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  • only in /macosx-10.10.1/CPANInternal-159.1/Log-Log4perl-1.40/lib/Log/Log4perl/Config/

Lines Matching refs:child

120     for my $child ($node->getChildNodes) {
121 next unless $child->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE;
123 my $name = subst($child->getAttribute('name'));
126 foreach my $grandkid ($child->getChildNodes){
172 for my $child ($node->getChildNodes) {
174 if ($child->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE){
176 my $tag_name = $child->getTagName();
179 &parse_any_param($l4p_branch, $child);
181 }elsif ($child->getNodeType == TEXT_NODE){
182 my $text = $child->getData;
241 for my $child ($node->getChildNodes) {
242 next unless $child->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE;
244 my $tag_name = $child->getTagName();
247 my $name = subst($child->getAttribute('name'));
248 my $value = subst($child->getAttribute('value'));
255 push @appenders, subst($child->getAttribute('ref'));
258 $priority = &parse_level($child);
293 for my $child ($node->getChildNodes) {
294 next unless $child->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE;
296 my $tag_name = $child->getTagName();
298 my $name = unlog4j(subst($child->getAttribute('name')));
302 &parse_any_param($l4p_branch, $child);
307 $l4p_branch->{layout} = parse_layout($child);
310 $l4p_branch->{Filter} = parse_filter($child);
313 $l4p_branch->{Filter} = parse_filter_ref($child);
334 my ($l4p_branch, $child) = @_;
336 my $tag_name = $child->getTagName();
337 my $name = subst($child->getAttribute('name'));
350 $l4p_branch->{$name} = &parse_param_nested($child);
357 $value = subst($child->getAttribute('value'));
367 $child->getParentNode->getAttribute('name') ne 'cspec') {
373 foreach my $grandkid ($child->getChildNodes){
379 $child->getParentNode->getAttribute('name') ne 'cspec') {
404 for my $child ($node->getChildNodes) {
405 next unless $child->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE;
407 my $tag_name = $child->getTagName();
410 &parse_any_param($l4p_branch, $child);
430 for my $child ($node->getChildNodes) {
431 next unless $child->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE;
433 my $tag_name = $child->getTagName();
436 &parse_any_param($filter_tree, $child);
439 die "Log4perl: don't know what to do with a ".$child->getTagName()
470 for my $child ($node->getChildNodes) {
471 next unless $child->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE;
472 if ($child->getTagName() eq 'param') {
473 my $name = subst($child->getAttribute('name'));
474 my $value = subst($child->getAttribute('value'));
482 }elsif ($child->getTagName() eq 'cspec') {
483 my $name = subst($child->getAttribute('name'));
485 foreach my $grandkid ($child->getChildNodes){