Lines Matching defs:foundData

122 	HFSPlusExtentRecord		foundData,
213 // foundData The extent record actually found (NOTE: on an HFS volume, the
224 HFSPlusExtentRecord foundData,
287 foundData[0].startBlock = extentData[0].startBlock;
288 foundData[0].blockCount = extentData[0].blockCount;
289 foundData[1].startBlock = extentData[1].startBlock;
290 foundData[1].blockCount = extentData[1].blockCount;
291 foundData[2].startBlock = extentData[2].startBlock;
292 foundData[2].blockCount = extentData[2].blockCount;
296 foundData[i].startBlock = 0;
297 foundData[i].blockCount = 0;
338 BlockMoveData(&extentData, foundData, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));
489 HFSPlusExtentRecord foundData;
503 err = SearchExtentFile(vcb, fcb, offset, &foundKey, foundData, &foundIndex, &hint, &nextFABN);
505 startBlock = foundData[foundIndex].startBlock;
506 firstFABN = nextFABN - foundData[foundIndex].blockCount;
874 HFSPlusExtentRecord foundData;
884 error = SearchExtentFile(vcb, fcb, peof-1, &foundKey, foundData, &foundIndex, &hint, &nextBlock);
891 if (foundData[foundIndex].blockCount != 0)
903 foundData[0].startBlock = startBlock;
904 foundData[0].blockCount = blockCount;
908 foundData[i].startBlock = 0;
909 foundData[i].blockCount = 0;
914 error = CreateExtentRecord(vcb, &foundKey, foundData, &hint);
921 foundData[foundIndex].startBlock = startBlock;
922 foundData[foundIndex].blockCount = blockCount;
923 error = UpdateExtentRecord(vcb, fcb, 0, &foundKey, foundData, hint);
952 HFSPlusExtentRecord foundData;
1077 err = SearchExtentFile(vcb, fcb, peof-1, &foundKey, foundData, &foundIndex, &hint, &nextBlock);
1158 startBlock = foundData[foundIndex].startBlock + foundData[foundIndex].blockCount;
1211 foundData[foundIndex].blockCount += actualNumBlocks;
1212 err = UpdateExtentRecord(vcb, fcb, 0, &foundKey, foundData, hint);
1219 if (foundData[foundIndex].blockCount != 0) // Is current extent free to use?
1238 foundData[0].startBlock = actualStartBlock;
1239 foundData[0].blockCount = actualNumBlocks;
1244 foundData[i].startBlock = 0;
1245 foundData[i].blockCount = 0;
1250 err = CreateExtentRecord(vcb, &foundKey, foundData, &hint);
1264 foundData[foundIndex].startBlock = actualStartBlock;
1265 foundData[foundIndex].blockCount = actualNumBlocks;
1266 err = UpdateExtentRecord(vcb, fcb, 0, &foundKey, foundData, hint);
1940 HFSExtentRecord foundData; // The extent data actually found
1951 btRecord.bufferAddress = &foundData;
1958 err = HFSPlusToHFSExtents(extentData, (HFSExtentDescriptor *)&foundData);
1965 HFSPlusExtentRecord foundData; // The extent data actually found
1972 btRecord.bufferAddress = &foundData;
1979 BlockMoveData(extentData, &foundData, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));