Lines Matching defs:i64

122 typedef sqlite3_int64 i64;
1940 i64 len;
1941 i64 i;
1942 i64 nAppend = strlen30(zAppend);
5742 /* Get ix into signed i64 range. */
9435 /* typedef sqlite3_int64 i64; */
9641 i64 iDataOff; /* Offset to data in file (if aData==0) */
9652 i64 iId; /* Cursor ID */
9658 i64 iNextOff; /* Offset of next record in central directory */
9674 i64 iNextCsrid;
9680 i64 szCurrent; /* Current size of zip archive */
9681 i64 szOrig; /* Size of archive at start of transaction */
9908 i64 iOff, /* Offset to read from */
10111 i64 JDsec;
10126 JDsec = (i64)((X1 + X2 + D + B - 1524.5)*86400) + hr*3600 + min*60 + sec;
10127 return (u32)(JDsec - (i64)24405875*(i64)8640);
10137 i64 JD = (i64)2440588 + mUnixTime / (24*60*60);
10188 i64 iOff, /* Offset of CDS record */
10287 i64 iEof = pCsr->eocd.iOffset + pCsr->eocd.nSize;
10535 i64 iOff; /* Offset to read from */
10536 i64 szFile; /* Total size of file in bytes */
10538 szFile = (i64)ftell(pFile);
10613 i64 iOff;
10871 pTab->szCurrent = pTab->szOrig = (i64)ftell(pTab->pWriteFd);
10891 i64 ms;
10893 ret = (u32)((ms/1000) - ((i64)24405875 * 8640));
10954 i64 sz = 0; /* Uncompressed size */
11208 i64 iOffset = pTab->szCurrent;
11238 static ZipfileCsr *zipfileFindCursor(ZipfileTab *pTab, i64 iId){
11596 assert( sizeof(i64)==8 );
11958 /* typedef sqlite3_int64 i64; */
12001 i64 covering; /* Mask of columns required for cov. index */
13415 i64 iVal; /* SQLITE_INTEGER value */
13652 i64 iPrev = -100000;
13703 i64 iRowid = sqlite3_column_int64(pAllIndex, 0);
16507 /* typedef sqlite3_int64 i64; */
16615 i64 nPg; /* Size of bitmap */
16636 i64 iRowid;
16637 i64 iPrevPage;
16649 i64 nPg; /* Size of db in pages */
16802 static void *recoverMalloc(sqlite3_recover *p, i64 nByte){
16856 static RecoverBitmap *recoverBitmapAlloc(sqlite3_recover *p, i64 nPg){
16877 static void recoverBitmapSet(RecoverBitmap *pMap, i64 iPg){
16889 static int recoverBitmapQuery(RecoverBitmap *pMap, i64 iPg){
17069 static i64 recoverPageCount(sqlite3_recover *p){
17070 i64 nPg = 0;
17107 i64 iVal = ((i64)a[0]<<24)
17108 + ((i64)a[1]<<16)
17109 + ((i64)a[2]<< 8)
17110 + ((i64)a[3]<< 0);
17133 i64 pgno = sqlite3_value_int64(apArg[0]);
17158 i64 pgno = sqlite3_value_int64(apArg[0]);
17163 i64 nPg = recoverPageCount(p);
17261 i64 nMax = (nNL > nCR) ? nNL : nCR;
17262 i64 nAlloc = nMax * nText + (nMax+64)*2;
17513 i64 iRoot /* Root page of same table in INPUT db */
17645 i64 iRoot = sqlite3_column_int64(pSelect, 0);
17955 i64 iPg,
17956 i64 *piRoot
17987 static void recoverLostAndFoundOnePage(sqlite3_recover *p, i64 iPage){
17995 i64 iRoot = 0;
17997 i64 iRowid = 0;
18075 i64 iPage = sqlite3_column_int64(pLaf->pAllPage, 0);
18199 i64 iRoot = sqlite3_column_int64(p1->pTbls, 0);
18237 i64 iPage = sqlite3_column_int64(pSel, 0);
18376 i64 iPg = sqlite3_column_int64(pLaf->pUsedPages, 0);
18428 i64 iChild = sqlite3_column_int(pLaf->pAllAndParent, 1);
18528 static int recoverGetVarint(const u8 *a, i64 *pVal){
18594 i64 nPayload = 0;
18603 i64 dummy = 0;
18721 i64 nSz /* Size of database file in bytes */
18775 static int recoverVfsRead(sqlite3_file *pFd, void *aBuf, int nByte, i64 iOff){
18828 i64 dbFileSize = 0;
18907 sqlite3_file *pFd, const void *aBuf, int nByte, i64 iOff
20034 static void output_json_string(const char *z, i64 n){
20353 i64 nText;
20400 i64 n = strlen(p->sGraph.zPrefix);
20406 if( n<(i64)sizeof(p->sGraph.zPrefix)-7 ){
20417 static void eqp_render(ShellState *p, i64 nCycle){
21349 i64 nTotal = 0;
21366 i64 nLoop = 0;
21367 i64 nRow = 0;
21368 i64 nCycle = 0;
23631 i64 nLine = strlen(zLine);
23632 i64 i, iStart;
23637 if( nLine>(i64)sizeof(zBuf)-30 ) return;
23653 if( iStart+nCompletion < (i64)sizeof(zBuf)-1 && zCompletion ){
23807 i64 nSql;
25768 static int intckDatabaseCmd(ShellState *pState, i64 nStepPerUnlock){
25774 i64 nStep = 0;
25775 i64 nError = 0;
26900 i64 nByte; /* Number of bytes in an SQL string */
27309 i64 iArg = 0;
29854 i64 nZ = 0;
29888 i64 nLine; /* Length of current line */
29889 i64 nSql = 0; /* Bytes of zSql[] used */
29890 i64 nAlloc = 0; /* Allocated zSql[] space */
29893 i64 startline = 0; /* Line number for start of current input */
29953 i64 i;
30055 i64 n = strlen(home_dir) + 1;
30406 i64 n;