Lines Matching defs:IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor

34 /*! @class IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor : public IOMemoryDescriptor
35 @abstract The IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor object describes a memory area made up of portions of several other IOMemoryDescriptors.
36 @discussion The IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor object represents interleaved ranges of memory, specified as an ordered list of portions of individual IOMemoryDescriptors. The portions are chained end-to-end to make up a single contiguous buffer. */
38 class IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor : public IOMemoryDescriptor
40 OSDeclareDefaultStructors(IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor);
56 @abstract Create an IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor to describe a memory area made up of several other IOMemoryDescriptors.
57 @discussion This method creates and initializes an IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor for memory consisting of portions of a number of other IOMemoryDescriptors, chained end-to-end (in the order they appear in the array) to represent a single contiguous memory buffer.
58 @param capacity The maximum number of IOMemoryDescriptors that may be subsequently added to this IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor.
60 @result The created IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor on success, to be released by the caller, or zero on failure. */
62 static IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor * withCapacity( IOByteCount capacity,
66 @abstract Initialize an IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor to describe a memory area made up of several other IOMemoryDescriptors.
67 @discussion This method initializes an IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor for memory consisting of portions of a number of other IOMemoryDescriptors, chained end-to-end (in the order they appear in the array) to represent a single contiguous memory buffer.
68 @param capacity The maximum number of IOMemoryDescriptors that may be subsequently added to this IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor.
70 @result The created IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor on success, to be released by the caller, or zero on failure. */
76 @abstract Clear all of the IOMemoryDescriptors currently contained in and reset the IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor.
77 @discussion Clears each IOMemoryDescriptor by completing (if needed) and releasing. The IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor is then reset and may accept new descriptors up to the capacity specified when it was created.
83 @abstract Add a portion of an IOMemoryDescriptor to the IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor.
84 @discussion This method adds the portion of an IOMemoryDescriptor described by the offset and length parameters to the end of the IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor. A single IOMemoryDescriptor may be added as many times as there is room for it. The offset and length must describe a portion entirely within the IOMemoryDescriptor.
85 @param descriptor An IOMemoryDescriptor to be added to the IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor. Its direction must be compatible with that of the IOInterleavedMemoryDescriptor.