Lines Matching refs:rax

39 //	mov    $100, %rax
40 // delay %rax
650 // return: %rax
654 movq %rsi, %rax // "d"
656 xaddq %rax,(%rdi)
739 // return: %rax
743 movq %rsi, %rax // "d"
746 xchgq %rax,(%rdi)
771 andq $1, %rax // sign extend previous instruction for return value
796 andq $1, %rax // sign extend previous instruction for return value
821 andq $1, %rax // sign extend previous instruction for return value
841 movq %rsi, %rax // "cv"
844 sete %al // if %rax == (%rdi) set %al = 1 else set %al = 0
845 andq $1, %rax // sign extend previous instruction for return value
933 movq %rsi, %rax // "cv"
986 movd %xmm0, %rax // load "data" to rax
989 xchgq %rax, (%rdi)
991 movd %rax, %xmm0 // load old value into return register
1034 // %rax: used all over the place
1064 movq %rcx, %rax // Stack alignment calculation begins; argc -> %rax
1066 subq $4, %rax // subtract four args passed in registers to pkfn
1071 movq %rbx, %rax // zero negative value in %rax <- max(0, argc-4)
1074 cmovsq %rbx, %rax // zero negative value in %rax <- max(0, argc-4)
1077 movq %rax, %rsi // save max(0, argc-4) -> %rsi for later
1078 shlq $3, %rax // Number of bytes used on stack: max(0, argc-4)*8
1081 subq %rax, %rdx // %rsp-(max(0,argc-4)*8) -> %rdx --
1083 movq %rdx, %rax // Save to %rax
1085 andq $0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF80, %rax // mask off lower 7 bits (128 bytes align)
1086 subq %rax, %rdx // Amount to subtract from %rsp
1091 movq %rcx, %rax // argc -> %rax
1125 cmpq $4, %rax // argc >= 4?
1132 cmpq $3, %rax // argc >= 3?
1139 cmpq $2, %rax // argc >= 2?
1146 cmpq $1, %rax // argc >= 1?
1153 cmpq $4, %rax // argc >= 4?
1156 cmpq $3, %rax // argc >= 3?
1159 cmpq $2, %rax // argc >= 2?
1162 cmpq $1, %rax // argc >= 1?
1167 movq $1, %rax // move 1 into return register;
1184 orq %rdx, %rax