Lines Matching refs:ServerFont

13 #include "ServerFont.h"
124 \param style Style object to which the ServerFont belongs
131 ServerFont::ServerFont(FontStyle& style, float size, float rotation,
149 ServerFont::ServerFont()
159 \param font ServerFont to copy
161 ServerFont::ServerFont(const ServerFont &font)
172 ServerFont::~ServerFont()
182 ServerFont&
183 ServerFont::operator=(const ServerFont& font)
203 ServerFont::operator==(const ServerFont& other) const
221 ServerFont::CountTuned()
232 ServerFont::FileFormat()
239 ServerFont::Style() const
246 ServerFont::Family() const
253 ServerFont::SetStyle(FontStyle* style)
268 \brief Sets the ServerFont instance to whatever font is specified
276 ServerFont::SetFamilyAndStyle(uint16 familyID, uint16 styleID,
309 \brief Sets the ServerFont instance to whatever font is specified
314 ServerFont::SetFamilyAndStyle(uint32 fontID, AppFontManager* fontManager)
324 ServerFont::SetSize(float value)
334 ServerFont::SetFace(uint16 face)
377 \brief Gets the ID values for the ServerFont instance in one shot
381 ServerFont::GetFamilyAndStyle() const
391 ServerFont::GetTransformedFace(bool rotate, bool shear) const
428 ServerFont::PutTransformedFace(FT_Face face) const
437 ServerFont::GetGlyphShapes(const char charArray[], int32 numChars,
618 ServerFont::GetUnicodeBlocks(unicode_block& blocksForFont)
658 ServerFont::IncludesUnicodeBlock(uint32 start, uint32 end, bool& hasBlock)
695 ServerFont::GetHasGlyphs(const char* string, int32 numBytes, int32 numChars,
768 ServerFont::GetEdges(const char* string, int32 numBytes, int32 numChars,
850 ServerFont::GetEscapements(const char* string, int32 numBytes, int32 numChars,
902 ServerFont::GetEscapements(const char* string, int32 numBytes, int32 numChars,
1010 ServerFont::GetBoundingBoxes(const char* string, int32 numBytes, int32 numChars,
1030 ServerFont::GetBoundingBoxesForStrings(char *charArray[], size_t lengthArray[],
1084 ServerFont::StringWidth(const char *string, int32 numBytes,
1105 ServerFont::BoundingBox()
1159 ServerFont::GetHeight(font_height& height) const
1166 ServerFont::TruncateString(BString* inOut, uint32 mode, float width) const
1194 ServerFont::EmbeddedTransformation() const
1207 ServerFont::SetFontData(FT_Byte* location, uint32 size)