Lines Matching defs:Layer

9 #include "Layer.h"

14 Layer::Layer(BRect frame, const char* name, uint32 rm, uint32 flags, rgb_color c)
34 Layer::~Layer()
36 Layer *c = fBottom;
37 Layer *toast;
46 Layer::ConvertToScreen2(BRect* rect) const
58 Layer::ConvertToScreen2(BRegion* reg) const
70 Layer::GetRootLayer() const // we already have
81 Layer*
82 Layer::BottomChild() const // we already have
88 Layer*
89 Layer::TopChild() const// we already have
95 Layer*
96 Layer::UpperSibling() const// we already have
102 Layer*
103 Layer::LowerSibling() const// we already have
110 Layer::AddLayer(Layer* layer)// we already have
113 printf("ERROR: Layer already has a parent\n");
130 Layer::RemLayer(Layer* layer)// we already have
133 printf("ERROR: Rem: Layer doesn't have a fParent or !=this\n");
160 Layer::IsHidden() const
176 Layer::Hide()
192 Layer::Show()
207 Layer::Invalidate(const BRegion &invalid, const Layer *startFrom)
220 Layer::resize_layer_frame_by(float x, float y)
265 for (Layer *lay = BottomChild(); lay; lay = UpperSibling())
274 Layer::rezize_layer_redraw_more(BRegion &reg, float dx, float dy)
279 for (Layer *lay = BottomChild(); lay; lay = UpperSibling()) {
325 Layer::resize_layer_full_update_on_resize(BRegion &reg, float dx, float dy)
330 for (Layer *lay = BottomChild(); lay; lay = UpperSibling()) {
345 Layer::ResizeBy(float dx, float dy)
350 for (Layer *lay = BottomChild(); lay; lay = UpperSibling())
407 void Layer::MoveBy(float dx, float dy)
457 Layer::ScrollBy(float dx, float dy)
497 Layer::GetWantedRegion(BRegion &reg) // TAKE?
503 Layer::get_user_regions(BRegion &reg)
533 Layer::RebuildVisibleRegions(const BRegion &invalid, const Layer *startFrom)
541 Layer::rebuild_visible_regions(const BRegion &invalid,
543 const Layer *startFrom)
582 for (Layer *lay = BottomChild(); lay; lay = UpperSibling()) {
606 Layer::alter_visible_for_children(BRegion &reg)
613 Layer::clear_visible_regions()
621 for (Layer *child = BottomChild(); child; child = UpperSibling())
626 Layer::PrintToStream() const
631 for (Layer *child = BottomChild(); child; child = UpperSibling())