Lines Matching defs:EM

21 	EM(afs_abort_general_error,		"afs-error")		\
22 EM(afs_abort_interrupted, "afs-intr") \
23 EM(afs_abort_oom, "afs-oom") \
24 EM(afs_abort_op_not_supported, "afs-op-notsupp") \
25 EM(afs_abort_probeuuid_negative, "afs-probeuuid-neg") \
26 EM(afs_abort_send_data_error, "afs-send-data") \
27 EM(afs_abort_unmarshal_error, "afs-unmarshal") \
29 EM(rxperf_abort_general_error, "rxperf-error") \
30 EM(rxperf_abort_oom, "rxperf-oom") \
31 EM(rxperf_abort_op_not_supported, "rxperf-op-notsupp") \
32 EM(rxperf_abort_unmarshal_error, "rxperf-unmarshal") \
34 EM(rxkad_abort_1_short_check, "rxkad1-short-check") \
35 EM(rxkad_abort_1_short_data, "rxkad1-short-data") \
36 EM(rxkad_abort_1_short_encdata, "rxkad1-short-encdata") \
37 EM(rxkad_abort_1_short_header, "rxkad1-short-hdr") \
38 EM(rxkad_abort_2_short_check, "rxkad2-short-check") \
39 EM(rxkad_abort_2_short_data, "rxkad2-short-data") \
40 EM(rxkad_abort_2_short_header, "rxkad2-short-hdr") \
41 EM(rxkad_abort_2_short_len, "rxkad2-short-len") \
42 EM(rxkad_abort_bad_checksum, "rxkad2-bad-cksum") \
43 EM(rxkad_abort_chall_key_expired, "rxkad-chall-key-exp") \
44 EM(rxkad_abort_chall_level, "rxkad-chall-level") \
45 EM(rxkad_abort_chall_no_key, "rxkad-chall-nokey") \
46 EM(rxkad_abort_chall_short, "rxkad-chall-short") \
47 EM(rxkad_abort_chall_version, "rxkad-chall-version") \
48 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_bad_callid, "rxkad-resp-bad-callid") \
49 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_bad_checksum, "rxkad-resp-bad-cksum") \
50 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_bad_param, "rxkad-resp-bad-param") \
51 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_call_ctr, "rxkad-resp-call-ctr") \
52 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_call_state, "rxkad-resp-call-state") \
53 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_key_expired, "rxkad-resp-key-exp") \
54 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_key_rejected, "rxkad-resp-key-rej") \
55 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_level, "rxkad-resp-level") \
56 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_nokey, "rxkad-resp-nokey") \
57 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_ooseq, "rxkad-resp-ooseq") \
58 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_short, "rxkad-resp-short") \
59 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_short_tkt, "rxkad-resp-short-tkt") \
60 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_tkt_aname, "rxkad-resp-tk-aname") \
61 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_tkt_expired, "rxkad-resp-tk-exp") \
62 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_tkt_future, "rxkad-resp-tk-future") \
63 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_tkt_inst, "rxkad-resp-tk-inst") \
64 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_tkt_len, "rxkad-resp-tk-len") \
65 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_tkt_realm, "rxkad-resp-tk-realm") \
66 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_tkt_short, "rxkad-resp-tk-short") \
67 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_tkt_sinst, "rxkad-resp-tk-sinst") \
68 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_tkt_sname, "rxkad-resp-tk-sname") \
69 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_unknown_tkt, "rxkad-resp-unknown-tkt") \
70 EM(rxkad_abort_resp_version, "rxkad-resp-version") \
72 EM(rxrpc_abort_call_improper_term, "call-improper-term") \
73 EM(rxrpc_abort_call_reset, "call-reset") \
74 EM(rxrpc_abort_call_sendmsg, "call-sendmsg") \
75 EM(rxrpc_abort_call_sock_release, "call-sock-rel") \
76 EM(rxrpc_abort_call_sock_release_tba, "call-sock-rel-tba") \
77 EM(rxrpc_abort_call_timeout, "call-timeout") \
78 EM(rxrpc_abort_no_service_key, "no-serv-key") \
79 EM(rxrpc_abort_nomem, "nomem") \
80 EM(rxrpc_abort_service_not_offered, "serv-not-offered") \
81 EM(rxrpc_abort_shut_down, "shut-down") \
82 EM(rxrpc_abort_unsupported_security, "unsup-sec") \
83 EM(rxrpc_badmsg_bad_abort, "bad-abort") \
84 EM(rxrpc_badmsg_bad_jumbo, "bad-jumbo") \
85 EM(rxrpc_badmsg_short_ack, "short-ack") \
86 EM(rxrpc_badmsg_short_ack_trailer, "short-ack-trailer") \
87 EM(rxrpc_badmsg_short_hdr, "short-hdr") \
88 EM(rxrpc_badmsg_unsupported_packet, "unsup-pkt") \
89 EM(rxrpc_badmsg_zero_call, "zero-call") \
90 EM(rxrpc_badmsg_zero_seq, "zero-seq") \
91 EM(rxrpc_badmsg_zero_service, "zero-service") \
92 EM(rxrpc_eproto_ackr_outside_window, "ackr-out-win") \
93 EM(rxrpc_eproto_ackr_sack_overflow, "ackr-sack-over") \
94 EM(rxrpc_eproto_ackr_short_sack, "ackr-short-sack") \
95 EM(rxrpc_eproto_ackr_zero, "ackr-zero") \
96 EM(rxrpc_eproto_bad_upgrade, "bad-upgrade") \
97 EM(rxrpc_eproto_data_after_last, "data-after-last") \
98 EM(rxrpc_eproto_different_last, "diff-last") \
99 EM(rxrpc_eproto_early_reply, "early-reply") \
100 EM(rxrpc_eproto_improper_term, "improper-term") \
101 EM(rxrpc_eproto_no_client_call, "no-cl-call") \
102 EM(rxrpc_eproto_no_client_conn, "no-cl-conn") \
103 EM(rxrpc_eproto_no_service_call, "no-sv-call") \
104 EM(rxrpc_eproto_reupgrade, "re-upgrade") \
105 EM(rxrpc_eproto_rxnull_challenge, "rxnull-chall") \
106 EM(rxrpc_eproto_rxnull_response, "rxnull-resp") \
107 EM(rxrpc_eproto_tx_rot_last, "tx-rot-last") \
108 EM(rxrpc_eproto_unexpected_ack, "unex-ack") \
109 EM(rxrpc_eproto_unexpected_ackall, "unex-ackall") \
110 EM(rxrpc_eproto_unexpected_implicit_end, "unex-impl-end") \
111 EM(rxrpc_eproto_unexpected_reply, "unex-reply") \
112 EM(rxrpc_eproto_wrong_security, "wrong-sec") \
113 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_excess_data, "recvmsg-excess") \
114 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_short_data, "recvmsg-short") \
118 EM(rxrpc_call_poke_abort, "Abort") \
119 EM(rxrpc_call_poke_complete, "Compl") \
120 EM(rxrpc_call_poke_error, "Error") \
121 EM(rxrpc_call_poke_idle, "Idle") \
122 EM(rxrpc_call_poke_set_timeout, "Set-timo") \
123 EM(rxrpc_call_poke_start, "Start") \
124 EM(rxrpc_call_poke_timer, "Timer") \
128 EM(rxrpc_skb_eaten_by_unshare, "ETN unshare ") \
129 EM(rxrpc_skb_eaten_by_unshare_nomem, "ETN unshar-nm") \
130 EM(rxrpc_skb_get_conn_secured, "GET conn-secd") \
131 EM(rxrpc_skb_get_conn_work, "GET conn-work") \
132 EM(rxrpc_skb_get_last_nack, "GET last-nack") \
133 EM(rxrpc_skb_get_local_work, "GET locl-work") \
134 EM(rxrpc_skb_get_reject_work, "GET rej-work ") \
135 EM(rxrpc_skb_get_to_recvmsg, "GET to-recv ") \
136 EM(rxrpc_skb_get_to_recvmsg_oos, "GET to-recv-o") \
137 EM(rxrpc_skb_new_encap_rcv, "NEW encap-rcv") \
138 EM(rxrpc_skb_new_error_report, "NEW error-rpt") \
139 EM(rxrpc_skb_new_jumbo_subpacket, "NEW jumbo-sub") \
140 EM(rxrpc_skb_new_unshared, "NEW unshared ") \
141 EM(rxrpc_skb_put_conn_secured, "PUT conn-secd") \
142 EM(rxrpc_skb_put_conn_work, "PUT conn-work") \
143 EM(rxrpc_skb_put_error_report, "PUT error-rep") \
144 EM(rxrpc_skb_put_input, "PUT input ") \
145 EM(rxrpc_skb_put_jumbo_subpacket, "PUT jumbo-sub") \
146 EM(rxrpc_skb_put_last_nack, "PUT last-nack") \
147 EM(rxrpc_skb_put_purge, "PUT purge ") \
148 EM(rxrpc_skb_put_rotate, "PUT rotate ") \
149 EM(rxrpc_skb_put_unknown, "PUT unknown ") \
150 EM(rxrpc_skb_see_conn_work, "SEE conn-work") \
151 EM(rxrpc_skb_see_recvmsg, "SEE recvmsg ") \
152 EM(rxrpc_skb_see_reject, "SEE reject ") \
153 EM(rxrpc_skb_see_rotate, "SEE rotate ") \
157 EM(rxrpc_local_free, "FREE ") \
158 EM(rxrpc_local_get_call, "GET call ") \
159 EM(rxrpc_local_get_client_conn, "GET conn-cln") \
160 EM(rxrpc_local_get_for_use, "GET for-use ") \
161 EM(rxrpc_local_get_peer, "GET peer ") \
162 EM(rxrpc_local_get_prealloc_conn, "GET conn-pre") \
163 EM(rxrpc_local_new, "NEW ") \
164 EM(rxrpc_local_put_bind, "PUT bind ") \
165 EM(rxrpc_local_put_call, "PUT call ") \
166 EM(rxrpc_local_put_for_use, "PUT for-use ") \
167 EM(rxrpc_local_put_kill_conn, "PUT conn-kil") \
168 EM(rxrpc_local_put_peer, "PUT peer ") \
169 EM(rxrpc_local_put_prealloc_peer, "PUT peer-pre") \
170 EM(rxrpc_local_put_release_sock, "PUT rel-sock") \
171 EM(rxrpc_local_stop, "STOP ") \
172 EM(rxrpc_local_stopped, "STOPPED ") \
173 EM(rxrpc_local_unuse_bind, "UNU bind ") \
174 EM(rxrpc_local_unuse_conn_work, "UNU conn-wrk") \
175 EM(rxrpc_local_unuse_peer_keepalive, "UNU peer-kpa") \
176 EM(rxrpc_local_unuse_release_sock, "UNU rel-sock") \
177 EM(rxrpc_local_use_conn_work, "USE conn-wrk") \
178 EM(rxrpc_local_use_lookup, "USE lookup ") \
182 EM(rxrpc_peer_free, "FREE ") \
183 EM(rxrpc_peer_get_accept, "GET accept ") \
184 EM(rxrpc_peer_get_application, "GET app ") \
185 EM(rxrpc_peer_get_bundle, "GET bundle ") \
186 EM(rxrpc_peer_get_call, "GET call ") \
187 EM(rxrpc_peer_get_client_conn, "GET cln-conn") \
188 EM(rxrpc_peer_get_input, "GET input ") \
189 EM(rxrpc_peer_get_input_error, "GET inpt-err") \
190 EM(rxrpc_peer_get_keepalive, "GET keepaliv") \
191 EM(rxrpc_peer_get_lookup_client, "GET look-cln") \
192 EM(rxrpc_peer_get_service_conn, "GET srv-conn") \
193 EM(rxrpc_peer_new_client, "NEW client ") \
194 EM(rxrpc_peer_new_prealloc, "NEW prealloc") \
195 EM(rxrpc_peer_put_application, "PUT app ") \
196 EM(rxrpc_peer_put_bundle, "PUT bundle ") \
197 EM(rxrpc_peer_put_call, "PUT call ") \
198 EM(rxrpc_peer_put_conn, "PUT conn ") \
199 EM(rxrpc_peer_put_input, "PUT input ") \
200 EM(rxrpc_peer_put_input_error, "PUT inpt-err") \
204 EM(rxrpc_bundle_free, "FREE ") \
205 EM(rxrpc_bundle_get_client_call, "GET clt-call") \
206 EM(rxrpc_bundle_get_client_conn, "GET clt-conn") \
207 EM(rxrpc_bundle_get_service_conn, "GET svc-conn") \
208 EM(rxrpc_bundle_put_call, "PUT call ") \
209 EM(rxrpc_bundle_put_conn, "PUT conn ") \
210 EM(rxrpc_bundle_put_discard, "PUT discard ") \
214 EM(rxrpc_conn_free, "FREE ") \
215 EM(rxrpc_conn_get_activate_call, "GET act-call") \
216 EM(rxrpc_conn_get_call_input, "GET inp-call") \
217 EM(rxrpc_conn_get_conn_input, "GET inp-conn") \
218 EM(rxrpc_conn_get_idle, "GET idle ") \
219 EM(rxrpc_conn_get_poke_abort, "GET pk-abort") \
220 EM(rxrpc_conn_get_poke_timer, "GET poke ") \
221 EM(rxrpc_conn_get_service_conn, "GET svc-conn") \
222 EM(rxrpc_conn_new_client, "NEW client ") \
223 EM(rxrpc_conn_new_service, "NEW service ") \
224 EM(rxrpc_conn_put_call, "PUT call ") \
225 EM(rxrpc_conn_put_call_input, "PUT inp-call") \
226 EM(rxrpc_conn_put_conn_input, "PUT inp-conn") \
227 EM(rxrpc_conn_put_discard_idle, "PUT disc-idl") \
228 EM(rxrpc_conn_put_local_dead, "PUT loc-dead") \
229 EM(rxrpc_conn_put_noreuse, "PUT noreuse ") \
230 EM(rxrpc_conn_put_poke, "PUT poke ") \
231 EM(rxrpc_conn_put_service_reaped, "PUT svc-reap") \
232 EM(rxrpc_conn_put_unbundle, "PUT unbundle") \
233 EM(rxrpc_conn_put_unidle, "PUT unidle ") \
234 EM(rxrpc_conn_put_work, "PUT work ") \
235 EM(rxrpc_conn_queue_challenge, "QUE chall ") \
236 EM(rxrpc_conn_queue_retry_work, "QUE retry-wk") \
237 EM(rxrpc_conn_queue_rx_work, "QUE rx-work ") \
238 EM(rxrpc_conn_see_new_service_conn, "SEE new-svc ") \
239 EM(rxrpc_conn_see_reap_service, "SEE reap-svc") \
243 EM(rxrpc_client_activate_chans, "Activa") \
244 EM(rxrpc_client_alloc, "Alloc ") \
245 EM(rxrpc_client_chan_activate, "ChActv") \
246 EM(rxrpc_client_chan_disconnect, "ChDisc") \
247 EM(rxrpc_client_chan_pass, "ChPass") \
248 EM(rxrpc_client_cleanup, "Clean ") \
249 EM(rxrpc_client_discard, "Discar") \
250 EM(rxrpc_client_exposed, "Expose") \
251 EM(rxrpc_client_replace, "Replac") \
252 EM(rxrpc_client_queue_new_call, "Q-Call") \
253 EM(rxrpc_client_to_active, "->Actv") \
257 EM(rxrpc_call_get_io_thread, "GET iothread") \
258 EM(rxrpc_call_get_input, "GET input ") \
259 EM(rxrpc_call_get_kernel_service, "GET krnl-srv") \
260 EM(rxrpc_call_get_notify_socket, "GET notify ") \
261 EM(rxrpc_call_get_poke, "GET poke ") \
262 EM(rxrpc_call_get_recvmsg, "GET recvmsg ") \
263 EM(rxrpc_call_get_release_sock, "GET rel-sock") \
264 EM(rxrpc_call_get_sendmsg, "GET sendmsg ") \
265 EM(rxrpc_call_get_userid, "GET user-id ") \
266 EM(rxrpc_call_new_client, "NEW client ") \
267 EM(rxrpc_call_new_prealloc_service, "NEW prealloc") \
268 EM(rxrpc_call_put_discard_prealloc, "PUT disc-pre") \
269 EM(rxrpc_call_put_discard_error, "PUT disc-err") \
270 EM(rxrpc_call_put_io_thread, "PUT iothread") \
271 EM(rxrpc_call_put_input, "PUT input ") \
272 EM(rxrpc_call_put_kernel, "PUT kernel ") \
273 EM(rxrpc_call_put_poke, "PUT poke ") \
274 EM(rxrpc_call_put_recvmsg, "PUT recvmsg ") \
275 EM(rxrpc_call_put_release_sock, "PUT rls-sock") \
276 EM(rxrpc_call_put_release_sock_tba, "PUT rls-sk-a") \
277 EM(rxrpc_call_put_sendmsg, "PUT sendmsg ") \
278 EM(rxrpc_call_put_unnotify, "PUT unnotify") \
279 EM(rxrpc_call_put_userid_exists, "PUT u-exists") \
280 EM(rxrpc_call_put_userid, "PUT user-id ") \
281 EM(rxrpc_call_see_accept, "SEE accept ") \
282 EM(rxrpc_call_see_activate_client, "SEE act-clnt") \
283 EM(rxrpc_call_see_connect_failed, "SEE con-fail") \
284 EM(rxrpc_call_see_connected, "SEE connect ") \
285 EM(rxrpc_call_see_disconnected, "SEE disconn ") \
286 EM(rxrpc_call_see_distribute_error, "SEE dist-err") \
287 EM(rxrpc_call_see_input, "SEE input ") \
288 EM(rxrpc_call_see_release, "SEE release ") \
289 EM(rxrpc_call_see_userid_exists, "SEE u-exists") \
293 EM(rxrpc_txqueue_await_reply, "AWR") \
294 EM(rxrpc_txqueue_dequeue, "DEQ") \
295 EM(rxrpc_txqueue_end, "END") \
296 EM(rxrpc_txqueue_queue, "QUE") \
297 EM(rxrpc_txqueue_queue_last, "QLS") \
298 EM(rxrpc_txqueue_rotate, "ROT") \
299 EM(rxrpc_txqueue_rotate_last, "RLS") \
303 EM(rxrpc_receive_end, "END") \
304 EM(rxrpc_receive_front, "FRN") \
305 EM(rxrpc_receive_incoming, "INC") \
306 EM(rxrpc_receive_queue, "QUE") \
307 EM(rxrpc_receive_queue_last, "QLS") \
308 EM(rxrpc_receive_queue_oos, "QUO") \
309 EM(rxrpc_receive_queue_oos_last, "QOL") \
310 EM(rxrpc_receive_oos, "OOS") \
311 EM(rxrpc_receive_oos_last, "OSL") \
312 EM(rxrpc_receive_rotate, "ROT") \
316 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_cont, "CONT") \
317 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_data_return, "DATA") \
318 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_dequeue, "DEQU") \
319 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_enter, "ENTR") \
320 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_full, "FULL") \
321 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_hole, "HOLE") \
322 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_next, "NEXT") \
323 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_requeue, "REQU") \
324 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_return, "RETN") \
325 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_terminal, "TERM") \
326 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_to_be_accepted, "TBAC") \
327 EM(rxrpc_recvmsg_unqueue, "UNQU") \
331 EM(rxrpc_rtt_tx_cancel, "CNCE") \
332 EM(rxrpc_rtt_tx_data, "DATA") \
333 EM(rxrpc_rtt_tx_no_slot, "FULL") \
337 EM(rxrpc_rtt_rx_other_ack, "OACK") \
338 EM(rxrpc_rtt_rx_obsolete, "OBSL") \
339 EM(rxrpc_rtt_rx_lost, "LOST") \
340 EM(rxrpc_rtt_rx_ping_response, "PONG") \
344 EM(rxrpc_timer_trace_delayed_ack, "DelayAck ") \
345 EM(rxrpc_timer_trace_expect_rx, "ExpectRx ") \
346 EM(rxrpc_timer_trace_hard, "HardLimit") \
347 EM(rxrpc_timer_trace_idle, "IdleLimit") \
348 EM(rxrpc_timer_trace_keepalive, "KeepAlive") \
349 EM(rxrpc_timer_trace_lost_ack, "LostAck ") \
350 EM(rxrpc_timer_trace_ping, "DelayPing") \
351 EM(rxrpc_timer_trace_resend, "Resend ") \
352 EM(rxrpc_timer_trace_resend_reset, "ResendRst") \
356 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_client_tx_end, "ClTxEnd") \
357 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_delayed_ack, "DlydAck") \
358 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_input_data, "DataIn ") \
359 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_input_data_hole, "DataInH") \
360 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_ping_for_keepalive, "KeepAlv") \
361 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_ping_for_lost_ack, "LostAck") \
362 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_ping_for_lost_reply, "LostRpl") \
363 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_ping_for_0_retrans, "0-Retrn") \
364 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_ping_for_old_rtt, "OldRtt ") \
365 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_ping_for_params, "Params ") \
366 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_ping_for_rtt, "Rtt ") \
367 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_processing_op, "ProcOp ") \
368 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_respond_to_ack, "Rsp2Ack") \
369 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_respond_to_ping, "Rsp2Png") \
370 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_retry_tx, "RetryTx") \
371 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_rotate_rx, "RxAck ") \
372 EM(rxrpc_propose_ack_rx_idle, "RxIdle ") \
382 EM(rxrpc_cong_begin_retransmission, " Retrans") \
383 EM(rxrpc_cong_cleared_nacks, " Cleared") \
384 EM(rxrpc_cong_new_low_nack, " NewLowN") \
385 EM(rxrpc_cong_no_change, " -") \
386 EM(rxrpc_cong_progress, " Progres") \
387 EM(rxrpc_cong_idle_reset, " IdleRes") \
388 EM(rxrpc_cong_retransmit_again, " ReTxAgn") \
389 EM(rxrpc_cong_rtt_window_end, " RttWinE") \
393 EM(0, "?00") \
402 EM(9, "?09") \
403 EM(10, "?10") \
404 EM(11, "?11") \
405 EM(12, "?12") \
407 EM(14, "?14") \
411 EM(0, "-0-") \
424 EM(rxrpc_sack_advance, "ADV") \
425 EM(rxrpc_sack_fill, "FIL") \
426 EM(rxrpc_sack_nack, "NAK") \
427 EM(rxrpc_sack_none, "---") \
431 EM(RXRPC_CALL_SUCCEEDED, "Succeeded") \
434 EM(RXRPC_CALL_LOCAL_ERROR, "LocalError") \
438 EM(rxrpc_tx_point_call_abort, "CallAbort") \
439 EM(rxrpc_tx_point_call_ack, "CallAck") \
440 EM(rxrpc_tx_point_call_data_frag, "CallDataFrag") \
441 EM(rxrpc_tx_point_call_data_nofrag, "CallDataNofrag") \
442 EM(rxrpc_tx_point_call_final_resend, "CallFinalResend") \
443 EM(rxrpc_tx_point_conn_abort, "ConnAbort") \
444 EM(rxrpc_tx_point_reject, "Reject") \
445 EM(rxrpc_tx_point_rxkad_challenge, "RxkadChall") \
446 EM(rxrpc_tx_point_rxkad_response, "RxkadResp") \
447 EM(rxrpc_tx_point_version_keepalive, "VerKeepalive") \
451 EM(rxrpc_reqack_ack_lost, "ACK-LOST ") \
452 EM(rxrpc_reqack_already_on, "ALREADY-ON") \
453 EM(rxrpc_reqack_more_rtt, "MORE-RTT ") \
454 EM(rxrpc_reqack_no_srv_last, "NO-SRVLAST") \
455 EM(rxrpc_reqack_old_rtt, "OLD-RTT ") \
456 EM(rxrpc_reqack_retrans, "RETRANS ") \
457 EM(rxrpc_reqack_slow_start, "SLOW-START") \
462 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_alloc_ack, "ALLOC ACK ") \
463 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_alloc_data, "ALLOC DATA ") \
464 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_free, "FREE ") \
465 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_get_buffer, "GET BUFFER ") \
466 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_get_trans, "GET TRANS ") \
467 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_get_retrans, "GET RETRANS") \
468 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_put_ack_tx, "PUT ACK TX ") \
469 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_put_cleaned, "PUT CLEANED") \
470 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_put_nomem, "PUT NOMEM ") \
471 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_put_rotated, "PUT ROTATED") \
472 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_put_send_aborted, "PUT SEND-X ") \
473 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_put_trans, "PUT TRANS ") \
474 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_see_out_of_step, "OUT-OF-STEP") \
475 EM(rxrpc_txbuf_see_send_more, "SEE SEND+ ") \
484 #undef EM
486 #define EM(a, b) a,
517 #undef EM
522 #define EM(a, b) TRACE_DEFINE_ENUM(a);
548 * Now redefine the EM() and E_() macros to map the enums to the strings that
551 #undef EM
553 #define EM(a, b) { a, b },
1992 #undef EM