Lines Matching refs:u_short

48 	u_short sync;		/* (JUPITER_SYNC) */
49 u_short id; /* message id */
50 u_short len; /* number of data short wordss (w/o cksum) */
53 u_short hsum; /* header cksum */
70 u_short trigger; /* if 0, trigger on time trigger on
72 u_short interval; /* frequency in seconds */
73 u_short offset; /* offset into minute */
74 u_short dsum; /* checksum */
79 u_short stime[2]; /* set time (10 ms ticks) */
80 u_short seq; /* sequence number */
81 u_short sseq; /* sat measurement sequence number */
82 u_short navval; /* navigation soltuion validity */
83 u_short navtype; /* navigation solution type */
84 u_short nmeas; /* # of measurements used in solution */
85 u_short polar; /* if 1 then polar navigation */
86 u_short gweek; /* GPS week number */
87 u_short sweek[2]; /* GPS seconds into week */
88 u_short nsweek[2]; /* GPS nanoseconds into second */
89 u_short utcday; /* 1 to 31 */
90 u_short utcmon; /* 1 to 12 */
91 u_short utcyear; /* 1980 to 2079 */
92 u_short utchour; /* 0 to 23 */
93 u_short utcmin; /* 0 to 59 */
94 u_short utcsec; /* 0 to 59 */
95 u_short utcnsec[2]; /* 0 to 999999999 */
96 u_short lat[2]; /* latitude (radians) */
97 u_short lon[2]; /* longitude (radians) */
98 u_short height[2]; /* height (meters) */
99 u_short gsep; /* geoidal separation */
100 u_short speed[2]; /* ground speed (meters/sec) */
101 u_short course; /* true course (radians) */
102 u_short mvar;
103 u_short climb;
104 u_short mapd;
105 u_short herr[2];
106 u_short verr[2];
107 u_short terr[2];
108 u_short hverr;
109 u_short bias[2];
110 u_short biassd[2];
111 u_short drift[2];
112 u_short driftsd[2];
113 u_short dsum; /* checksum */
123 u_short stime[2]; /* set time (10 ms ticks) */
124 u_short seq; /* sequence number */
125 u_short sseq; /* sat measurement sequence number */
126 u_short gweek; /* GPS week number */
127 u_short sweek[2]; /* GPS seconds into week */
128 u_short gpsns[2]; /* GPS nanoseconds from epoch */
130 u_short flags; /* flags */
131 u_short prn; /* satellite PRN */
132 u_short chan; /* channel number */
134 u_short dsum;
139 u_short stime[2]; /* set time (10 ms ticks) */
140 u_short seq; /* sequence number */
141 u_short gdop; /* best possible GDOP */
142 u_short pdop; /* best possible PDOP */
143 u_short hdop; /* best possible HDOP */
144 u_short vdop; /* best possible VDOP */
145 u_short tdop; /* best possible TDOP */
146 u_short nvis; /* number of visible satellites */
148 u_short prn; /* satellite PRN */
149 u_short azi; /* satellite azimuth (radians) */
150 u_short elev; /* satellite elevation (radians) */
152 u_short dsum; /* checksum */
157 u_short stime[2]; /* set time (10 ms ticks) */
158 u_short seq; /* sequence number */
164 u_short dsum; /* checksum */
169 u_short stime[2]; /* set time (10 ms ticks) */
170 u_short seq; /* sequence number */
171 u_short status; /* operatinoal status */
172 u_short coldtmo; /* cold start time-out */
173 u_short dgpstmo; /* DGPS correction time-out*/
174 u_short emask; /* elevation mask */
175 u_short selcand[2]; /* selected candidate */
176 u_short solflags; /* solution validity criteria */
177 u_short nsat; /* number of satellites in track */
178 u_short herr[2]; /* minimum expected horizontal error */
179 u_short verr[2]; /* minimum expected vertical error */
180 u_short platform; /* application platform */
181 u_short dsum; /* checksum */
186 u_short stime[2]; /* set time (10 ms ticks) */
187 u_short seq; /* sequence number */
188 u_short reserved[5];
189 u_short sweek[2]; /* GPS seconds into week */
191 u_short offns[2]; /* GPS to UTC offset (nanoseconds) */
192 u_short flags; /* flags */
193 u_short dsum; /* checksum */
200 u_short stime[2]; /* set time (10 ms ticks) */
201 u_short seq; /* sequence number */
204 u_short dsum; /* checksum */
209 u_short seq; /* sequence number */
210 u_short flags;
211 u_short dsum; /* checksum */
220 u_short flags;
221 u_short gweek; /* GPS week number */
222 u_short sweek[2]; /* GPS seconds into week */
223 u_short utcday; /* 1 to 31 */
224 u_short utcmon; /* 1 to 12 */
225 u_short utcyear; /* 1980 to 2079 */
226 u_short utchour; /* 0 to 23 */
227 u_short utcmin; /* 0 to 59 */
228 u_short utcsec; /* 0 to 59 */
229 u_short lat[2]; /* latitude (radians) */
230 u_short lon[2]; /* longitude (radians) */
231 u_short height[2]; /* height (meters) */
232 u_short speed[2]; /* ground speed (meters/sec) */
233 u_short course; /* true course (radians) */
234 u_short climb;
235 u_short dsum;
248 u_short seq; /* sequence number */
249 u_short platform; /* application platform */
250 u_short dsum;