Lines Matching refs:LineTime

295 	dml_float_t LineTime,
323 dml_float_t LineTime,
423 dml_float_t LineTime,
1004 s->LineTime = 0.0;
1075 s->LineTime = p->myPipe->HTotal / p->myPipe->PixelClock;
1092 if (p->VStartup * s->LineTime < *p->TSetup + *p->Tdmdl + s->Tdmbf + s->Tdmec + s->Tdmsks) {
1155 s->Tvm_trips_rounded = dml_ceil(4.0 * s->Tvm_trips / s->LineTime, 1.0) / 4.0 * s->LineTime;
1156 s->Tr0_trips_rounded = dml_ceil(4.0 * s->Tr0_trips / s->LineTime, 1.0) / 4.0 * s->LineTime;
1160 s->Tr0_trips_rounded = dml_ceil(4.0 * p->UrgentExtraLatency / s->LineTime, 1.0) / 4.0 * s->LineTime;
1166 s->Tvm_trips_rounded = s->LineTime / 4.0;
1167 s->Tr0_trips_rounded = dml_ceil(4.0 * s->Tr0_trips / s->LineTime, 1.0) / 4.0 * s->LineTime;
1170 s->Tvm_trips_rounded = s->LineTime / 4.0;
1171 s->Tr0_trips_rounded = s->LineTime / 2.0;
1174 s->Tvm_trips_rounded = dml_max(s->Tvm_trips_rounded, s->LineTime / 4.0);
1175 s->Tr0_trips_rounded = dml_max(s->Tr0_trips_rounded, s->LineTime / 4.0);
1187 s->max_Tsw = (dml_max(p->PrefetchSourceLinesY, p->PrefetchSourceLinesC) * s->LineTime);
1194 s->Lsw_oto = dml_ceil(4.0 * dml_max(s->prefetch_sw_bytes / s->prefetch_bw_oto / s->LineTime, s->min_Lsw_oto), 1.0) / 4.0;
1200 s->LineTime / 4.0);
1202 s->Tvm_oto = s->LineTime / 4.0;
1208 (s->LineTime - s->Tvm_oto)/2.0,
1209 s->LineTime / 4.0);
1213 dml_print("DML::%s: Tr0_oto max2 = %f\n", __func__, s->LineTime - s->Tvm_oto);
1214 dml_print("DML::%s: Tr0_oto max3 = %f\n", __func__, s->LineTime / 4);
1217 s->Tr0_oto = (s->LineTime - s->Tvm_oto) / 2.0;
1219 s->Tvm_oto_lines = dml_ceil(4.0 * s->Tvm_oto / s->LineTime, 1) / 4.0;
1220 s->Tr0_oto_lines = dml_ceil(4.0 * s->Tr0_oto / s->LineTime, 1) / 4.0;
1223 s->dst_y_prefetch_equ = p->VStartup - (*p->TSetup + dml_max(p->TWait + p->TCalc, *p->Tdmdl)) / s->LineTime - (*p->DSTYAfterScaler + (dml_float_t) *p->DSTXAfterScaler / (dml_float_t)p->myPipe->HTotal);
1256 s->Tpre_rounded = s->dst_y_prefetch_equ * s->LineTime;
1260 dml_print("DML::%s: LineTime: %f\n", __func__, s->LineTime);
1262 dml_print("DML::%s: Tvstartup: %fus - time between vstartup and first pixel of active\n", __func__, p->VStartup * s->LineTime);
1296 if (p->VStartup == p->MaxVStartup && (s->Tsw_est1 / s->LineTime < s->min_Lsw_oto) && s->Tpre_rounded - s->min_Lsw_oto * s->LineTime - 0.75 * s->LineTime - *p->Tno_bw > 0) {
1298 (s->Tpre_rounded - s->min_Lsw_oto * s->LineTime - 0.75 * s->LineTime - *p->Tno_bw);
1316 if (p->VStartup == p->MaxVStartup && (s->Tsw_est3 / s->LineTime < s->min_Lsw_oto) && s->Tpre_rounded - s->min_Lsw_oto * s->LineTime - 0.5 * s->LineTime - s->Tvm_trips_rounded > 0) {
1317 s->PrefetchBandwidth3 = (2 * p->MetaRowByte + 2 * p->PixelPTEBytesPerRow * p->HostVMInefficiencyFactor) / (s->Tpre_rounded - s->min_Lsw_oto * s->LineTime - 0.5 * s->LineTime - s->Tvm_trips_rounded);
1390 s->Tvm_equ = dml_max3(*p->Tno_bw + p->PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame * p->HostVMInefficiencyFactor / s->prefetch_bw_equ, s->Tvm_trips, s->LineTime / 4);
1392 s->Tvm_equ = s->LineTime / 4;
1396 s->Tr0_equ = dml_max4((p->MetaRowByte + p->PixelPTEBytesPerRow * p->HostVMInefficiencyFactor) / s->prefetch_bw_equ, s->Tr0_trips, (s->LineTime - s->Tvm_equ) / 2, s->LineTime / 4);
1398 s->Tr0_equ = (s->LineTime - s->Tvm_equ) / 2;
1413 *p->DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank = dml_ceil(4.0 * s->TimeForFetchingMetaPTE / s->LineTime, 1.0) / 4.0;
1414 *p->DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank = dml_ceil(4.0 * s->TimeForFetchingRowInVBlank / s->LineTime, 1.0) / 4.0;
1421 *p->DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank = dml_floor(4.0 * s->TimeForFetchingMetaPTE / s->LineTime, 1.0) / 4.0;
1422 *p->DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank = dml_floor(4.0 * s->TimeForFetchingRowInVBlank / s->LineTime, 1.0) / 4.0;
1424 *p->DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank = dml_ceil(4.0 * s->TimeForFetchingMetaPTE / s->LineTime, 1.0) / 4.0;
1425 *p->DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank = dml_ceil(4.0 * s->TimeForFetchingRowInVBlank / s->LineTime, 1.0) / 4.0;
1435 dml_print("DML::%s: LineTime = %f\n", __func__, s->LineTime);
1490 * p->swath_width_luma_ub / s->LineTime;
1495 dml_print("DML::%s: LineTime = %f\n", __func__, s->LineTime);
1500 *p->swath_width_chroma_ub / s->LineTime;
1510 dml_print("DML: Tpre: %fus - sum of time to request meta pte, 2 x data pte + meta data, swaths\n", (dml_float_t)s->LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData * s->LineTime + 2.0 * s->TimeForFetchingRowInVBlank + s->TimeForFetchingMetaPTE);
1513 dml_print("DML: Tsw: %fus = time to fetch enough pixel data and cursor data to feed the scalers init position and detile\n", (dml_float_t)s->LinesToRequestPrefetchPixelData * s->LineTime);
1514 dml_print("DML: To: %fus - time for propagation from scaler to optc\n", (*p->DSTYAfterScaler + ((dml_float_t) (*p->DSTXAfterScaler) / (dml_float_t)p->myPipe->HTotal)) * s->LineTime);
1516 dml_print("DML: Tslack(pre): %fus - time left over in schedule\n", p->VStartup * s->LineTime - s->TimeForFetchingMetaPTE - 2 * s->TimeForFetchingRowInVBlank - (*p->DSTYAfterScaler + ((dml_float_t) (*p->DSTXAfterScaler) / (dml_float_t)p->myPipe->HTotal)) * s->LineTime - p->TWait - p->TCalc - *p->TSetup);
1544 dml_print("DML::%s: LineTime = %f\n", __func__, s->LineTime);
1546 prefetch_vm_bw = p->PDEAndMetaPTEBytesFrame * p->HostVMInefficiencyFactor / (*p->DestinationLinesToRequestVMInVBlank * s->LineTime);
1559 prefetch_row_bw = (p->MetaRowByte + p->PixelPTEBytesPerRow * p->HostVMInefficiencyFactor) / (*p->DestinationLinesToRequestRowInVBlank * s->LineTime);
1909 dml_float_t LineTime,
1925 *meta_row_bw = VRatio * MetaRowByteLuma / (meta_row_height_luma * LineTime)
1927 / (meta_row_height_chroma * LineTime);
1929 *meta_row_bw = VRatio * MetaRowByteLuma / (meta_row_height_luma * LineTime);
1935 *dpte_row_bw = VRatio * PixelPTEBytesPerRowLuma / (dpte_row_height_luma * LineTime)
1937 / (dpte_row_height_chroma * LineTime);
1939 *dpte_row_bw = VRatio * PixelPTEBytesPerRowLuma / (dpte_row_height_luma * LineTime);
1960 dml_float_t LineTime,
2005 LineTime / 4.0);
2010 TimeForFetchingRowInVBlankImmediateFlip = dml_max3((MetaRowBytes + DPTEBytesPerRow * HostVMInefficiencyFactor) / ImmediateFlipBW, UrgentLatency * (HostVMDynamicLevelsTrips + 1), LineTime / 4.0);
2015 *DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip = dml_ceil(4.0 * (TimeForFetchingMetaPTEImmediateFlip / LineTime), 1.0) / 4.0;
2016 *DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip = dml_ceil(4.0 * (TimeForFetchingRowInVBlankImmediateFlip / LineTime), 1.0) / 4.0;
2019 *final_flip_bw = dml_max(PDEAndMetaPTEBytesPerFrame * HostVMInefficiencyFactor / (*DestinationLinesToRequestVMInImmediateFlip * LineTime),
2020 (MetaRowBytes + DPTEBytesPerRow * HostVMInefficiencyFactor) / (*DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip * LineTime));
2022 *final_flip_bw = (MetaRowBytes + DPTEBytesPerRow * HostVMInefficiencyFactor) / (*DestinationLinesToRequestRowInImmediateFlip * LineTime);
2036 min_row_time = dml_min(dpte_row_height * LineTime / VRatio, dpte_row_height_chroma * LineTime / VRatioChroma);
2038 min_row_time = dml_min(meta_row_height * LineTime / VRatio, meta_row_height_chroma * LineTime / VRatioChroma);
2040 min_row_time = dml_min4(dpte_row_height * LineTime / VRatio, meta_row_height * LineTime / VRatio, dpte_row_height_chroma * LineTime / VRatioChroma, meta_row_height_chroma * LineTime / VRatioChroma);
2044 min_row_time = dpte_row_height * LineTime / VRatio;
2046 min_row_time = meta_row_height * LineTime / VRatio;
2048 min_row_time = dml_min(dpte_row_height * LineTime / VRatio, meta_row_height * LineTime / VRatio);
2069 dml_print("DML::%s: LineTime = %f\n", __func__, LineTime);
3191 dml_float_t LineTime,
3220 CursorBufferSizeInTime = LinesInCursorBuffer * LineTime / VRatio;
3235 DETBufferSizeInTimeLuma = dml_floor(LinesInDETLuma, SwathHeightY) * LineTime / VRatio;
3250 DETBufferSizeInTimeChroma = dml_floor(LinesInDETChroma, SwathHeightC) * LineTime / VRatioC;