Lines Matching refs:Painter

10 /*!	API to the Anti-Grain Geometry based "Painter" drawing backend. Manages
15 #include "Painter.h"
183 SolidPatternGuard(Painter* painter)
197 Painter* fPainter;
205 Painter::Painter()
236 Painter::~Painter()
246 Painter::AttachToBuffer(RenderingBuffer* buffer)
273 Painter::DetachFromBuffer()
283 Painter::Bounds() const
294 Painter::SetDrawState(const DrawState* state, int32 xOffset, int32 yOffset)
302 // Painter methods are used directly, so this function is much less
357 Painter::ConstrainClipping(const BRegion* region)
372 Painter::SetTransform(BAffineTransform transform, int32 xOffset, int32 yOffset)
388 Painter::SetHighColor(const rgb_color& color)
400 Painter::SetLowColor(const rgb_color& color)
410 Painter::SetDrawingMode(drawing_mode mode)
421 Painter::SetBlendingMode(source_alpha srcAlpha, alpha_function alphaFunc)
434 Painter::SetPenSize(float size)
442 Painter::SetStrokeMode(cap_mode lineCap, join_mode joinMode, float miterLimit)
451 Painter::SetFillRule(int32 fillRule)
463 Painter::SetPattern(const pattern& p)
483 Painter::SetFont(const ServerFont& font)
492 Painter::SetFont(const DrawState* state)
505 Painter::StrokeLine(BPoint a, BPoint b)
571 Painter::StraightLine(BPoint a, BPoint b, const rgb_color& c) const
646 Painter::StrokeTriangle(BPoint pt1, BPoint pt2, BPoint pt3) const
654 Painter::FillTriangle(BPoint pt1, BPoint pt2, BPoint pt3) const
662 Painter::FillTriangle(BPoint pt1, BPoint pt2, BPoint pt3,
685 Painter::DrawPolygon(BPoint* p, int32 numPts, bool filled, bool closed) const
718 Painter::FillPolygon(BPoint* p, int32 numPts, const BGradient& gradient,
746 Painter::DrawBezier(BPoint* p, bool filled) const
771 Painter::FillBezier(BPoint* p, const BGradient& gradient)
792 Painter::DrawShape(const int32& opCount, const uint32* opList,
810 Painter::FillShape(const int32& opCount, const uint32* opList,
825 Painter::StrokeRect(const BRect& r) const
876 Painter::StrokeRect(const BRect& r, const rgb_color& c) const
887 Painter::FillRect(const BRect& r) const
947 Painter::FillRect(const BRect& r, const BGradient& gradient)
993 Painter::FillRect(const BRect& r, const rgb_color& c) const
1033 Painter::FillRectVerticalGradient(BRect r,
1086 Painter::FillRectNoClipping(const clipping_rect& r, const rgb_color& c) const
1114 Painter::StrokeRoundRect(const BRect& r, float xRadius, float yRadius) const
1134 Painter::FillRoundRect(const BRect& r, float xRadius, float yRadius) const
1159 Painter::FillRoundRect(const BRect& r, float xRadius, float yRadius,
1185 Painter::AlignEllipseRect(BRect* rect, bool filled) const
1203 Painter::DrawEllipse(BRect r, bool fill) const
1230 Painter::FillEllipse(BRect r, const BGradient& gradient)
1254 Painter::StrokeArc(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float angle,
1275 Painter::FillArc(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float angle,
1312 Painter::FillArc(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float angle,
1352 Painter::DrawString(const char* utf8String, uint32 length, BPoint baseLine,
1376 Painter::DrawString(const char* utf8String, uint32 length,
1397 Painter::BoundingBox(const char* utf8String, uint32 length, BPoint baseLine,
1414 Painter::BoundingBox(const char* utf8String, uint32 length,
1428 Painter::StringWidth(const char* utf8String, uint32 length,
1440 Painter::DrawBitmap(const ServerBitmap* bitmap, BRect bitmapRect,
1461 Painter::FillRegion(const BRegion* region) const
1477 Painter::FillRegion(const BRegion* region, const BGradient& gradient)
1493 Painter::InvertRect(const BRect& r) const
1510 Painter::SetRendererOffset(int32 offsetX, int32 offsetY)
1520 Painter::_Align(float coord, bool round, bool centerOffset) const
1537 Painter::_Align(BPoint* point, bool centerOffset) const
1544 Painter::_Align(BPoint* point, bool round, bool centerOffset) const
1552 Painter::_Align(const BPoint& point, bool centerOffset) const
1562 Painter::_Clipped(const BRect& rect) const
1573 Painter::_UpdateDrawingMode()
1593 Painter::_SetRendererColor(const rgb_color& color) const
1610 Painter::_DrawTriangle(BPoint pt1, BPoint pt2, BPoint pt3, bool fill) const
1634 Painter::_IterateShapeData(const int32& opCount, const uint32* opList,
1702 Painter::_InvertRect32(BRect r) const
1720 Painter::_BlendRect32(const BRect& r, const rgb_color& c) const
1758 Painter::_BoundingBox(VertexSource& path) const
1807 Painter::_StrokePath(VertexSource& path) const
1815 Painter::_StrokePath(VertexSource& path, cap_mode capMode) const
1838 Painter::_FillPath(VertexSource& path) const
1851 Painter::_RasterizePath(VertexSource& path) const
1877 Painter::_FillPath(VertexSource& path, const BGradient& gradient)
1890 Painter::_RasterizePath(VertexSource& path, const BGradient& gradient)
1892 GTRACE("Painter::_RasterizePath\n");
1899 GTRACE(("Painter::_FillPath> type == TYPE_LINEAR\n"));
1910 GTRACE(("Painter::_FillPathGradient> type == TYPE_RADIAL\n"));
1922 GTRACE(("Painter::_FillPathGradient> type == TYPE_RADIAL_FOCUS\n"));
1934 GTRACE(("Painter::_FillPathGradient> type == TYPE_DIAMOND\n"));
1945 GTRACE(("Painter::_FillPathGradient> type == TYPE_CONIC\n"));
1957 GTRACE(("Painter::_FillPathGradient> type == TYPE_NONE/unkown\n"));
1966 Painter::_CalcLinearGradientTransform(BPoint startPoint, BPoint endPoint,
1982 Painter::_CalcRadialGradientTransform(BPoint center,
1993 Painter::_MakeGradient(const BGradient& gradient, int32 colorCount,
2073 Painter::_MakeGradient(Array& array, const BGradient& gradient) const
2082 GTRACE("Painter::_MakeGradient> fromColor(%d, %d, %d, %d) offset = %f\n",
2085 GTRACE("Painter::_MakeGradient> toColor(%d, %d, %d %d) offset = %f\n",
2088 GTRACE("Painter::_MakeGradient> dist = %f\n", dist);
2094 GTRACE("Painter::_MakeGradient> array[%d](%d, %d, %d, %d)\n",
2104 Painter::_RasterizePath(VertexSource& path, const BGradient& gradient,
2108 GTRACE("Painter::_RasterizePath\n");