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24 Try editing the text with the keyboard and mouse; compare the bindings for Text (left panel) and Ntext (right panel).
26 Try word-by-word navigation (Control key with left cursor or right cursor key); try word selection (double click); try these for the different word-break detection options (selected below).
48 pack [frame .rhf] -side right -anchor nw
65 pack [radiobutton .rhf.h.on -text "On " -variable ::ntext::classicMouseSelect -value 1] -side right
66 pack [radiobutton .rhf.h.off -text "Off" -variable ::ntext::classicMouseSelect -value 0] -side right
67 pack [label .rhf.h.l -text "classicMouseSelect: "] -side right
70 pack [radiobutton .rhf.g.on -text "On " -variable ::ntext::classicAnchor -value 1] -side right
71 pack [radiobutton .rhf.g.off -text "Off" -variable ::ntext::classicAnchor -value 0] -side right
72 pack [label .rhf.g.l -text "classicAnchor: "] -side right
75 pack [radiobutton .rhf.k.on -text "On " -variable ::ntext::classicExtras -value 1] -side right
76 pack [radiobutton .rhf.k.off -text "Off" -variable ::ntext::classicExtras -value 0] -side right
77 pack [label .rhf.k.l -text "classicExtras: "] -side right
81 pack [radiobutton .rhf.j.wind -text "On (Windows)" -variable wordBreakChoice -value "windows" -command {setPattern}] -side right
82 pack [radiobutton .rhf.j.unix -text "On (Unix)" -variable wordBreakChoice -value "unix" -command {setPattern}] -side right
83 pack [radiobutton .rhf.j.off -text "Off" -variable wordBreakChoice -value "new" -command {setPattern}] -side right
84 pack [label .rhf.j.l -text "classicWordBreak: "] -side right