Lines Matching refs:dn_flow_set

234 static void cp_flow_set_to_64_user(struct dn_flow_set *set, struct dn_flow_set_64 *fs_bp);
237 static char* dn_copy_set_64(struct dn_flow_set *set, char *bp);
240 static void cp_flow_set_to_32_user(struct dn_flow_set *set, struct dn_flow_set_32 *fs_bp);
243 static char* dn_copy_set_32(struct dn_flow_set *set, char *bp);
359 cp_flow_set_to_32_user(struct dn_flow_set *set, struct dn_flow_set_32 *fs_bp)
389 cp_flow_set_to_64_user(struct dn_flow_set *set, struct dn_flow_set_64 *fs_bp)
487 * first field in dn_pipe and dn_flow_set. The correct
488 * solution would be to move the dn_flow_set to the beginning
528 * first field in dn_pipe and dn_flow_set. The correct
529 * solution would be to move the dn_flow_set to the beginning
906 struct dn_flow_set *fs = q->fs;
1207 expire_queues(struct dn_flow_set *fs)
1242 create_queue(struct dn_flow_set *fs, int i)
1275 find_queue(struct dn_flow_set *fs, struct ip_flow_id *id)
1382 red_drops(struct dn_flow_set *fs, struct dn_flow_queue *q, int len)
1484 struct dn_flow_set *
1487 struct dn_flow_set *fs;
1531 struct dn_flow_set *fs = NULL;
1822 purge_flow_set(struct dn_flow_set *fs, int all)
1887 struct dn_flow_set *fs, *fs1;
1909 SLIST_REMOVE(&flowsethash[i], fs, dn_flow_set, next);
1923 dn_ipfw_rule_delete_fs(struct dn_flow_set *fs, void *r)
1945 struct dn_flow_set *fs ;
1953 * If the rule references a queue (dn_flow_set), then scan
1978 config_red(struct dn_flow_set *p, struct dn_flow_set * x)
2029 alloc_hash(struct dn_flow_set *x, struct dn_flow_set *pfs)
2054 set_fs_parms(struct dn_flow_set *x, struct dn_flow_set *src)
2082 struct dn_flow_set *pfs = &(p->fs);
2146 struct dn_flow_set *x, *b ;
2157 x = _MALLOC(sizeof(struct dn_flow_set), M_DUMMYNET, M_DONTWAIT | M_ZERO);
2200 fs_remove_from_heap(struct dn_heap *h, struct dn_flow_set *fs)
2239 struct dn_flow_set *fs;
2279 struct dn_flow_set *fs;
2316 } else { /* this is a WF2Q queue (dn_flow_set) */
2317 struct dn_flow_set *b;
2333 SLIST_REMOVE( &flowsethash[HASH(b->fs_nr)], b, dn_flow_set, next);
2354 char* dn_copy_set_32(struct dn_flow_set *set, char *bp)
2384 char* dn_copy_set_64(struct dn_flow_set *set, char *bp)
2417 struct dn_flow_set *set ;
2455 struct dn_flow_set *set ;