += [{
129 let g:ada#Keywords += [{
141 let g:ada#Keywords += [{
153 let g:ada#Keywords += [{
163 " Section: g:ada#Ctags_Kinds {{{1
165 let g:ada#Ctags_Kinds = {
178 \ 'x': ["exception", "user defined exceptions"],
192 " Section: ada#Word (...) {{{1
197 function ada#Word (...)
206 let l:Line = substitute (getline (l:Line_Nr), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
229 " Have to include previous l:Line from file
232 " Start of file or matching in a comment
235 let l:Our_Match = match (l:Line, g:ada#WordRegex )
239 let l:New_Line = substitute (getline (l:Line_Nr), g:ada#Comment, '', '' )
246 \ matchend (strpart (l:Line,l:New_Column), g:ada#WordRegex ) - 1
251 \ match (strpart (l:Line,l:Match_End+1), g:ada#WordRegex )
264 let l:Match_String = matchstr (l:Line, g:ada#WordRegex)
270 \ substitute (getline (l:Line_Nr), g:ada#Comment, '', '')
271 let l:Match_String = matchstr (l:Line, g:ada#WordRegex)
279 endfunction ada#Word
281 " Section: ada#List_Tag (...) {{{1
285 function ada#List_Tag (...)
287 let l:Tag_Word = ada#Word (a:1, a:2)
291 let l:Tag_Word = ada#Word ()
316 endfunction ada#List_Tag
318 " Section: ada#Jump_Tag (Word, Mode) {{{1
322 function ada#Jump_Tag (Word, Mode)
325 let l:Word = ada#Word()
345 endfunction ada#Jump_Tag
347 " Section: ada#Insert_Backspace () {{{1
351 function ada#Insert_Backspace ()
362 endfunction ada#InsertBackspace
366 " Section: ada#User_Complete(findstart, base) {{{2
370 function! ada#User_Complete(findstart, base)
389 for Tag_Item in g:ada#Keywords
401 endfunction ada#User_Complete
403 " Section: ada#Completion (cmd) {{{2
406 function ada#Completion (cmd)
408 return a:cmd . "\<C-R>=ada#Completion_End ()\<CR>"
409 endfunction ada#Completion
411 " Section: ada#Completion_End () {{{2
413 function ada#Completion_End ()
416 endfunction ada#Completion_End
418 " Section: ada#Create_Tags {{{1
420 function ada#Create_Tags (option)
421 if a:option == 'file'
425 \ fnamemodify (bufname ('%'), ':p:h') . "*.ada " .
432 endfunction ada#Create_Tags
434 " Section: ada#Switch_Session {{{1
436 function ada#Switch_Session (New_Session)
476 endfunction ada#Switch_Session
501 let s:Fold_Collate .= '\s\+\<exception\>$\|'
508 function ada#Pretty_Print_Folding (Line) " {{{2
527 endfunction ada#Pretty_Print_Folding " }}}2
532 " Section: ada#Switch_Syntax_Options {{{2
534 function ada#Switch_Syntax_Option (option)
544 endfunction ada#Switch_Syntax_Option
546 " Section: ada#Map_Menu {{{2
548 function ada#Map_Menu (Text, Keys, Command)
596 " Section: ada#Map_Popup {{{2
598 function ada#Map_Popup (Text, Keys, Command)
610 call ada#Map_Menu (a:Text, a:Keys, a:Command)
612 endfunction ada#Map_Popup
616 lockvar g:ada#WordRegex
617 lockvar g:ada#DotWordRegex
618 lockvar g:ada#Comment
619 lockvar! g:ada#Keywords
620 lockvar! g:ada#Ctags_Kinds