Lines Matching refs:EM

109 	EM(fscache_cache_collision,		"*COLLIDE*")		\
110 EM(fscache_cache_get_acquire, "GET acq ") \
111 EM(fscache_cache_new_acquire, "NEW acq ") \
112 EM(fscache_cache_put_alloc_volume, "PUT alvol") \
113 EM(fscache_cache_put_cache, "PUT cache") \
114 EM(fscache_cache_put_prep_failed, "PUT pfail") \
115 EM(fscache_cache_put_relinquish, "PUT relnq") \
119 EM(fscache_volume_collision, "*COLLIDE*") \
120 EM(fscache_volume_get_cookie, "GET cook ") \
121 EM(fscache_volume_get_create_work, "GET creat") \
122 EM(fscache_volume_get_hash_collision, "GET hcoll") \
123 EM(fscache_volume_free, "FREE ") \
124 EM(fscache_volume_new_acquire, "NEW acq ") \
125 EM(fscache_volume_put_cookie, "PUT cook ") \
126 EM(fscache_volume_put_create_work, "PUT creat") \
127 EM(fscache_volume_put_hash_collision, "PUT hcoll") \
128 EM(fscache_volume_put_relinquish, "PUT relnq") \
129 EM(fscache_volume_see_create_work, "SEE creat") \
130 EM(fscache_volume_see_hash_wake, "SEE hwake") \
134 EM(fscache_cookie_collision, "*COLLIDE*") \
135 EM(fscache_cookie_discard, "DISCARD ") \
136 EM(fscache_cookie_failed, "FAILED ") \
137 EM(fscache_cookie_get_attach_object, "GET attch") \
138 EM(fscache_cookie_get_hash_collision, "GET hcoll") \
139 EM(fscache_cookie_get_end_access, "GQ endac") \
140 EM(fscache_cookie_get_inval_work, "GQ inval") \
141 EM(fscache_cookie_get_lru, "GET lru ") \
142 EM(fscache_cookie_get_use_work, "GQ use ") \
143 EM(fscache_cookie_new_acquire, "NEW acq ") \
144 EM(fscache_cookie_put_hash_collision, "PUT hcoll") \
145 EM(fscache_cookie_put_lru, "PUT lru ") \
146 EM(fscache_cookie_put_object, "PUT obj ") \
147 EM(fscache_cookie_put_over_queued, "PQ overq") \
148 EM(fscache_cookie_put_relinquish, "PUT relnq") \
149 EM(fscache_cookie_put_withdrawn, "PUT wthdn") \
150 EM(fscache_cookie_put_work, "PQ work ") \
151 EM(fscache_cookie_see_active, "- activ") \
152 EM(fscache_cookie_see_lru_discard, "- x-lru") \
153 EM(fscache_cookie_see_lru_discard_clear,"- lrudc") \
154 EM(fscache_cookie_see_lru_do_one, "- lrudo") \
155 EM(fscache_cookie_see_relinquish, "- x-rlq") \
156 EM(fscache_cookie_see_withdraw, "- x-wth") \
160 EM(fscache_active_use, "USE ") \
161 EM(fscache_active_use_modify, "USE-m ") \
165 EM(fscache_access_acquire_volume, "BEGIN acq_vol") \
166 EM(fscache_access_acquire_volume_end, "END acq_vol") \
167 EM(fscache_access_cache_pin, "PIN cache ") \
168 EM(fscache_access_cache_unpin, "UNPIN cache ") \
169 EM(fscache_access_invalidate_cookie, "BEGIN inval ") \
170 EM(fscache_access_invalidate_cookie_end,"END inval ") \
171 EM(fscache_access_io_end, "END io ") \
172 EM(fscache_access_io_not_live, "END io_notl") \
173 EM(fscache_access_io_read, "BEGIN io_read") \
174 EM(fscache_access_io_resize, "BEGIN io_resz") \
175 EM(fscache_access_io_wait, "WAIT io ") \
176 EM(fscache_access_io_write, "BEGIN io_writ") \
177 EM(fscache_access_lookup_cookie, "BEGIN lookup ") \
178 EM(fscache_access_lookup_cookie_end, "END lookup ") \
179 EM(fscache_access_lookup_cookie_end_failed,"END lookupf") \
180 EM(fscache_access_relinquish_volume, "BEGIN rlq_vol") \
181 EM(fscache_access_relinquish_volume_end,"END rlq_vol") \
187 #undef EM
189 #define EM(a, b) TRACE_DEFINE_ENUM(a);
198 * Now redefine the EM() and E_() macros to map the enums to the strings that
201 #undef EM
203 #define EM(a, b) { a, b },