Lines Matching defs:lines

96 static int	lines;		/* number of lines per page */
232 if (inskip(inf, pgnm, lines))
254 while (linecnt < lines) {
295 if (linecnt && prtail(lines-linecnt-lrgln, lrgln))
352 if ((buf = malloc((unsigned)lines*mxlen*sizeof(char))) == NULL) {
371 mvc = lines * clcnt;
381 if ((lstdat = (char **)malloc((unsigned)lines*sizeof(char *))) == NULL){
387 * fast index lookups to locate start of lines
389 if ((indy = (int *)malloc((unsigned)lines*sizeof(int))) == NULL) {
393 if ((lindy = (int *)malloc((unsigned)lines*sizeof(int))) == NULL) {
406 for (j = 0; j < lines; ++j) {
426 if (inskip(inf, pgnm, lines))
503 if (++j >= lines)
512 * the min number of lines. The last page may not have
580 if (prtail((lines - pln), 0))
589 * determine how many lines to output
592 pln = lines;
616 if (pln && prtail((lines - pln), 0))
682 if (inskip(inf, pgnm, lines))
698 for (i = 0; i < lines; ++i) {
758 if (i && prtail(lines-i, 0))
832 if (pgnm && (inskip(fbuf[j], pgnm, lines)))
888 for (i = 0; i < lines; ++i) {
974 if (i && prtail(lines-i, 0))
984 * inln(): input a line of data (unlimited length lines supported)
1089 * otln(): output a line of data. (Supports unlimited length lines)
1094 * svips: buffer input column position (for large lines)
1095 * svops: buffer output column position (for large lines)
1229 * inskip(): skip over pgcnt pages with lncnt lines per page
1234 * lncnt number of lines per page
1449 * prtail(): pad page with empty lines (if required) and print page trailer
1452 * cnt number of lines of padding needed
1486 * if an odd number of lines per page, add an extra \n
1669 if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*eoptarg) || ((lines=atoi(eoptarg)) < 1)) {
1671 "pr: number of lines must be 1 or more\n",err);
1798 if (!lines)
1799 lines = LINES;
1804 if (lines <= HEADLEN + TAILLEN)
1807 lines -= HEADLEN + TAILLEN;
1813 if (lines == 1)
1816 if (lines & 1)
1818 lines /= 2;