Lines Matching refs:help

42 		help = "encryption type"
50 help = "master key file"
55 help = "just convert keyfile to new format"
61 help = "filedescriptor to read passphrase from"
64 help = "Writes the Kerberos master key to a file used by the KDC. \nLocal (-l) mode only."
72 help = "decrypt keys"
77 help = "Dumps the database in a human readable format to the specified file, \nor the standard out. Local (-l) mode only."
85 help = "realm max ticket lifetime"
90 help = "realm max renewable lifetime"
94 help = "Initializes the default principals for a realm. Creates the database\nif necessary. Local (-l) mode only."
101 help = "Loads a previously dumped file. Local (-l) mode only."
108 help = "Merges the contents of a dump file into the database. Local (-l) mode only."
119 help = "set random key"
124 help = "set random password"
130 help = "principal's password"
135 help = "DES-key in hex"
141 help = "max ticket lifetime"
147 help = "max renewable life"
153 help = "principal attributes"
159 help = "principal expiration time"
165 help = "password expiration time"
170 help = "use default values"
174 help = "Adds a principal to the database."
185 help = "set random key"
190 help = "set random password"
196 help = "princial's password"
201 help = "DES key in hex"
205 help = "Changes the password of one or more principals matching the expressions."
214 help = "Deletes all principals matching the expressions."
220 help = "Delete all the mentioned enctypes for principal."
228 help = "set random key"
232 help = "Add new enctypes for principal."
240 help = "keytab to use"
244 help = "Extracts the keys of all principals matching the expressions, and stores them in a keytab."
255 help = "long format"
262 help = "short format"
268 help = "terse format"
274 help = "columns to print for short output"
278 help = "Shows information about principals matching the expressions."
286 help = "Renames a principal."
295 help = "max ticket lifetime"
301 help = "max renewable life"
308 help = "principal attributes"
314 help = "principal expiration time"
320 help = "password expiration time"
325 help = "key version number"
332 help = "allowed target principals"
338 help = "aliases"
344 help = "aliases"
349 help = "Modifies some attributes of the specified principal."
355 help = "Shows which operations you are allowed to perform."
365 help = "long format"
371 help = "short format"
377 help = "terse format"
384 help = "columns to print for short output"
388 help = "Lists principals in a terse format. Equivalent to \"get -t\"."
397 help = "Try run the password quality function locally (not doing RPC out to server)."
405 help = "Check the realm (if not given, the default realm) for configuration errors."
408 name = "help"
413 help = "Help! I need somebody."
419 help = "Quits."