Lines Matching defs:win

63 WaitForUser(WINDOW *win)
68 nodelay(win, TRUE);
71 if ((int) (key = wgetch(win)) != ERR) {
83 set_colors(WINDOW *win, int pair, int foreground, int background)
89 wattrset(win, COLOR_PAIR(pair));
94 use_colors(WINDOW *win, int pair, chtype attrs)
101 wattrset(win, attrs);
109 SubWinTest(WINDOW *win)
114 getmaxyx(win, h, w);
115 getbegyx(win, by, bx);
118 if ((swin1 = subwin(win, sh, sw, by + 3, bx + 5)) == NULL)
120 if ((swin2 = subwin(win, sh, sw, by + 4, bx + 8)) == NULL)
122 if ((swin3 = subwin(win, sh, sw, by + 5, bx + 11)) == NULL)
143 WaitForUser(win);
163 BouncingBalls(WINDOW *win)
170 getmaxyx(win, h, w);
186 nodelay(win, TRUE);
188 while (wgetch(win) == ERR) {
196 set_colors(win, 11, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLUE);
197 mvwaddch(win, y1, x1, 'O');
199 set_colors(win, 12, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_RED);
200 mvwaddch(win, y2, x2, '*');
202 set_colors(win, 13, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_WHITE);
203 mvwaddch(win, y3, x3, '@');
205 wmove(win, 0, 0);
206 wrefresh(win);
218 WINDOW *win;
236 win = newwin(height, width, (LINES - height) / 2, (COLS - width) / 2);
237 if (win == NULL) {
243 set_colors(win, 1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE);
244 werase(win);
246 set_colors(win, 2, COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED);
247 box(win, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE);
248 wrefresh(win);
250 use_colors(win, 1, A_NORMAL);
255 mvwaddch(win, y, x, c);
256 wrefresh(win);
257 nodelay(win, TRUE);
258 if (wgetch(win) != ERR)
262 set_colors(win, 3, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_YELLOW);
266 SubWinTest(win);
268 set_colors(win, 4, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_GREEN);
269 wbkgd(win, use_colors(win, 4, A_BOLD));
270 werase(win);
271 wrefresh(win);
273 use_colors(win, 2, A_NORMAL);
274 box(win, ' ', ' ');
275 wrefresh(win);
277 use_colors(win, 4, A_BOLD);
280 mvwaddstr(win, i + 1, 8, AusMap[i]);
281 wrefresh(win);
286 set_colors(win, 5, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE);
287 use_colors(win, 5, A_BLINK);
288 mvwaddstr(win, height - 2, 6, " PDCurses 2.1 for DOS, OS/2 and Unix");
289 wrefresh(win);
292 set_colors(win, 6, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_WHITE);
304 mvwaddnstr(win, height / 2, w - i, buffer, i);
306 mvwaddnstr(win, height / 2, 1, buffer, w);
308 wrefresh(win);
309 nodelay(win, TRUE);
310 if (wgetch(win) != ERR) {
322 set_colors(win, 7, COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN);
324 k = mvwinch(win, 4, i);
329 mvwaddch(win, 4, i, c);
331 wrefresh(win);
335 use_colors(win, 5, A_NORMAL);
336 mvwaddstr(win, i, 5, " Type a key to continue or 'Q' to quit ");
337 wrefresh(win);
339 if (WaitForUser(win) == 1)
344 mvwaddch(win, 4, i, save[j++]);
345 wrefresh(win);
347 BouncingBalls(win);
350 use_colors(win, 5, A_NORMAL);
351 mvwaddstr(win, i, 5, " Type a key to continue or 'Q' to quit ");
352 wrefresh(win);
353 if (WaitForUser(win) == 1)