Lines Matching defs:qgrp

51 /* Naming convention: qgrp: index of queue group, qg: QUEUEGROUP */
1287 int qgrp, cgrp, endgrp;
1311 qgrp = WorkGrp[wgrp].wg_qgs[cgrp]->qg_index;
1312 if (Queue[qgrp]->qg_queueintvl > 0)
1313 qintvl = Queue[qgrp]->qg_queueintvl;
1319 lastsched = Queue[qgrp]->qg_nextrun;
1321 if ((runall || Queue[qgrp]->qg_nextrun <= now) && qintvl > 0)
1337 Queue[qgrp]->qg_nextrun += qintvl;
1342 "sqr: wgrp=%d, cgrp=%d, qgrp=%d, intvl=%ld, QI=%ld, runall=%d, lastrun=%ld, nextrun=%ld, sched=%d",
1343 wgrp, cgrp, qgrp, Queue[qgrp]->qg_queueintvl,
1345 Queue[qgrp]->qg_nextrun, sched);
1373 int qgrp;
1378 for (qgrp = 0; qgrp < NumQueue && Queue[qgrp] != NULL; qgrp++)
1382 if (Queue[qgrp]->qg_queueintvl > 0)
1383 qintvl = Queue[qgrp]->qg_queueintvl;
1388 if (Queue[qgrp]->qg_nextrun <= now - qintvl)
1395 qgrp,
1396 arpadate(ctime(&Queue[qgrp]->qg_nextrun)),
1887 int qgrp, endgrp, h, i;
2069 qgrp = WorkGrp[wgrp].wg_qgs[WorkGrp[wgrp].wg_curqgrp]->qg_index;
2073 (Queue[qgrp]->qg_nextrun <= now &&
2074 Queue[qgrp]->qg_nextrun != (time_t) -1))
2085 qdir = Queue[qgrp]->qg_curnum; /* round-robin init of queue position */
2089 "rwg: wgrp=%d, qgrp=%d, qdir=%d, name=%s, curqgrp=%d, numgrps=%d",
2090 wgrp, qgrp, qdir, qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir),
2096 if (Queue[qgrp]->qg_nice > 0)
2097 (void) nice(Queue[qgrp]->qg_nice);
2102 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir));
2107 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir), (int) CurrentPid,
2117 for (i = 0; i < Queue[qgrp]->qg_numqueues; i++)
2119 (void) gatherq(qgrp, qdir, false, &full, &more, &h);
2122 QSHM_ENTRIES(Queue[qgrp]->qg_qpaths[qdir].qp_idx) = h;
2129 qdir %= Queue[qgrp]->qg_numqueues;
2138 njobs = sortq(Queue[qgrp]->qg_maxlist);
2139 Queue[qgrp]->qg_curnum = qdir; /* update */
2142 if (!Verbose && bitnset(QD_FORK, Queue[qgrp]->qg_flags))
2158 maxrunners = Queue[qgrp]->qg_maxqrun;
2286 else if (Queue[qgrp]->qg_maxqrun > 0 || bitset(RWG_FORCE, flags))
2315 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir));
2454 ** qgrp -- the index of the queue group.
2486 gatherq(qgrp, qdir, doall, full, more, pnentries)
2487 int qgrp;
2510 Queue[qgrp]->qg_qpaths[qdir].qp_name,
2512 Queue[qgrp]->qg_qpaths[qdir].qp_subdirs)
2564 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir));
2634 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir),
2642 grow_wlist(qgrp, qdir);
2655 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir),
2670 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir), d->d_name);
2684 w->w_qgrp = qgrp;
2709 w->w_qgrp = qgrp;
3151 ** qgrp -- the index for the queue group.
3164 grow_wlist(qgrp, qdir)
3165 int qgrp;
3190 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir),
3198 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir), newsize);
3537 ** qgrp -- the index of the queue group for the job.
3555 dowork(qgrp, qdir, id, forkflag, requeueflag, e)
3556 int qgrp;
3567 sm_dprintf("dowork(%s/%s)\n", qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir), id);
3661 e->e_qgrp = qgrp;
4214 int qgrp, qdir;
4221 for (qgrp = 0;
4222 qgrp < NumQueue && Queue[qgrp] != NULL;
4223 ++qgrp)
4226 qdir < Queue[qgrp]->qg_numqueues;
4230 Queue[qgrp]->qg_qpaths[qdir].qp_name)
4233 e->e_dfqgrp = qgrp;
4441 /* make sure we keep the current qgrp */
4789 ** qgrp -- the index of the queue group.
4800 print_single_queue(qgrp, qdir)
4801 int qgrp;
4819 Queue[qgrp]->qg_qpaths[qdir].qp_name,
4821 Queue[qgrp]->qg_qpaths[qdir].qp_subdirs)
4824 Queue[qgrp]->qg_qpaths[qdir].qp_name,
4826 Queue[qgrp]->qg_qpaths[qdir].qp_subdirs)
4845 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir));
4870 nrequests = gatherq(qgrp, qdir, true, NULL, NULL, NULL);
4871 (void) sortq(Queue[qgrp]->qg_maxlist);
4881 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir));
4888 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir),
4950 e.e_qgrp = qgrp;
5717 ** qgrp -- index in queue group.
5725 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir)
5726 int qgrp;
5733 return Queue[qgrp]->qg_qdir;
5735 if (strcmp(Queue[qgrp]->qg_qpaths[qdir].qp_name, ".") == 0)
5738 subdir = Queue[qgrp]->qg_qpaths[qdir].qp_name;
5741 Queue[qgrp]->qg_qdir,
5745 Queue[qgrp]->qg_qpaths[qdir].qp_subdirs)
5862 ** e->qgrp = NOQGRP, e->e_qdir = NOQDIR
7905 ** qgrp -- index of queue group.
7916 split_env(e, sendqueue, qgrp, qdir)
7919 int qgrp;
7943 ee->e_qgrp = ee->e_dfqgrp = qgrp;
8487 ** qgrp -- queue group for the item
8500 quarantine_queue_item(qgrp, qdir, e, reason)
8501 int qgrp;
8864 int qgrp;
8876 for (qgrp = 0; qgrp < NumQueue && Queue[qgrp] != NULL; qgrp++)
8880 if (qgrplimit != NOQGRP && qgrplimit != qgrp)
8883 for (qdir = 0; qdir < Queue[qgrp]->qg_numqueues; qdir++)
8891 nrequests = gatherq(qgrp, qdir, true, NULL, NULL, NULL);
8900 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir));
8909 qid_printqueue(qgrp, qdir));
8922 e.e_qgrp = qgrp;
8931 else if (quarantine_queue_item(qgrp, qdir,