Lines Matching defs:u32

113 typedef	u_int32_t u32;
234 #define sym_set_bit(p, n) (((u32 *)(p))[(n)>>5] |= (1<<((n)&0x1f)))
235 #define sym_clr_bit(p, n) (((u32 *)(p))[(n)>>5] &= ~(1<<((n)&0x1f)))
236 #define sym_is_bit(p, n) (((u32 *)(p))[(n)>>5] & (1<<((n)&0x1f)))
1077 u32 luntbl_sa; /* bus address of this table */
1078 u32 lun0_sa; /* bus address of LCB #0 */
1104 u32 *luntbl; /* LCBs bus address table */
1119 u32 lun_map[(SYM_CONF_MAX_LUN+31)/32];
1125 u32 busy0_map[(SYM_CONF_MAX_LUN+31)/32];
1175 /*0*/ u32 resel_sa;
1181 u32 itl_task_sa;
1186 u32 itlq_tbl_sa;
1204 u32 *itlq_tbl; /* Kernel virtual address */
1237 u32 start; /* Jumped by SCRIPTS after selection */
1238 u32 restart; /* Jumped by SCRIPTS on relection */
1250 u32 ret; /* SCRIPT return address */
1330 u32 savep; /* Jump address to saved data pointer */
1331 u32 lastp; /* SCRIPTS address at end of data */
1332 u32 goalp; /* Not accessed for now from SCRIPTS */
1402 u32 extra_bytes; /* Extraneous bytes transferred */
1436 u32 ccb_ba; /* BUS address of this CCB */
1444 u32 startp; /* Initial data pointer */
1480 u32 *badluntbl; /* Table physical address */
1481 u32 badlun_sa; /* SCRIPT handler BUS address */
1486 u32 hcb_ba;
1493 u32 scr_ram_seg;
1530 u32 *targtbl;
1531 u32 targtbl_ba;
1616 u32 clock_khz; /* SCSI clock frequency in KHz */
1617 u32 pciclk_khz; /* Estimated PCI clock in KHz */
1624 u32 *squeue; /* Start queue virtual address */
1625 u32 squeue_ba; /* Start queue BUS address */
1635 u32 *dqueue; /* Completion (done) queue */
1636 u32 dqueue_ba; /* Done queue BUS address */
1645 u32 lastmsg; /* Last SCSI message sent */
1654 u32 cache; /* Used for cache test at init. */
1893 sym_fw_fill_data (u32 *in, u32 *out)
1912 u32 *pa;
1921 pa = (u32 *) &np->fwa_bas;
1922 for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(np->fwa_bas)/sizeof(u32) ; i++)
1929 pa = (u32 *) &np->fwb_bas;
1930 for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(np->fwb_bas)/sizeof(u32) ; i++)
2005 static void sym_fw_bind_script (hcb_p np, u32 *start, int len)
2007 u32 opcode, new, old, tmp1, tmp2;
2008 u32 *end, *cur;
2220 static int sym_evaluate_dp (hcb_p np, ccb_p cp, u32 scr, int *ofs);
2234 static ccb_p sym_ccb_from_dsa (hcb_p np, u32 dsa);
2378 static const u32 div_10M[] =
2484 u32 period;
2998 u32 term;
3059 u32 dsa;
3114 u32 phys;
3337 u32 clk = np->clock_khz; /* SCSI clock frequency in kHz */
3339 u32 fak; /* Sync factor in sxfer */
3340 u32 per; /* Period in tenths of ns */
3341 u32 kpc; /* (per * clk) */
3688 u32 dsp;
3727 scr_to_cpu((int) *(u32 *)(script_base + script_ofs)));
4000 u32 dsp = INL (nc_dsp);
4001 u32 dsa = INL (nc_dsa);
4051 u32 dsp = INL (nc_dsp);
4125 u32 dsp = INL (nc_dsp);
4126 u32 dbc = INL (nc_dbc);
4127 u32 dsa = INL (nc_dsa);
4205 u32 dbc;
4206 u32 rest;
4207 u32 dsp;
4208 u32 dsa;
4209 u32 nxtdsp;
4210 u32 *vdsp;
4211 u32 oadr, olen;
4212 u32 *tblp;
4213 u32 newcmd;
4245 u32 dfifo;
4303 vdsp = (u32 *)((char*)np->scripta0 + (dsp-np->scripta_ba-8));
4308 vdsp = (u32 *)((char*)np->scriptb0 + (dsp-np->scriptb_ba-8));
4338 tblp = (u32 *) ((char*) &cp->phys + oadr);
4342 tblp = (u32 *) 0;
4428 u32 tmp;
4659 u32 startp;
5259 static int sym_evaluate_dp(hcb_p np, ccb_p cp, u32 scr, int *ofs)
5261 u32 dp_scr;
5379 u32 dp_scr = INL (nc_temp);
5380 u32 dp_ret;
5381 u32 tmp;
5999 u32 dsa = INL (nc_dsa);
6557 static ccb_p sym_ccb_from_dsa(hcb_p np, u32 dsa)
6707 register volatile u32 data;
6731 u32 sym_rd, sym_wr, sym_bk, host_rd, host_wr, pc, dstat;
7629 u32 cmd_ba;
7654 cmd_ba = ((u32)csio->cdb_io.cdb_ptr) & 0xffffffff;
7678 u32 lastp, goalp;
8104 sym_async(void *cb_arg, u32 code, struct cam_path *path, void *args __unused)
8591 np->squeue = (u32 *) sym_calloc_dma(sizeof(u32)*(MAX_QUEUE*2),"SQUEUE");
8599 np->dqueue = (u32 *) sym_calloc_dma(sizeof(u32)*(MAX_QUEUE*2),"DQUEUE");
8607 np->targtbl = (u32 *) sym_calloc_dma(256, "TARGTBL");
8665 sym_fw_bind_script(np, (u32 *) np->scripta0, np->scripta_sz);
8666 sym_fw_bind_script(np, (u32 *) np->scriptb0, np->scriptb_sz);
8798 sym_mfree_dma(np->squeue, sizeof(u32)*(MAX_QUEUE*2), "SQUEUE");
8800 sym_mfree_dma(np->dqueue, sizeof(u32)*(MAX_QUEUE*2), "DQUEUE");