Lines Matching defs:PROTO

118 #ifndef PROTO
120 #define PROTO(proto) proto
122 #define PROTO(proto) ()
679 void *allocate_array PROTO ((int, size_t));
680 void *reallocate_array PROTO ((void *, int, size_t));
682 void *flex_alloc PROTO ((size_t));
683 void *flex_realloc PROTO ((void *, size_t));
684 void flex_free PROTO ((void *));
742 extern void ccladd PROTO ((int, int)); /* add a single character to a ccl */
743 extern int cclinit PROTO ((void)); /* make an empty ccl */
744 extern void cclnegate PROTO ((int)); /* negate a ccl */
749 extern void list_character_set PROTO ((FILE *, int[]));
755 extern void check_for_backing_up PROTO ((int, int[]));
758 extern void check_trailing_context PROTO ((int *, int, int *, int));
761 extern int *epsclosure PROTO ((int *, int *, int[], int *, int *));
764 extern void increase_max_dfas PROTO ((void));
766 extern void ntod PROTO ((void)); /* convert a ndfa to a dfa */
769 extern int snstods PROTO ((int[], int, int[], int, int, int *));
775 extern void ccl2ecl PROTO ((void));
778 extern int cre8ecs PROTO ((int[], int[], int));
781 extern void mkeccl PROTO ((Char[], int, int[], int[], int, int));
784 extern void mkechar PROTO ((int, int[], int[]));
789 extern void do_indent PROTO ((void)); /* indent to the current level */
792 extern void gen_backing_up PROTO ((void));
795 extern void gen_bu_action PROTO ((void));
798 extern void genctbl PROTO ((void));
801 extern void gen_find_action PROTO ((void));
803 extern void genftbl PROTO ((void)); /* generate full transition table */
806 extern void gen_next_compressed_state PROTO ((char *));
809 extern void gen_next_match PROTO ((void));
812 extern void gen_next_state PROTO ((int));
815 extern void gen_NUL_trans PROTO ((void));
818 extern void gen_start_state PROTO ((void));
821 extern void gentabs PROTO ((void));
824 extern void indent_put2s PROTO ((const char *, const char *));
827 extern void indent_puts PROTO ((const char *));
829 extern void make_tables PROTO ((void)); /* generate transition tables */
834 extern void check_options PROTO ((void));
835 extern void flexend PROTO ((int));
836 extern void usage PROTO ((void));
842 extern void action_define PROTO ((const char *defname, int value));
845 extern void add_action PROTO ((const char *new_text));
848 extern int all_lower PROTO ((char *));
851 extern int all_upper PROTO ((char *));
854 extern int intcmp PROTO ((const void *, const void *));
857 extern void check_char PROTO ((int c));
860 extern Char clower PROTO ((int));
863 extern char *copy_string PROTO ((const char *));
866 extern Char *copy_unsigned_string PROTO ((Char *));
869 extern int cclcmp PROTO ((const void *, const void *));
872 extern void dataend PROTO ((void));
875 extern void dataflush PROTO ((void));
878 extern void flexerror PROTO ((const char *));
881 extern void flexfatal PROTO ((const char *));
905 extern int htoi PROTO ((Char[]));
908 extern void lerrif PROTO ((const char *, int));
911 extern void lerrsf PROTO ((const char *, const char *));
914 extern void lerrsf_fatal PROTO ((const char *, const char *));
917 extern void line_directive_out PROTO ((FILE *, int));
922 extern void mark_defs1 PROTO ((void));
925 extern void mark_prolog PROTO ((void));
928 extern void mk2data PROTO ((int));
930 extern void mkdata PROTO ((int)); /* generate a data statement */
933 extern int myctoi PROTO ((const char *));
936 extern Char myesc PROTO ((Char[]));
939 extern int otoi PROTO ((Char[]));
942 extern void out PROTO ((const char *));
943 extern void out_dec PROTO ((const char *, int));
944 extern void out_dec2 PROTO ((const char *, int, int));
945 extern void out_hex PROTO ((const char *, unsigned int));
946 extern void out_str PROTO ((const char *, const char *));
948 PROTO ((const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *));
949 extern void out_str_dec PROTO ((const char *, const char *, int));
950 extern void outc PROTO ((int));
951 extern void outn PROTO ((const char *));
957 extern char *readable_form PROTO ((int));
960 extern void skelout PROTO ((void));
963 extern void transition_struct_out PROTO ((int, int));
966 extern void *yy_flex_xmalloc PROTO ((int));
969 extern void zero_out PROTO ((char *, size_t));
975 extern void add_accept PROTO ((int, int));
978 extern int copysingl PROTO ((int, int));
981 extern void dumpnfa PROTO ((int));
984 extern void finish_rule PROTO ((int, int, int, int, int));
987 extern int link_machines PROTO ((int, int));
992 extern void mark_beginning_as_normal PROTO ((int));
995 extern int mkbranch PROTO ((int, int));
997 extern int mkclos PROTO ((int)); /* convert a machine into a closure */
998 extern int mkopt PROTO ((int)); /* make a machine optional */
1001 extern int mkor PROTO ((int, int));
1004 extern int mkposcl PROTO ((int));
1006 extern int mkrep PROTO ((int, int, int)); /* make a replicated machine */
1009 extern int mkstate PROTO ((int));
1011 extern void new_rule PROTO ((void)); /* initialize for a new rule */
1017 extern void build_eof_action PROTO ((void));
1020 extern void format_pinpoint_message PROTO ((const char *, const char *));
1023 extern void pinpoint_message PROTO ((const char *));
1026 extern void line_warning PROTO ((const char *, int));
1029 extern void line_pinpoint PROTO ((const char *, int));
1032 extern void format_synerr PROTO ((const char *, const char *));
1033 extern void synerr PROTO ((const char *)); /* report a syntax error */
1034 extern void format_warn PROTO ((const char *, const char *));
1035 extern void warn PROTO ((const char *)); /* report a warning */
1036 extern void yyerror PROTO ((const char *)); /* report a parse error */
1037 extern int yyparse PROTO ((void)); /* the YACC parser */
1043 extern int flexscan PROTO ((void));
1046 extern void set_input_file PROTO ((char *));
1049 extern int yywrap PROTO ((void));
1055 extern void cclinstal PROTO ((Char[], int));
1058 extern int ccllookup PROTO ((Char[]));
1060 extern void ndinstal PROTO ((const char *, Char[])); /* install a name definition */
1061 extern Char *ndlookup PROTO ((const char *)); /* lookup a name definition */
1064 extern void scextend PROTO ((void));
1065 extern void scinstal PROTO ((const char *, int)); /* make a start condition */
1068 extern int sclookup PROTO ((const char *));
1074 extern void bldtbl PROTO ((int[], int, int, int, int));
1076 extern void cmptmps PROTO ((void)); /* compress template table entries */
1077 extern void expand_nxt_chk PROTO ((void)); /* increase nxt/chk arrays */
1080 extern int find_table_space PROTO ((int *, int));
1081 extern void inittbl PROTO ((void)); /* initialize transition tables */
1084 extern void mkdeftbl PROTO ((void));
1089 extern void mk1tbl PROTO ((int, int, int, int));
1092 extern void place_state PROTO ((int *, int, int));
1095 extern void stack1 PROTO ((int, int, int, int));
1100 extern int yylex PROTO ((void));
1110 extern void buf_init PROTO ((struct Buf * buf, size_t elem_size));
1111 extern void buf_destroy PROTO ((struct Buf * buf));
1113 PROTO ((struct Buf * buf, const void *ptr, int n_elem));
1114 extern struct Buf *buf_concat PROTO((struct Buf* dest, const struct Buf* src));
1115 extern struct Buf *buf_strappend PROTO ((struct Buf *, const char *str));
1117 PROTO ((struct Buf *, const char *str, int nchars));
1119 PROTO ((struct Buf * buf, const char *str, const char *def));
1120 extern struct Buf *buf_prints PROTO((struct Buf *buf, const char *fmt, const char* s));
1121 extern struct Buf *buf_m4_define PROTO((struct Buf *buf, const char* def, const char* val));
1122 extern struct Buf *buf_m4_undefine PROTO((struct Buf *buf, const char* def));
1123 extern struct Buf *buf_print_strings PROTO((struct Buf * buf, FILE* out));
1124 extern struct Buf *buf_linedir PROTO((struct Buf *buf, const char* filename, int lineno));
1186 extern struct filter *filter_create_ext PROTO((struct filter * chain, const char *cmd, ...));
1187 struct filter *filter_create_int PROTO((struct filter *chain,
1190 extern bool filter_apply_chain PROTO((struct filter * chain));
1192 extern int filter_tee_header PROTO((struct filter *chain));
1193 extern int filter_fix_linedirs PROTO((struct filter *chain));