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Lines Matching refs:segment

505  * @empty: allow an empty segment
507 * Parse a segment and fills in the appropriate fields
510 * segment = *pchar
511 * segment-nz = 1*pchar
512 * segment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@" )
513 * ; non-zero-length segment without any colon ":"
542 * path-abempty = *( "/" segment )
582 * path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ]
628 * path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment )
670 * path-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( "/" segment )
1491 * first non-empty segment.
1503 * Analyze each segment in sequence for cases (c) and (d).
1507 * c) All occurrences of "./", where "." is a complete path segment,
1519 * d) If the buffer string ends with "." as a complete path segment,
1525 /* Otherwise keep the segment. */
1540 /* Reset to the beginning of the first segment for the next sequence. */
1548 * Analyze each segment in sequence for cases (e) and (f).
1550 * e) All occurrences of "<segment>/../", where <segment> is a
1551 * complete path segment not equal to "..", are removed from the
1556 * f) If the buffer string ends with "<segment>/..", where <segment>
1557 * is a complete path segment not equal to "..", that
1558 * "<segment>/.." is removed.
1569 * the first character of the segment we want to examine.
1572 /* Find the end of the current segment. */
1577 /* If this is the last segment, we're done (we need at least two
1583 /* If the first segment is "..", or if the next segment _isn't_ "..",
1584 * keep this segment and try the next one.
1594 /* If we get here, remove this segment and the next one and back up
1595 * to the previous segment (if there is one), to implement the
1619 /* "segp" is pointing to the end of a previous segment; find it's
1620 * start. We need to back up to the previous segment and start
1821 xmlChar *ret, *segment = NULL;
1853 segment = xmlURIEscapeStr(BAD_CAST uri->scheme, BAD_CAST "+-.");
1854 NULLCHK(segment)
1855 ret = xmlStrcat(ret, segment);
1857 xmlFree(segment);
1861 segment =
1863 NULLCHK(segment)
1865 ret = xmlStrcat(ret, segment);
1866 xmlFree(segment);
1870 segment = xmlURIEscapeStr(BAD_CAST uri->user, BAD_CAST ";:&=+$,");
1871 NULLCHK(segment)
1873 ret = xmlStrcat(ret, segment);
1875 xmlFree(segment);
1879 segment = xmlURIEscapeStr(BAD_CAST uri->server, BAD_CAST "/?;:@");
1880 NULLCHK(segment)
1883 ret = xmlStrcat(ret, segment);
1884 xmlFree(segment);
1896 segment =
1898 NULLCHK(segment)
1899 ret = xmlStrcat(ret, segment);
1900 xmlFree(segment);
1908 segment =
1910 NULLCHK(segment)
1912 ret = xmlStrcat(ret, segment);
1913 xmlFree(segment);
1917 segment = xmlURIEscapeStr(BAD_CAST uri->opaque, BAD_CAST "");
1918 NULLCHK(segment)
1919 ret = xmlStrcat(ret, segment);
1920 xmlFree(segment);
1924 segment = xmlURIEscapeStr(BAD_CAST uri->fragment, BAD_CAST "#");
1925 NULLCHK(segment)
1927 ret = xmlStrcat(ret, segment);
1928 xmlFree(segment);
2143 * a) All but the last segment of the base URI's path component is