Lines Matching defs:extents

47 					Compare two extents file keys (a search key and a trial
49 adding, or deleting keys in the extents file of an HFS
53 Compare two extents file keys (a search key and a trial
55 adding, or deleting keys in the extents file of an HFS+
67 Flush the extents file for a given volume.
76 Search the extents BTree for a particular extent record.
78 Search the FCB and extents file for an extent record that
84 Deallocate all allocation blocks in all extents of an extent
94 If the extent record came from the extents file, write out
96 the FCB resident extent record. If the record has no extents,
97 and was in the extents file, then delete the record instead.
134 HFSPlusExtentRecord extents,
140 HFSPlusExtentRecord extents);
199 // Purpose: Search the extents BTree for an extent record matching the given
354 HFSPlusExtentRecord extents,
374 * only occurs when the file already has overflow extents. So
375 * We need to make sure we have the lock here. The extents
396 err = HFSPlusToHFSExtents(extents, data);
400 btRecord.bufferAddress = extents;
571 // Function: Release the extents of a single extent data record.
622 // allocation blocks represented by the extents are deallocated.
643 HFSPlusExtentRecord extents;
648 * only occurs when the file already has overflow extents. So
649 * We need to make sure we have the lock here. The extents
656 err = FindExtentRecord(vcb, forkType, fileID, startBlock, false, &key, extents, &hint);
663 err = ReleaseExtents( vcb, extents, &numberExtentsReleased, &releasedLastExtent );
696 // Release the catalog extents
698 // Release the extra extents, if present
906 /* zero out remaining extents. */
1225 err = dskFulErr; // Oops. Can't extend extents file past first record.
1241 // zero out remaining extents...
1252 // We couldn't create an extent record because extents B-tree
1427 // Deallocate all the extents for this fork
1445 // in the found extent plus all previous extents.
1481 // Release all following extents in this extent record. Update the record.
1500 // If any of the extents in the current record were changed, then update that
1501 // record (in the FCB, or extents file).
1534 HFSPlusExtentRecord extents;
1557 * Process catalog resident extents
1562 break; /* end of extents */
1598 * Process overflow extents
1603 error = FindExtentRecord(vcb, forkType, fileID, startblk, false, NULL, extents, NULL);
1611 printf("hfs: HeadTruncateFile: problems finding extents %s (%d)\n",
1618 blkcnt = extents[i].blockCount;
1620 break; /* end of extents */
1623 error = BlockDeallocate(vcb, extents[i].startBlock, blkcnt, 0);
1631 tailExtents[j].startBlock = extents[i].startBlock;
1828 // in searching the extents file. Note that SearchExtentRecord left us pointing at
1834 err = fxRangeErr; // There are no more extents, so must be beyond PEOF
1849 // If we get here, the desired position is beyond the extents in the FCB, and there are no extents
1850 // in the extents file. Return the FCB's extents and a range error.
1856 // first SearchExtentRecord call in this function (when searching in the FCB's extents, and
1864 // If we found a record, then search it for the correct index into the extents.
1882 // If all of the extents are empty, and the extent record is in the
1883 // extents file, then the record is deleted.
1885 // Input: vcb - the volume containing the extents
1886 // fcb - the file that owns the extents
1889 // If the key length is 0, then the extents are actually part
1932 * overflow extents. So we need to make sure we have the lock
1933 * here. The extents btree lock can be nested (its recursive)
2003 // copy the first 3 extents
2013 DebugStr("ExtentRecord with > 3 extents is invalid for HFS");
2026 HFSPlusExtentRecord extents)
2029 BlockMoveData(fcb->fcbExtents, extents, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));
2093 HFSPlusExtentRecord extents;
2104 // check the local extents
2105 (void) GetFCBExtentRecord(fcb, extents);
2106 if ( !ExtentsAreIntegral(extents, mask, &blocksChecked, &lastExtentReached) )
2117 // check the overflow extents (if any)
2120 result = FindExtentRecord(vcb, kDataForkType, fcb->ff_cp->c_fileid, startBlock, FALSE, &key, extents, &hint);
2123 if ( !ExtentsAreIntegral(extents, mask, &blocksChecked, &lastExtentReached) ) {