Lines Matching defs:sqlite3_shutdown

1616 ** SQLite library.  ^The sqlite3_shutdown() routine
1625 ** following a call to sqlite3_shutdown(). ^(Only an effective call
1629 ** A call to sqlite3_shutdown() is an "effective" call if it is the first
1630 ** call to sqlite3_shutdown() since the last sqlite3_initialize(). ^(Only
1631 ** an effective call to sqlite3_shutdown() does any deinitialization.
1632 ** All other valid calls to sqlite3_shutdown() are harmless no-ops.)^
1634 ** The sqlite3_initialize() interface is threadsafe, but sqlite3_shutdown()
1635 ** is not. The sqlite3_shutdown() interface must only be called from a
1638 ** sqlite3_shutdown().
1641 ** sqlite3_os_init(). Similarly, ^sqlite3_shutdown()
1674 ** sqlite3_initialize() and sqlite3_shutdown(). The sqlite3_os_init()
1676 ** sqlite3_os_end() is called by sqlite3_shutdown(). Appropriate
1688 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_shutdown(void);
1705 ** [sqlite3_initialize()] or after shutdown by [sqlite3_shutdown()].
1707 ** [sqlite3_shutdown()] then it will return SQLITE_MISUSE.
1786 ** [sqlite3_shutdown()] and should deallocate any resources acquired
1792 ** xShutdown method is only called from [sqlite3_shutdown()] so it does
5959 ** part of system shutdown by the sqlite3_shutdown() function. The
5963 ** interface is invoked exactly once for each call to [sqlite3_shutdown()].
5997 ** ^SQLite will invoke the xMutexEnd() method when [sqlite3_shutdown()] is
6491 ** ^The xShutdown() method is called by [sqlite3_shutdown()].
6498 ** xShutdown method is only called from [sqlite3_shutdown()] so it does
17869 ** of the sqlite3_initialize and sqlite3_shutdown()
110231 ** or for the first call after a call to sqlite3_shutdown.
110402 SQLITE_API int sqlite3_shutdown(void){