Lines Matching refs:revision

46 #   revision number.  For branch a.b.c of a particular file, this means

47 # the label will be attached to revision a.b.0.c of the converted
49 # to RCS revision 0.1, which is useless to RCS and CVS. You'll probably
54 # check in of a new revision without a comment string.
56 # RCS does not allow revision 1.0).
58 # * Version labels are assigned to the appropriate (incremented) revision
65 # operation since the current ./ is used in the checkout of each revision.
70 # the archive nonetheless (But you would lose any checked out revision(s))
77 # * This script will abort occasionally with the error "invalid revision
78 # number". This is known to happen when a revision comment has
87 # If you recieve the "Invalid revision number" error, then the RCS archive
228 --Cvs-branch-labels Use CVS magic branch revision
232 revision numbers (unimplemented)
398 my ($revision, %rcs_rev_num);
637 elsif ( /^Rev\s+/ ) # get all the revision information at once
646 print "Found revision: $rev_num[$rev_index]\n" if ($options{debug});
647 die "Not a valid revision ($rev_num[$rev_index]).\n"
702 # Create RCS revision numbers corresponding to PVCS version numbers
703 foreach $revision (@rev_num)
705 $rcs_rev_num{ $revision } = &pvcs_to_rcs_rev_number( $revision );
706 print"PVCS revision is $revision; RCS revision is $rcs_rev_num{ $revision }\n"
710 # Sort the revision numbers - PVCS and RCS store them in different orders
733 # Create RCS revision numbers corresponding to PVCS version numbers by
734 # adding 1 to the revision number (# after last .)
742 print"Label $new_label[$label_index] is for revision $label_revision[$label_index]\n" if ($options{debug});
760 foreach $revision (@rev_num)
762 # print "get -p$revision $pvcsarchive >$workfile\n";
763 print "get -r$revision $pvcsarchive\n";
764 # $vcs_output = `vcs -u -r$revision $pvcsarchive`;
765 # $get_output = `get -p$revision $pvcsarchive >$workfile`;
766 $get_output = `get -r$revision $pvcsarchive`;
805 @branch = split /\./, $rcs_rev_num{$revision};
815 $comment{$revision} =~ /^\s*$/ and $comment{$revision} = "no comment\n";
818 $ci_command .= " -f -r$rcs_rev_num{$revision} -d$checked_in{$revision}"
819 . " -w$author{$revision}";
826 $wtr->print ($comment{$revision});
827 $wtr->print ("\n") unless ($comment{$revision} =~ /\n$/s);
834 } # foreach revision
841 print "Version label $new_label[$i] added to revision $label_revision[$i]\n";
874 # This function effectively does a cmp between two revision numbers
880 # The @_ argument implementation was going to be used for revision
881 # comparison as an aid to remove the /^\sRev/ in revision comment
932 # RCS does not allow revision zero
945 # If this is a branch revision # (PVCS: a.b.c.*) then we want the CVS
946 # revision # instead. It's okay to do this conversion here since we
947 # never commit to branches. We'll only get a PVCS revision # in that
948 # form when looking through the revision labels.