Lines Matching defs:BView

273 	// BView::GetClippingRegion() we ask for the 'global' one and it
359 const char* const kSizesField = "BView:sizes";
361 const char* const kAlignmentField = "BView:alignment";
362 const char* const kLayoutField = "BView:layout";
366 struct BView::LayoutData {
425 BView::BView(const char* name, uint32 flags, BLayout* layout)
435 BView::BView(BRect frame, const char* name, uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags)
443 BView::BView(BMessage* archive)
449 debugger("BView cannot be constructed from a NULL archive.");
584 if (BView* child = dynamic_cast<BView*>(object))
592 BView::Instantiate(BMessage* data)
594 if (!validate_instantiation(data , "BView"))
597 return new(std::nothrow) BView(data);
602 BView::Archive(BMessage* data, bool deep) const
718 for (BView* child = fFirstChild; child != NULL && ret == B_OK;
731 BView::AllUnarchived(const BMessage* from)
740 BView* child;
741 err = unarchiver.FindObject<BView>("_views", i, child);
760 BView::AllArchived(BMessage* into) const
766 BView::~BView()
768 STRACE(("BView(%s)::~BView()\n", this->Name()));
777 BView* child = fFirstChild;
779 BView* nextChild = child->fNextSibling;
796 fVerScroller->SetTarget((BView*)NULL);
798 fHorScroller->SetTarget((BView*)NULL);
808 BView::Bounds() const
820 BView::_ConvertToParent(BPoint* point, bool checkLock) const
836 BView::ConvertToParent(BPoint* point) const
843 BView::ConvertToParent(BPoint point) const
852 BView::_ConvertFromParent(BPoint* point, bool checkLock) const
868 BView::ConvertFromParent(BPoint* point) const
875 BView::ConvertFromParent(BPoint point) const
884 BView::ConvertToParent(BRect* rect) const
899 BView::ConvertToParent(BRect rect) const
908 BView::ConvertFromParent(BRect* rect) const
923 BView::ConvertFromParent(BRect rect) const
932 BView::_ConvertToScreen(BPoint* point, bool checkLock) const
950 BView::ConvertToScreen(BPoint* point) const
957 BView::ConvertToScreen(BPoint point) const
966 BView::_ConvertFromScreen(BPoint* point, bool checkLock) const
984 BView::ConvertFromScreen(BPoint* point) const
991 BView::ConvertFromScreen(BPoint point) const
1000 BView::ConvertToScreen(BRect* rect) const
1009 BView::ConvertToScreen(BRect rect) const
1018 BView::ConvertFromScreen(BRect* rect) const
1027 BView::ConvertFromScreen(BRect rect) const
1036 BView::Flags() const
1044 BView::SetFlags(uint32 flags)
1070 * bits 1-16 are used for BView's flags
1071 * bits 17-32 are used for BView' resize mask
1082 BView::Frame() const
1089 BView::Hide()
1104 BView::Show()
1119 BView::IsFocus() const
1130 BView::IsHidden(const BView* lookingFrom) const
1155 BView::IsHidden() const
1162 BView::IsPrinting() const
1169 BView::LeftTop() const
1176 BView::SetResizingMode(uint32 mode)
1191 BView::ResizingMode() const
1198 BView::SetViewCursor(const BCursor* cursor, bool sync)
1223 BView::Flush() const
1231 BView::Sync() const
1240 BView::Window() const
1250 BView::AttachedToWindow()
1253 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::AttachedToWindow()\n", Name()));
1258 BView::AllAttached()
1261 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::AllAttached()\n", Name()));
1266 BView::DetachedFromWindow()
1269 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::DetachedFromWindow()\n", Name()));
1274 BView::AllDetached()
1277 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::AllDetached()\n", Name()));
1282 BView::Draw(BRect updateRect)
1285 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::Draw()\n", Name()));
1290 BView::DrawAfterChildren(BRect updateRect)
1293 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::DrawAfterChildren()\n", Name()));
1298 BView::FrameMoved(BPoint newPosition)
1301 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::FrameMoved()\n", Name()));
1306 BView::FrameResized(float newWidth, float newHeight)
1309 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::FrameResized()\n", Name()));
1314 BView::GetPreferredSize(float* _width, float* _height)
1316 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::GetPreferredSize()\n", Name()));
1326 BView::ResizeToPreferred()
1328 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::ResizeToPreferred()\n", Name()));
1339 BView::KeyDown(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes)
1342 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::KeyDown()\n", Name()));
1350 BView::KeyUp(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes)
1353 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::KeyUp()\n", Name()));
1358 BView::MouseDown(BPoint where)
1361 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::MouseDown()\n", Name()));
1366 BView::MouseUp(BPoint where)
1369 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::MouseUp()\n", Name()));
1374 BView::MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 code, const BMessage* dragMessage)
1377 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::MouseMoved()\n", Name()));
1382 BView::Pulse()
1385 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::Pulse()\n", Name()));
1390 BView::TargetedByScrollView(BScrollView* scroll_view)
1393 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::TargetedByScrollView()\n", Name()));
1398 BView::WindowActivated(bool active)
1401 STRACE(("\tHOOK: BView(%s)::WindowActivated()\n", Name()));
1409 BView::BeginRectTracking(BRect startRect, uint32 style)
1421 BView::EndRectTracking()
1431 BView::DragMessage(BMessage* message, BRect dragRect, BHandler* replyTo)
1488 BView::DragMessage(BMessage* message, BBitmap* image, BPoint offset,
1496 BView::DragMessage(BMessage* message, BBitmap* image,
1554 fprintf(stderr, "BView::DragMessage() - no memory to flatten drag "
1563 BView::GetMouse(BPoint* _location, uint32* _buttons, bool checkMessageQueue)
1596 // use the version of BView::GetMouse() that does not
1674 BView::MakeFocus(bool focus)
1682 BView* focusView = fOwner->CurrentFocus();
1699 BView::ScrollBar(orientation direction) const
1715 BView::ScrollBy(float deltaX, float deltaY)
1722 BView::ScrollTo(BPoint where)
1781 BView::SetEventMask(uint32 mask, uint32 options)
1807 BView::EventMask()
1814 BView::SetMouseEventMask(uint32 mask, uint32 options)
1817 // or we were called outside of BView::MouseDown()
1839 BView::PushState()
1857 BView::PopState()
1870 BView::SetOrigin(BPoint where)
1877 BView::SetOrigin(float x, float y)
1901 BView::Origin() const
1922 BView::SetScale(float scale) const
1942 BView::Scale() const
1961 BView::SetTransform(BAffineTransform transform)
1981 BView::Transform() const
2000 BView::TransformTo(coordinate_space basis) const
2042 BView* parent = Parent();
2065 BView::TranslateBy(double x, double y)
2082 BView::ScaleBy(double x, double y)
2099 BView::RotateBy(double angleRadians)
2115 BView::SetLineMode(cap_mode lineCap, join_mode lineJoin, float miterLimit)
2145 BView::LineJoinMode() const
2156 BView::LineCapMode() const
2167 BView::LineMiterLimit() const
2193 BView::SetFillRule(int32 fillRule)
2214 BView::FillRule() const
2238 BView::SetDrawingMode(drawing_mode mode)
2259 BView::DrawingMode() const
2282 BView::SetBlendingMode(source_alpha sourceAlpha, alpha_function alphaFunction)
2310 BView::GetBlendingMode(source_alpha* _sourceAlpha,
2339 BView::MovePenTo(BPoint point)
2346 BView::MovePenTo(float x, float y)
2369 BView::MovePenBy(float x, float y)
2380 BView::PenLocation() const
2401 BView::SetPenSize(float size)
2421 BView::PenSize() const
2442 BView::SetHighColor(rgb_color color)
2467 BView::HighColor() const
2488 BView::SetHighUIColor(color_which which, float tint)
2522 BView::HighUIColor(float* tint) const
2550 BView::SetLowColor(rgb_color color)
2574 BView::LowColor() const
2595 BView::SetLowUIColor(color_which which, float tint)
2629 BView::LowUIColor(float* tint) const
2657 BView::HasDefaultColors() const
2669 BView::HasSystemColors() const
2681 BView::AdoptParentColors()
2688 BView::AdoptSystemColors()
2697 BView::AdoptViewColors(BView* view)
2734 BView::SetViewColor(rgb_color color)
2759 BView::ViewColor() const
2780 BView::SetViewUIColor(color_which which, float tint)
2817 BView::ViewUIColor(float* tint) const
2845 BView::ForceFontAliasing(bool enable)
2866 BView::SetFont(const BFont* font, uint32 mask)
2918 BView::GetFont(BFont* font) const
2934 BView::GetFontHeight(font_height* height) const
2941 BView::SetFontSize(float size)
2951 BView::StringWidth(const char* string) const
2958 BView::StringWidth(const char* string, int32 length) const
2965 BView::GetStringWidths(char* stringArray[], int32 lengthArray[],
2974 BView::TruncateString(BString* string, uint32 mode, float width) const
2981 BView::ClipToPicture(BPicture* picture, BPoint where, bool sync)
2988 BView::ClipToInversePicture(BPicture* picture, BPoint where, bool sync)
2995 BView::GetClippingRegion(BRegion* region) const
3025 BView::ConstrainClippingRegion(BRegion* region)
3050 BView::ClipToRect(BRect rect)
3057 BView::ClipToInverseRect(BRect rect)
3064 BView::ClipToShape(BShape* shape)
3071 BView::ClipToInverseShape(BShape* shape)
3081 BView::DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect,
3104 BView::DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect)
3111 BView::DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect viewRect)
3121 BView::DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* bitmap, BPoint where)
3142 BView::DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* bitmap)
3149 BView::DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect,
3160 BView::DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect)
3170 BView::DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect viewRect)
3180 BView::DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BPoint where)
3190 BView::DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap)
3197 BView::DrawTiledBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect viewRect,
3219 BView::DrawTiledBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect viewRect, BPoint phase)
3229 BView::DrawChar(char c)
3236 BView::DrawChar(char c, BPoint location)
3243 BView::DrawString(const char* string, escapement_delta* delta)
3253 BView::DrawString(const char* string, BPoint location, escapement_delta* delta)
3263 BView::DrawString(const char* string, int32 length, escapement_delta* delta)
3270 BView::DrawString(const char* string, int32 length, BPoint location,
3301 BView::DrawString(const char* string, const BPoint* locations,
3312 BView::DrawString(const char* string, int32 length, const BPoint* locations,
3335 BView::StrokeEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius,
3344 BView::StrokeEllipse(BRect rect, ::pattern pattern)
3360 BView::FillEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius,
3369 BView::FillEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius,
3378 BView::FillEllipse(BRect rect, ::pattern pattern)
3394 BView::FillEllipse(BRect rect, const BGradient& gradient)
3410 BView::StrokeArc(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle,
3419 BView::StrokeArc(BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle,
3438 BView::FillArc(BPoint center,float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle,
3447 BView::FillArc(BPoint center,float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle,
3456 BView::FillArc(BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle,
3475 BView::FillArc(BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle,
3494 BView::StrokeBezier(BPoint* controlPoints, ::pattern pattern)
3513 BView::FillBezier(BPoint* controlPoints, ::pattern pattern)
3532 BView::FillBezier(BPoint* controlPoints, const BGradient& gradient)
3551 BView::StrokePolygon(const BPolygon* polygon, bool closed, ::pattern pattern)
3562 BView::StrokePolygon(const BPoint* pointArray, int32 numPoints, bool closed,
3573 BView::StrokePolygon(const BPoint* pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds,
3603 BView::FillPolygon(const BPolygon* polygon, ::pattern pattern)
3629 BView::FillPolygon(const BPolygon* polygon, const BGradient& gradient)
3655 BView::FillPolygon(const BPoint* pointArray, int32 numPoints, ::pattern pattern)
3666 BView::FillPolygon(const BPoint* pointArray, int32 numPoints,
3678 BView::FillPolygon(const BPoint* pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds,
3692 BView::FillPolygon(const BPoint* pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds,
3706 BView::StrokeRect(BRect rect, ::pattern pattern)
3722 BView::FillRect(BRect rect, ::pattern pattern)
3743 BView::FillRect(BRect rect, const BGradient& gradient)
3764 BView::StrokeRoundRect(BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius,
3783 BView::FillRoundRect(BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius,
3803 BView::FillRoundRect(BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius,
3822 BView::FillRegion(BRegion* region, ::pattern pattern)
3839 BView::FillRegion(BRegion* region, const BGradient& gradient)
3855 BView::StrokeTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds,
3876 BView::StrokeTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3,
3916 BView::FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3,
3956 BView::FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3,
3996 BView::FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3,
4016 BView::FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds,
4035 BView::StrokeLine(BPoint toPoint, ::pattern pattern)
4042 BView::StrokeLine(BPoint start, BPoint end, ::pattern pattern)
4065 BView::StrokeShape(BShape* shape, ::pattern pattern)
4089 BView::FillShape(BShape* shape, ::pattern pattern)
4113 BView::FillShape(BShape* shape, const BGradient& gradient)
4137 BView::BeginLineArray(int32 count)
4174 BView::AddLine(BPoint start, BPoint end, rgb_color color)
4196 BView::EndLineArray()
4218 BView::SetDiskMode(char* filename, long offset)
4231 BView::BeginPicture(BPicture* picture)
4244 BView::AppendToPicture(BPicture* picture)
4265 BView::EndPicture()
4292 BView::SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect,
4300 BView::SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, uint32 followFlags, uint32 options)
4313 BView::ClearViewBitmap()
4320 BView::SetViewOverlay(const BBitmap* overlay, BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect,
4338 BView::SetViewOverlay(const BBitmap* overlay, rgb_color* colorKey,
4352 BView::ClearViewOverlay()
4359 BView::CopyBits(BRect src, BRect dst)
4378 BView::DrawPicture(const BPicture* picture)
4389 BView::DrawPicture(const BPicture* picture, BPoint where)
4400 BView::DrawPicture(const char* filename, long offset, BPoint where)
4411 BView::DrawPictureAsync(const BPicture* picture)
4421 BView::DrawPictureAsync(const BPicture* picture, BPoint where)
4437 BView::DrawPictureAsync(const char* filename, long offset, BPoint where)
4458 BView::BeginLayer(uint8 opacity)
4469 BView::EndLayer()
4479 BView::Invalidate(BRect invalRect)
4515 BView::Invalidate(const BRegion* region)
4538 BView::Invalidate()
4545 BView::DelayedInvalidate(bigtime_t delay)
4552 BView::DelayedInvalidate(bigtime_t delay, BRect invalRect)
4574 BView::InvertRect(BRect rect)
4591 BView::AddChild(BView* child, BView* before)
4593 STRACE(("BView(%s)::AddChild(child '%s', before '%s')\n",
4607 BView::AddChild(BLayoutItem* child)
4616 BView::_AddChild(BView* child, BView* before)
4662 BView::RemoveChild(BView* child)
4664 STRACE(("BView(%s)::RemoveChild(%s)\n", Name(), child->Name()));
4677 BView::CountChildren() const
4682 BView* child = fFirstChild;
4693 BView*
4694 BView::ChildAt(int32 index) const
4698 BView* child = fFirstChild;
4707 BView*
4708 BView::NextSibling() const
4714 BView*
4715 BView::PreviousSibling() const
4722 BView::RemoveSelf()
4731 BView::_RemoveSelf()
4733 STRACE(("BView(%s)::_RemoveSelf()\n", Name()));
4745 BView* parent = fParent;
4757 STRACE(("DONE: BView(%s)::_RemoveSelf()\n", Name()));
4764 BView::_RemoveLayoutItemsFromLayout(bool deleteItems)
4780 BView*
4781 BView::Parent() const
4790 BView*
4791 BView::FindView(const char* name) const
4797 return const_cast<BView*>(this);
4799 BView* child = fFirstChild;
4801 BView* view = child->FindView(name);
4813 BView::MoveBy(float deltaX, float deltaY)
4820 BView::MoveTo(BPoint where)
4827 BView::MoveTo(float x, float y)
4852 BView::ResizeBy(float deltaWidth, float deltaHeight)
4878 BView::ResizeTo(float width, float height)
4885 BView::ResizeTo(BSize size)
4895 BView::GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* data)
4911 BView::ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* message, int32 index, BMessage* specifier,
4947 BView* child = NULL;
5009 BView::MessageReceived(BMessage* message)
5207 BView* view = ChildAt(i);
5288 BView::Perform(perform_code code, void* _data)
5293 = BView::MinSize();
5297 = BView::MaxSize();
5301 = BView::PreferredSize();
5305 = BView::LayoutAlignment();
5309 = BView::HasHeightForWidth();
5315 BView::GetHeightForWidth(data->width, &data->min, &data->max,
5322 BView::SetLayout(data->layout);
5329 BView::LayoutInvalidated(data->descendants);
5334 BView::DoLayout();
5339 BView::LayoutChanged();
5347 = BView::GetToolTipAt(data->point, data->tool_tip);
5355 data->return_value = BView::AllUnarchived(data->archive);
5363 data->return_value = BView::AllArchived(data->archive);
5376 BView::MinSize()
5389 BView::MaxSize()
5398 BView::PreferredSize()
5411 BView::LayoutAlignment()
5420 BView::SetExplicitMinSize(BSize size)
5428 BView::SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize size)
5436 BView::SetExplicitPreferredSize(BSize size)
5444 BView::SetExplicitSize(BSize size)
5454 BView::SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment alignment)
5462 BView::ExplicitMinSize() const
5469 BView::ExplicitMaxSize() const
5476 BView::ExplicitPreferredSize() const
5483 BView::ExplicitAlignment() const
5490 BView::HasHeightForWidth()
5498 BView::GetHeightForWidth(float width, float* min, float* max, float* preferred)
5506 BView::SetLayout(BLayout* layout)
5512 debugger("BView::SetLayout() failed, layout is already in use.");
5539 BView::GetLayout() const
5546 BView::InvalidateLayout(bool descendants)
5548 // printf("BView(%p)::InvalidateLayout(%i), valid: %i, inProgress: %i\n",
5561 for (BView* child = fFirstChild;
5579 BView::EnableLayoutInvalidation()
5587 BView::DisableLayoutInvalidation()
5594 BView::IsLayoutInvalidationDisabled()
5603 BView::IsLayoutValid() const
5610 BView::ResetLayoutInvalidation()
5617 BView::LayoutContext() const
5624 BView::Layout(bool force)
5632 BView::Relayout()
5649 BView::LayoutInvalidated(bool descendants)
5656 BView::DoLayout()
5664 BView::SetToolTip(const char* text)
5679 BView::SetToolTip(BToolTip* tip)
5697 BView::ToolTip() const
5704 BView::ShowToolTip(BToolTip* tip)
5717 BView::HideToolTip()
5724 BView::GetToolTipAt(BPoint point, BToolTip** _tip)
5737 BView::LayoutChanged()
5744 BView::_Layout(bool force, BLayoutContext* context)
5746 //printf("%p->BView::_Layout(%d, %p)\n", this, force, context);
5768 for(BView* child = fFirstChild; child; child = child->fNextSibling) {
5785 BView::_LayoutLeft(BLayout* deleted)
5798 BView::_InvalidateParentLayout()
5822 BView::_InitData(BRect frame, const char* name, uint32 resizingMode,
5827 STRACE(("BView::_InitData: enter\n"));
5831 printf("%s BView::_InitData(): resizing mode or flags swapped\n", name);
5834 // BView constructor. This does not cause problems under BeOS as it just
5892 BView::_RemoveCommArray()
5903 BView::_SetOwner(BWindow* newOwner)
5933 for (BView* child = fFirstChild; child != NULL; child = child->fNextSibling)
5939 BView::_ClipToPicture(BPicture* picture, BPoint where, bool invert, bool sync)
5972 BView::_ClipToRect(BRect rect, bool inverse)
5984 BView::_ClipToShape(BShape* shape, bool inverse)
6006 BView::_RemoveChildFromList(BView* child)
6031 BView::_AddChildToList(BView* child, BView* before)
6056 BView* last = fFirstChild;
6083 BView::_CreateSelf()
6115 for (BView* child = fFirstChild; child != NULL;
6129 It also calls the BView's FrameMoved() hook.
6132 BView::_MoveTo(int32 x, int32 y)
6152 It also calls the BView's FrameResized() hook.
6155 BView::_ResizeBy(int32 deltaWidth, int32 deltaHeight)
6170 for (BView* child = fFirstChild; child; child = child->fNextSibling)
6188 BView::_ParentResizedBy(int32 x, int32 y)
6232 BView::_Activate(bool active)
6236 for (BView* child = fFirstChild; child != NULL;
6244 BView::_Attach()
6282 for (BView* child = fFirstChild; child != NULL;
6295 BView::_ColorsUpdated(BMessage* message)
6326 for (BView* child = fFirstChild; child != NULL;
6335 BView::_Detach()
6340 for (BView* child = fFirstChild; child != NULL;
6358 // passing through to the BView version,
6383 BView::_Draw(BRect updateRect)
6407 BView::_DrawAfterChildren(BRect updateRect)
6426 BView::_FontsUpdated(BMessage* message)
6430 for (BView* child = fFirstChild; child != NULL;
6438 BView::_Pulse()
6443 for (BView* child = fFirstChild; child != NULL;
6451 BView::_UpdateStateForRemove()
6472 for (BView* child = fFirstChild; child != NULL;
6481 BView::_UpdatePattern(::pattern pattern)
6500 BView::_FlushIfNotInTransaction()
6509 BView::_Shelf() const
6516 BView::_SetShelf(BShelf* shelf)
6529 BView::_SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap, BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect,
6552 BView::_CheckOwnerLockAndSwitchCurrent() const
6554 STRACE(("BView(%s)::_CheckOwnerLockAndSwitchCurrent()\n", Name()));
6568 BView::_CheckOwnerLock() const
6581 BView::_CheckLockAndSwitchCurrent() const
6583 STRACE(("BView(%s)::_CheckLockAndSwitchCurrent()\n", Name()));
6595 BView::_CheckLock() const
6603 BView::_SwitchServerCurrentView() const
6619 BView::ScrollWithMouseWheelDelta(BScrollBar* scrollBar, float delta)
6645 _ReservedView1__5BView(BView* view, BRect rect)
6647 view->BView::DrawAfterChildren(rect);
6652 _ReservedView2__5BView(BView* view)
6661 _ReservedView3__5BView(BView* view)
6670 _ReservedView4__5BView(BView* view)
6680 _ReservedView5__5BView(BView* view)
6690 _ReservedView6__5BView(BView* view)
6700 _ReservedView7__5BView(BView* view, float width, float* min, float* max,
6717 _ReservedView8__5BView(BView* view, BLayout* layout)
6727 _ReservedView9__5BView(BView* view, bool descendants)
6737 _ReservedView10__5BView(BView* view)
6749 BView* view, BPoint point, BToolTip** _toolTip)
6762 BView* view)
6769 void BView::_ReservedView13() {}
6770 void BView::_ReservedView14() {}
6771 void BView::_ReservedView15() {}
6772 void BView::_ReservedView16() {}
6775 BView::BView(const BView& other)
6783 BView&
6784 BView::operator=(const BView& other)
6792 BView::_PrintToStream()
6794 printf("BView::_PrintToStream()\n");
6874 BView::_PrintTree()
6877 BView* c = fFirstChild; //c = short for: current
6921 BView::Private::LayoutItemAt(int32 index)
6928 BView::Private::CountLayoutItems()
6935 BView::Private::RegisterLayoutItem(BLayoutItem* item)
6942 BView::Private::DeregisterLayoutItem(BLayoutItem* item)
6949 BView::Private::MinMaxValid()
6956 BView::Private::WillLayout()
6958 BView::LayoutData* data = fView->fLayoutData;