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Lines Matching refs:SHELL

135 $SHELL -c 'read x <<< hello' 2> /dev/null || err_exit 'syntax <<< not recognized'
136 ($SHELL -c 'read x[1] <<< hello') 2> /dev/null || err_exit 'read x[1] not working'
187 $SHELL -c "cd $tmp/a/b; cd c" 2>/dev/null || err_exit "initial script relative cd fails"
197 [[ $($SHELL -c 'trap "print ok" SIGTERM; kill -s SIGTERM $$' 2> /dev/null) == ok ]] || err_exit 'SIGTERM not recognized'
198 [[ $($SHELL -c 'trap "print ok" sigterm; kill -s sigterm $$' 2> /dev/null) == ok ]] || err_exit 'SIGTERM not recognized'
199 [[ $($SHELL -c '( trap "" TERM);kill $$;print bad' == bad) ]] 2> /dev/null && err_exit 'trap ignored in subshell causes it to be ignored by parent'
200 ${SHELL} -c 'kill -1 -$$' 2> /dev/null
202 ${SHELL} -c 'kill -1 -$$' 2> /dev/null
204 ${SHELL} -c 'kill -s HUP -$$' 2> /dev/null
252 #FIXME#($SHELL read -s foobar <<\!
327 if [[ $($SHELL < $tmp/script) != hello ]]
354 if [[ $(foo=bar; eval foo=\$foo $env exec -c \$SHELL -c \'print \$foo\') != bar ]]
357 $SHELL -c 'OPTIND=-1000000; getopts a opt -a' 2> /dev/null
361 if [[ $($SHELL -c $'printf \'%2$s %1$s\n\' world hello') != 'hello world' ]]
419 [[ $($SHELL 2> /dev/null -c 'readonly foo; getopts a: foo -a blah; echo foo') == foo ]] || err_exit 'getopts with readonly variable causes script to abort'
473 if ! ${SHELL:-ksh} -c 'print $#' count $(longline $n) > /dev/null 2>&1
474 then for i in $(command command -x ${SHELL:-ksh} -c 'print $#;[[ $1 != argument0 ]]' count $(longline $n) 2> /dev/null)
478 command -p command -x ${SHELL:-ksh} -c 'print $#;[[ $1 == argument0 ]]' count $(longline $n) > /dev/null 2>&1
483 if ! ${SHELL:-ksh} -c 'print $#' count $(longline $n) > /dev/null 2>&1
484 then for i in $(command command -x ${SHELL:-ksh} -c 'print $#;[[ $1 != argument0 ]]' count $(longline $n) one two three) #2> /dev/null)
490 command -p command -x ${SHELL:-ksh} -c 'print $#;[[ $1 == argument0 ]]' count $(longline $n) > /dev/null 2>&1
500 [[ $($SHELL -c 'echo -3') == -3 ]] || err_exit "echo -3 not working in ucb universe"
513 $SHELL -c 'sleep $(printf "%a" .95)' 2> /dev/null || err_exit "sleep doesn't except %a format constants"
514 $SHELL -c 'test \( ! -e \)' 2> /dev/null ; [[ $? == 1 ]] || err_exit 'test \( ! -e \) not working'
520 [[ $($SHELL -c ". $tmpfile"$'\n print ok' 2> /dev/null) == ok ]] || err_exit 'syntax error in dot command affects next command'
524 $SHELL -c "( sleep 1; kill -ALRM \$\$ ) & sleep $del" 2> /dev/null
539 [[ $($SHELL -c 'y=3; unset 123 y;print $?$y') == 1 ]] 2> /dev/null || err_exit 'y is not getting unset with unset 123 y'
540 [[ $($SHELL -c 'trap foo TERM; (trap;(trap) )') == 'trap -- foo TERM' ]] || err_exit 'traps not getting reset when subshell is last process'
546 [[ $($SHELL -c 'ulimit -v 15000 2>/dev/null; ulimit -t') == "$t" ]] || err_exit 'ulimit -v changes ulimit -t'
548 $SHELL 2> /dev/null -c 'cd ""' && err_exit 'cd "" not producing an error'
549 [[ $($SHELL 2> /dev/null -c 'cd "";print hi') != hi ]] && err_exit 'cd "" should not terminate script'
557 [[ $($SHELL -c '{ printf %R "["; print ok;}' 2> /dev/null) == ok ]] || err_exit $'\'printf %R "["\' causes shell to abort'
559 v=$( $SHELL -c $'
621 $SHELL +E -i <<- \! && err_exit 'interactive shell should not exit 0 after false'
633 v=$($SHELL 2> /dev/null +o rc -ic $'getopts a:bc: opt --man\nprint $?')