Lines Matching refs:SBAddress

1 //===-- SWIG Interface for SBAddress ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
14 The SBAddress class allows addresses to be relative to a section
42 See docstring of SBFunction for example usage of SBAddress."
43 ) SBAddress;
44 class SBAddress
48 SBAddress ();
50 SBAddress (const lldb::SBAddress &rhs);
52 SBAddress (lldb::SBSection section,
56 Create an address by resolving a load address using the supplied target.") SBAddress;
57 SBAddress (lldb::addr_t load_addr, lldb::SBTarget &target);
59 ~SBAddress ();
75 bool operator!=(const SBAddress &rhs) const;
100 SBAddress::GetOffset ();
111 or data address using 'void SBAddress::SetLoadAddress(...)' or
112 'lldb::SBAddress SBTarget::ResolveLoadAddress (...)'.") GetSymbolContext;
121 lldb::SBSymbolContext SBAddress::GetSymbolContext (uint32_t resolve_scope);
122 lldb::SBSymbolContext SBTarget::ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (const SBAddress &addr, uint32_t resolve_scope);
148 '''Get the load address for a lldb.SBAddress using the current target.'''
152 '''Set the load address for a lldb.SBAddress using the current target.'''
179 load_addr = property(__get_load_addr_property__, __set_load_addr_property__, doc='''A read/write property that gets/sets the SBAddress using load address. The setter resolves SBAddress using the SBTarget from so this property can ONLY be used in the interactive script interpreter (i.e. under the lldb script command) and not in Python based commands, or breakpoint commands.''')