Lines Matching refs:screen

223 memory_above			da	bool	da	-	-	YBCG-	display may be retained above the screen
224 memory_below db bool db - - YB-GE display may be retained below the screen
234 prtr_silent mc5i bool 5i - - ----- printer will not echo on screen
240 back_color_erase bce bool ut - - ----- screen erased with background color
264 lines lines num li - - YBCGE number of lines on screen or page
270 num_labels nlab num Nl - - ----- number of labels on screen
276 max_colors colors num Co - - ----- maximum number of colors on screen
277 max_pairs pairs num pa - - ----- maximum number of color-pairs on the screen
329 clear_screen clear str cl - - YBCGE clear screen and home cursor (P*)
331 clr_eos ed str cd - - YBCGE clear to end of screen (P*)
381 key_clear kclr str kC KEY_CLEAR 0515 -B-G-* clear-screen or erase key
388 key_eos ked str kS KEY_EOS 0516 -B-G-* clear-to-end-of-screen key
442 print_screen mc0 str ps - - -B-G-* print contents of screen
951 # "You can 'freeze' data on the screen by turning on Memory Lock in a line of
953 # the screen. Then enter data normally. When the screen fills up, any
955 # under the frozen data. Lines scrolled off the screen are inserted into
975 # memory_lock_above OTml str ml - - -B--- lock visible screen memory above the current line
976 # memory_unlock OTmu str mu - - -B--- unlock visible screen memory above the current line
995 # initialization_messy OTxc bool xc - - ----- initialization leaves garbage on the screen (?)
1002 # scroll_left OTsl1 str Sl - - ----- scroll screen leftward
1003 # scroll_right OTsr1 str Sr - - ----- scroll screen rightward
1004 # parm_scroll_left OTsl str SL - - ----- scroll screen leftward #1 characters
1005 # parm_scroll_right OTsr str SR - - ----- scroll screen rightward #1 characters