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Lines Matching refs:ih

482 OSErr 		closeDeviceControl( ComponentInstance ih, DeviceDescriptionPtr deviceDescriptionPtr);
484 OSErr doAVCTransaction( FWReferenceID ih, DVCTransactionParams* inTransaction);
486 OSErr findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( IsochComponentInstancePtr ih, UInt32 deviceID, DeviceDescription **deviceDescription);
488 OSErr getDeviceStandard( FWReferenceID ih, UInt32 * pStandard );
495 OSErr setupAVCTransaction( FWReferenceID ih, DVCTransactionParams *pParams);
503 OSErr updateDeviceList(IsochComponentInstancePtr ih, GDFDeviceEventData *pGDFData, IDHDeviceID *deviceID, Boolean doAdd);
542 OSErr enableRead(IsochComponentInstancePtr ih);
543 OSErr enableWrite(IsochComponentInstancePtr ih);
544 OSErr disableRead(IsochComponentInstancePtr ih);
545 OSErr disableWrite(IsochComponentInstancePtr ih);
578 OSErr writeFrame( IsochComponentInstancePtr ih, char *tmpBuffPtr);
579 OSErr getEmptyOutputFrame( IsochComponentInstancePtr ih, Ptr *tmpBuffPtr, UInt32 *size);
1051 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1059 if( ih->permissions & kIDHOpenForReadTransactions)
1060 queue = ih->readQueue;
1062 if( ih->permissions & kIDHOpenForWriteTransactions)
1063 queue = ih->writeQueue;
1080 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1082 IsochComponentGlobalsPtr gGlobals = ih->gGlobals;
1089 FailWithAction( ih->deviceID == nil, result = kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured, Exit);
1091 if( ih->permissions == 0) // client has no open devices?
1095 while( PBDequeueFirst( ih->readQueue, (QElemPtr *) &IORequest) == noErr) ;
1096 while( PBDequeueFirst( ih->writeQueue, (QElemPtr *) &IORequest) == noErr) ;
1098 result = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( ih, ih->deviceID, &deviceDescriptionPtr); // find the device
1103 if( deviceDescriptionPtr->instancePtr[i] == ih)
1111 if( ih->permissions & kIDHOpenForReadTransactions) // tear down read
1128 result = disableRead(ih);
1135 if( ih->permissions & kIDHOpenForWriteTransactions) // tear down write
1152 result = disableWrite(ih);
1159 result = postEvent( ih->gGlobals, ih->deviceID,
1160 (ih->permissions & kIDHOpenForReadTransactions)?kIDHEventReadDisabled:kIDHEventWriteDisabled, nil);
1164 ih->permissions = 0; // make sure device is closed
1189 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1197 FailWithAction( ih->deviceID == nil, result = kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured, Exit);
1199 result = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( ih, ih->deviceID, &deviceDescriptionPtr);
1214 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1220 FailWithAction( ih->currentConfig.container == nil || ih->currentConfig.atom == nil,
1223 *configID = ih->currentConfig;
1232 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1240 FailWithAction( ih->deviceID == nil, result = kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured, Exit);
1242 result = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( ih, ih->deviceID, &deviceDescriptionPtr);
1249 FailMessageVal( *deviceControl == nil, (long) ih);
1260 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1261 IsochComponentGlobalsPtr gGlobals = ih->gGlobals;
1319 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1320 IsochComponentGlobalsPtr gGlobals = ih->gGlobals;
1335 result = checkSeed( ih->gGlobals, &volatileAtomSpec);
1342 result = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( ih, deviceID, &deviceDescriptionPtr); // find description for this device
1442 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1443 IsochComponentGlobalsPtr gGlobals = ih->gGlobals;
1454 FailWithAction( ih->deviceID == nil, result = kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured, Exit);
1456 result = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( ih, ih->deviceID, &deviceDescriptionPtr);
1462 if( ih->permissions & kIDHOpenForReadTransactions && permissions & kIDHOpenForReadTransactions)
1465 if( ih->permissions & kIDHOpenForWriteTransactions && permissions & kIDHOpenForWriteTransactions)
1469 FailWithAction( ih->permissions & kIDHOpenForReadTransactions && permissions & kIDHOpenForWriteTransactions,
1472 FailWithAction( ih->permissions & kIDHOpenForWriteTransactions && permissions & kIDHOpenForReadTransactions,
1491 result = enableRead(ih);
1503 result = enableWrite(ih);
1512 ih->permissions = permissions; // save the permissions
1516 if( deviceDescriptionPtr->instancePtr[i] == ih)
1525 deviceDescriptionPtr->instancePtr[i] = ih;
1533 result = postEvent( ih->gGlobals, ih->deviceID,
1544 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1548 IsochComponentGlobalsPtr gGlobals = ih->gGlobals;
1550 RecordEventLogger( 'isoc', 'read', (unsigned long) ih->readQueue, (unsigned long) pb);
1557 FailWithAction( ih->deviceID == nil, result = kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured, Exit);
1559 result = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( ih, ih->deviceID, &deviceDescriptionPtr);
1566 result = IDHNewNotification( (ComponentInstance) gGlobals->localInstance, ih->deviceID, readNotifyProc,
1567 (void *) ih->gGlobals, &deviceDescriptionPtr->readIsochNotificationID);
1588 PBEnqueueLast( (QElemPtr) pb, ih->readQueue); // queue the read
1595 ih->timeout = false;
1600 result = SetInterruptTimer( &expirationTime, myTimerHandler, ih, &theTimer);
1603 while( deviceDescriptionPtr->complete == false && ih->timeout == false) // loop until complete or timeout
1611 FailWithAction( ih->timeout == true, result = kIDHErrDeviceTimeout, Exit); //��� correct error code
1622 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1630 FailWithAction( ih->deviceID == nil, result = kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured, Exit);
1632 result = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( ih, ih->deviceID, &deviceDescriptionPtr);
1665 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1667 IsochComponentGlobalsPtr gGlobals = ih->gGlobals;
1679 if( configID->container == ih->currentConfig.container &&
1680 configID->atom == ih->currentConfig.atom)
1684 FailWithAction( ih->permissions != 0, result = kIDHErrDeviceInUse, Exit);
1686 previousDeviceID = ih->deviceID;
1689 result = getDeviceID( &volatileAtomSpec, &ih->deviceID);
1692 result = checkSeed( ih->gGlobals, &volatileAtomSpec);
1695 ih->currentConfig = *configID;
1697 result = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( ih, ih->deviceID, &deviceDescriptionPtr);
1703 if( previousDeviceID && ih->hasDeviceControl)
1707 result = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( ih, previousDeviceID, &deviceDescriptionPtr2);
1713 ih->hasDeviceControl = false;
1752 result = IDHNewNotification( (ComponentInstance) gGlobals->localInstance, ih->deviceID, deviceControlCallback, deviceDescriptionPtr,
1766 if( ih->hasDeviceControl == false && deviceDescriptionPtr->deviceControlInstance != nil)
1768 ih->hasDeviceControl = true;
1780 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1781 IsochComponentGlobalsPtr gGlobals = ih->gGlobals;
1844 result = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( ih, deviceID, &deviceDescriptionPtr);
1875 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
1879 IsochComponentGlobalsPtr gGlobals = ih->gGlobals;
1891 FailWithAction( ih->deviceID == nil, result = kIDHErrDeviceNotConfigured, Exit);
1893 result = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( ih, ih->deviceID, &deviceDescriptionPtr);
1900 result = IDHNewNotification( (ComponentInstance) gGlobals->localInstance, ih->deviceID, writeNotifyProc,
1901 (void *) ih->gGlobals, &deviceDescriptionPtr->writeIsochNotificationID );
1922 PBEnqueueLast( (QElemPtr) pb, ih->writeQueue);
1929 ih->timeout = false;
1934 result = SetInterruptTimer( &expirationTime, myTimerHandler, ih, &theTimer);
1937 while( deviceDescriptionPtr->complete == false && ih->timeout == false) // loop until complete or timeout
1945 FailWithAction( ih->timeout == true, result = kIDHErrDeviceTimeout, Exit); //��� correct error code
1958 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
2049 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
2050 IsochComponentGlobalsPtr gGlobals = ih->gGlobals;
2207 OSErr findDeviceDescriptionforDevice( IsochComponentInstancePtr ih, UInt32 deviceID, DeviceDescription **deviceDescription)
2210 IsochComponentGlobalsPtr gGlobals = ih->gGlobals;
2361 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) p1;
2363 ih->timeout = true;
2516 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = deviceDescriptionPtr->instancePtr[i];
2523 if( PBDequeueFirst( ih->readQueue, (QElemPtr *) &readRequest) != noErr)
2899 OSErr updateDeviceList(IsochComponentInstancePtr ih, GDFDeviceEventData *pGDFData, IDHDeviceID *deviceID, Boolean doAdd)
2903 IsochComponentGlobalsPtr gGlobals = ih->gGlobals;
3111 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = deviceDescriptionPtr->instancePtr[i];
3118 while( PBDequeueFirst( ih->readQueue, (QElemPtr *) &readRequest) == noErr)
3129 while( PBDequeueFirst( ih->writeQueue, (QElemPtr *) &writeRequest) == noErr)
3175 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = deviceDescriptionPtr->instancePtr[i];
3183 if( PBDequeueFirst( ih->writeQueue, (QElemPtr *) &writeRequest) != noErr) // get a write request
3187 result = getEmptyOutputFrame( ih, &tmpBuffPtr, &frameSize);
3208 result = writeFrame( ih, tmpBuffPtr);
3218 result = writeFrame( ih, tmpBuffPtr);
3504 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
3511 status = updateDeviceList(ih, pGDFData, &deviceID, true /* activate */);
3514 postEvent(ih->gGlobals, deviceID, kIDHEventDeviceAdded, nil);
3522 IsochComponentInstancePtr ih = (IsochComponentInstancePtr) ihc;
3529 status = updateDeviceList(ih, pGDFData, &deviceID, false /* deactivate */);
3532 postEvent(ih->gGlobals, deviceID, kIDHEventDeviceRemoved, nil);
5245 OSErr enableRead(IsochComponentInstancePtr ih)
5252 error = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice(ih, ih->deviceID, &pDeviceDescription);
5257 error = dclInitInput(pDeviceDescription, ih->gGlobals);
5402 OSErr disableRead(IsochComponentInstancePtr ih)
5408 error = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice(ih, ih->deviceID, &pDeviceDescription);
5456 OSErr enableWrite(IsochComponentInstancePtr ih)
5463 error = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice(ih, ih->deviceID, &pDeviceDescription);
5466 error = dclInitOutput(pDeviceDescription, ih->gGlobals);
5602 OSErr disableWrite(IsochComponentInstancePtr ih)
5608 error = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice(ih, ih->deviceID, &pDeviceDescription);
7928 OSErr writeFrame(IsochComponentInstancePtr ih, char *tmpBuffPtr)
7933 error = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice(ih, ih->deviceID, &pDeviceDescription);
7943 OSErr getEmptyOutputFrame(IsochComponentInstancePtr ih, Ptr *tmpBuffPtr, UInt32 *size)
7948 error = findDeviceDescriptionforDevice(ih, ih->deviceID, &pDeviceDescription);